GREED: ALL FOR WHAT?-Chapter 38 The Death Of Gehaldirah Oakstein.
Back in High life Plane. At the location of Gehald's home. Two eyes appeared at the location of the devastation wrought by the tear in space. These two eyes turned from invisible to corporeal. A majestic presence descended with the transformation of the eyes into physical objects.
This aura spread throughout the entire vast plane. The various Life trees with consciousness swayed in greeting to this majestic figure. It didn't take long before an Elven sovereign nearby rushed to the location. This Sovereign was named Frutalak, he was in seclusion here in preparation for his tribulation to breakthrough to the origin god level.
He was disturbed when the presence descended. He couldn't ignore the aura so he came immediately because he knew who it belonged to. He approached with trepidation and got on a knee in greeting.
"Greetings to the realm lord. I am Frutalak is there anything I can help you with, your lordship."
The eye locked on to the trembling sovereign and looked him over.
"Inform the high elf council in the lower realm that Gehaldirah Oakstein is dead"
The sovereign mustered all his strength to reply "Yes my lord. Your wish will be done."
"Good," the eye said before it turned incorporeal and disappeared completely, and with it its pressure.
Only when the pressure receded did the sovereign stand up, he was breathing roughly. He didn't need to breathe at his stage, it was just a reaction of his body to the feeling of asphyxiation. It had felt like he was being stared at by death itself when those eyes locked on him. It felt like he could be killed with just a single thought if he so much as breathe wrongly. be𝚍𝚗ove𝚕.𝚗𝚎𝚝
Only with the presence gone did his body feel relaxed to breathe properly. He shook himself of his remaining fear and rushed to deliver the message he was tasked to by the realm lord.
He thought deeply about the message. He didn't understand why the realm lord would want the entire race to know that a certain sovereign died. Sure sovereigns are powerful but they mean nothing to an origin god much less the one and only realm lord. What could be special about Gehaldirah Oakstein?
He racked his head around about the issue, the information he had about Gehaldirah was scarce. He only knew that the elf was weird, he was always moody and kept to himself. People thought he was eccentric because of his talent.
He was also scary for some reason, he made people look like prey whenever he looked at them. Even sovereigns weren't exempted from that feeling. His gaze was like he is analyzing a target, like he looking for a weakness and was just waiting to pounce.
Frutalak stopped thinking about Gehaldirah.
"He is dead now so what's the use. What a waste of talent. So young and so talented" Frutalak lamented. Gehaldirah was younger than him. But now he was gone. Frutalak would rather think about the realm lord. His face brightened at that thought "My role model." he muttered.
He is a grown elf with a role model but he wasn't ashamed. The realm lord had long ascended before he was born but he had heard tales of his achievements. The most obvious one is the change he made to the High life plane.
He increased the size of the realm and made it contain origin energy. It has become one of the special plane in High Heaven which have Origin energy and is as stable as the ancient battlefield. Because of the realm lord, the high elves don't have to struggle with the other races for space on the ancient battlefield.
Outside the realm, within a fold in space outside the realm tree lay a creature of catastrophic size. Gehald was currently confused. He had called up his status after he was sure he was well hidden. What it showed confused him.
Seed of power: Life
Life: 100%
Earth: 100%
Water: 100%
Air: 100%
Death: 100%
Fire: 33%
Light: 1%
Darkness: 1%
Space: 0.1%
Slaughter: 73%
STATUS: Error! Broken Trinity! Can not compute!
It seems he had a problem with his status. He had always thought the status was an all-knowing law of the universe but it seemed not. It brought some questions to mind. "What is it anyway?" Gehald's asked himself for the umpteenth time but he still hadn't gotten an answer.
"Maybe when I join my body with my origin soul the rest will show?" He said hopefully, he was scared when he saw the mess in his status screen. It had always been with him ever since he was born and it had never shown an error. He had heard that the status screen was a relatively new thing, that it hadn't existed since the beginning of the realm. The Old ones call it an anomaly but he doesn't want to lose it just yet.
He looked his status over again.
"Understandable. It must be temporary," he muttered when he thought over the line that indicated a ridiculous loss in the amount of his sensitivity to magic, but he isn't fazed about it just yet. Besides, what mattered at his stage was law sensitivity, and he anticipated an increase in it.
"If this is my current sensitivity to laws with a disjointed body, I can only imagine what it would be when I am whole again." He said in anticipation.
When he was a sovereign he had a 20% affinity to law, which means only 20% of the effort he put into sensing laws will be effective. This value isn't small at all, 20% is the flat rate of origin gods no matter how poor their previous talent is in sensing laws. He had such a high rate because of his racial affinity.
A typical elf origin god will have law affinity improved to 50% so he was quite expectant. He knew different body types affected the affinity to mana and law. Law affinity is very important to transcendents up to the level of world gods, every increase in it is sought after.
One person that is suspected of having 100% on all affinities is the realm lord of High Heaven, Monarch High Heaven. It is widely acclaimed that his success and various achievements must be due to an advantage in this aspect.
"Never mind that. It is time for the next step of the plan."