Heavenly Star-Chapter 526

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Chapter 526

【 celebrate that the collection broke the 60000 mark and 4 small explosions.]

Ye Wuchen was completely stunned there. His soul flew away from his body for a moment, and suddenly woke up from the terrible nightmare. His face turned blue and his body trembled violently as if in the biting cold wind. He grabbed Ning Xue's arm and said in a completely deformed voice: "is it true... Is it true..."

The breath of Baixuan God disappeared, which means that it has been transmitted to the place pointed by the transmission array, where... At the cost of the destruction of the whole continent, he completed his destruction ceremony.

"Brother..." Ning Xue stroked his face, but found his body cold and terrible.

"Why is it there... Why... Fragrant! Xiangxiang! Let's go back!! Go back! "

Ye Wuchen roared wildly. He felt the power of Baixuan God as clearly. If all its power exploded, he had no doubt that it was the power that could completely turn the whole celestial continent into ashes. Tianchen continent... Even if other people die, it has nothing to do with him, but there are too many people he can't give up in his life. His wife, his sister, his parents, his friends, his confidants, his memories, his concerns... Everything about him

"Brother." Ning Xue hugged him tightly, but he was already crying. It's too late. When the breath of Baixuan God disappears, it's too late. In addition to the power that can surpass the Baixuan God, it is impossible to stop the explosion of the Baixuan God. With the power of her and ye Wuchen, it is impossible to stop it even with life. Even if you can... This is the land of God. The only way to go to the land of heaven is through the well of luntian. The well of luntian was just opened more than a month ago. The next time it is opened, even with holy power, it will take a year. It is impossible to return

That land is destined to turn into ashes in the explosion of Baixuan God... She can know what kind of pain ye Wuchen's heart is suffering at the moment, just as she can't breathe now.

She asked herself gently, if she chose again, would she struggle to be with him again, or would she obediently become a sacrifice to the white Xuan God... In that way, she and he would be separated forever, there would be no time to meet again, and the sky continent would not be destroyed

Quietly, when ye Wuchen roared to summon Xiangxiang, Xiangxiang had already stayed high above the sky, and she was still in the shape of the pocket girl. At this time, her arms were open, her eyes were closed, a pair of small snow feet, her toes naturally drooped, her perfect face was quiet and flawless, a head of snow-white hair danced without wind, and quietly danced more and more violently, The white light filled with more and more powerful space power is slowly amplified until it is tens of times the size of her body.

She has accumulated space power for such a long time.

Finally, her hands spread, and the white light covered herself, as well as ye Wuchen and frozen snow. When the white light dispersed, they had disappeared there.



Tianchen continent.

This day is destined to be recorded in history.

A month ago, a golden sun appeared in the sky and caused great panic in the spiritual world, but soon after, the golden sun disappeared there.

Today, a white sun appeared in the sky. Like the original golden sun, the white sun is also slowly magnifying. Because of its sudden appearance, the whole sky continent suddenly becomes bright. People go out of the house one after another, look at the sudden white sun in surprise, and talk about this strange spectacle in surprise.

Because the white sun did not bring a terrible pressure like the previous golden sun, but it made people feel very comfortable all over. The power of light is a holy and gentle power, which can slowly heal people's wounds and even disperse the dark side in people's hearts.

However, no one will think that this is an extremely terrible source of destruction. When the white sun explodes, the soft light will turn into the most violent disaster - the disaster of destroying the heaven and earth!

Far above the sky, the expanding white light is slowly falling, like a slowly falling balloon. Within the white light, the white doll has expanded to a height of nearly kilometers, and is still expanding rapidly... It will explode with time. The moment it exploded, it was the time of the destruction of the Tianchen continent.

Far below the white Xuan God, there suddenly flashed a moment of incomparably small white light. The air here makes ye Wuchen and Ning Xue know where they have been sent... But at the moment, they have no joy of returning here, and even have no time to wonder why Xiangxiang can transfer space directly from the land of God.

Far below, is the familiar earth, far above, is the source of destruction filled with the power of despair. In ye Wuchen's shrinking pupils, the white light expands in the falling, and may explode in his sight and destroy everything in the next second.

"Xiangxiang, your space ability... Can you... Transfer him to another space, the farther the better?" Ye Wuchen looked at the white Xuan God in the sky and said in a light floating tone. Because even he knew that this possibility could not exist

Xiangxiang blinked her flustered eyes and shook her head without thinking. Regardless of the huge volume that could not be transferred with her current ability, just its power, Xiangxiang's spatial power will be destroyed before it gets close.

They miraculously returned to the celestial continent, but after the miracle, there was still despair, white despair.

There is no choice, no method, no possibility. That is the power of the Xuan God, which the power of the whole heaven and earth can't resist.

What can be done?

Just watch it... Destroy all this?

But besides this, what else can I do

Hope, even if there is only a glimmer

But why can't I see the faint glimmer.

Will this be the greatest pain and despair of my life

Will you

This feeling of despair and powerlessness is so strong

If I didn't go to the land of God, none of this would happen, but I would lose Xueer and Tong heart forever

If I choose again

Oh, that's really a painful choice. I'll never make that choice.

If time can stop flowing, how good it would be to freeze at this moment. In that case, and Xueer will never be separated, and this land will never be destroyed


The white shadow is magnified in the pupil of the eye. Maybe it will explode in the next second, destroy him and the frozen snow, and destroy the heaven and earth. Ye Wuchen just stared, completely forgetting that he and Ning Xue would turn into ashes with Tianchen continent at any time, and forgetting to leave this space

And Ning Xue has been looking at him. Gradually, she suddenly smiled. She smiled very softly. Gently, she poured her body into his arms and said softly in his ear: "brother, hold me tight..."

The gentle voice awakened ye Wuchen from the desperate world of consciousness. His heart was full of trauma. Only the frozen snow around him was his greatest danger. He opened his arms to hold her tightly and felt the only warmth in the cold world.

"Brother, shall I take you to a place... Brother, believe me, believe your Xueer, don't refuse, OK?"

In ye Wuchen's blurred eyes, two white wings suddenly opened behind Ning Xue. She took his hand and flew high into the sky with him to the expanding white mysterious God.

The power of white is getting closer and closer, and the power of light is becoming stronger and stronger. Ye Wuchen's body is not immune to the light element. It could not be close to such a powerful light element. At this time, even if the surrounding world has completely turned into a white world, he still doesn't feel any discomfort, and some only have comfortable warmth.

The white Xuan God is getting closer and closer to them.

"Xueer, you..."

"Brother, close your eyes and don't open them, will you?"

The voice of Ning Xue is very soft. This is the first time ye Wuchen has heard her make such a soft voice. He closed his eyes.

On his body, there was a feeling of being held tightly by the frozen snow, a touch of greed on his lips, and warm water droplets hit his face. The next moment, he felt that his body seemed to be surrounded by something, and the surrounding space suddenly changed clearly... When he woke up from the short blur of consciousness, I felt that there was no frozen snow around me.

"Cher! Xueer... Where have you been? " Ye Wuchen fiercely opened his eyes and shouted blankly in panic.

This is a white world. It is pure white without any defects. In addition to itself, there is no trace of disharmony with white in the whole space. Moreover, this feeling... Is not only the existence of light power, but also like the soul space created by fragrant power.

"Brother, I'm here."

The soft voice came from above. As soon as ye Wuchen looked up, he saw the snow all over his body, which was almost integrated with the whole white world. Her pure white wings are open, her white hands are crossed on her chest and float there quietly, while her familiar eyes are gently closed at this time, and her whole body presents a complete stillness,

"Xueer..." ye Wuchen whispered softly, and was about to float to the sky.

"Brother, don't come here... Just look at me and talk to me, okay?"

Ye Wuchen's body stopped and looked up at the beautiful and frightening frozen snow over the sky. His heart seemed to be pressed with something, heavy and unable to breathe.

"Cher, where is this?" He asked, raising his head.

"This is the interior of the white Xuan God... Brother, do you believe it? The white Xuan God will no longer explode. Now I have controlled its consciousness. "

From the land of Tianchen continent, the white sun finally stopped expanding, and even the falling trend stopped. It just floated there quietly and waved a strong white light to the earth.

"You... Control the consciousness of the white Xuan God?" Ye Wuchen gently repeated a sentence, but there was no joy“ The source of the power of Baixuan God is light and life, and only I can control his consciousness and power. Brother, do you know that the chaotic pearl of light and the chaotic pearl of life have always been in my body. Even I am bred by the power of the two holy beads... Brother, will you like me as before? " She closed her eyes and put her hands on her chest. Keep this action from beginning to end. As if her body had been firmly fixed there by something and couldn't break free“ All I know is that you are my Xueer. " Ye Wuchen answered softly. Ning Xue smiled softly: "I really asked a silly question. I always know that no matter who I am and what I become, my brother will always be good to me... Never change in my life. Brother, I have another silly question to ask... Do you remember where we first met? "" Remember, I won't forget it all my life. " Ye Wuchen answered softly. Looking at the frozen snow at this time, he suddenly had an unspeakable stabbing pain in his heart“ Hee, I know that my brother, like me, will never forget... Not only the first meeting, but also every day with my brother is a memory I will always miss. That year, by a clear stream, my brother took my hand and said to protect me all my life. That day, because of my brother, I had a name... Ningxue. This is my brother's name for me. No matter what my name used to be, I always hope others only call me 'Ningxue'. Brother, you know, the night I slept with you for the first time, I secretly vowed that I would never leave you unless you didn't want me... I was really simple at that time, but that was an oath I would never want to betray and never regret in my life... "Ye Wuchen:" Xueer... "" Tianchen continent is here, My brother and I met here. I had a name, a home, a sister and many friends... My brother would take me where I wanted to go, take me to eat what I wanted, teach me to write and draw, dress and bathe me... Now I think that every day at that time was like a dream... "Brother..."... "There, With the best memories of me and my brother, the most important relatives and everything of me and my brother, how can I... Be willing to let this land disappear... "..." "so..." "brother..." "please..."... "Kill me..." -- {thank you for your support, Your support is our biggest motivation}