God of Crime: Strongest Mafia Boss-Chapter 389 CH 375: THEORIES

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Chapter 389 CH 375: THEORIES

After the heavy insistence of Medusa, Adam weighed his words as he explained his adventure in the lands of Dreamscape. The more he spoke about the world of dreams and illusions, the more hurried Medusa's breath became and after a while, Adam was starting to wonder if she wanted to eat him with her eyes or was thinking of dissecting him right at this moment, judging by the look she was directing toward him.

When Adam finally ended his story by simply saying that he had fled from the Jabberwocky and had woken up in the real world, Medusa finally released him and started to walk in a circle while biting her thumb like a lunatic who was having a crazy fit.

It was clear that her brain was working on overdrive to analyze this matter to the fullest extent that she was capable of doing.

"Do you know just how impressive what you described to me was?"


Medusa shook her head and continued to walk in circles, biting her thumb with her teeth in the process, "The universe is far vaster than you may think. With layers upon layers stacked on top of each other as well as different dimensions and realms being connected to the plane that we live in that is not observable in the usual sense. Out of them all, the more accessible realm is the Astral Realm. That is the place where the Celestial Supernatural creatures and the Divine Beings reside in. Asian Hunters generally call it the upper realm or the realm of ascension. Olympus as well is a part of the Astral Realm."

In the end, she stopped walking and started to give him a simple lecture.

"For the hunters down here, the Astral realm is a place where just about everything is possible. This is also the place where powerful beings like Zodiacs like to visit because only there can they use the full extent of their powers. Obviously, it's also very dangerous because Gods are not limited by the Scales in that realm. Just as Zodiacs are not limited in that realm. More or less, that's the place where the truly powerful beings of the world go after ascending. This is a place where can further their pursuit of power."

One could say that Earth was like a small fish pound that was being taken care of by someone. Little fishes could live happily and big fishes had a hard time sustaining themselves in the small space of the pond.

The Astral Realm meanwhile was the vast sea. In that place, everything from small fish to giant whales existed and death was at every corner as the law of the survival of the fittest ran even more rampant in that region.

"But only those who live in the Astral Realm know that there are other realms much scarier and dangerous than it, like the Underworld for example, or places that are simply strange and cannot be accessed like the Cyberspace. But at the end of the day, all those dimensions exist within our universe. Though the laws may be slightly different they are all based on the laws that are inherent in our universe and run on a specific set of rules."

She looked grave as she delivered her next set of lines,

"Dreamscape is an entirely different universe altogether. No, it is perhaps more accurate to say that it is another form of existence that is completely separate from reality itself. It's a place where only the Dreamwalkers or entities with authority over Dreams can even dare to step in and even then, they generally only explore the shallow areas of the land."

The laws inside the Dreamscape were completely random from one place to another. It was a place where an ant could become a god the next morning and then go back to being an ant a few days later.

There was nothing absolute in that place. Everything was in a constant state of paradoxical existence.

The distance was meaningless, time was meaningless, and space was also meaningless. Rationality and everything related to it could also be said to be useless in that region.

There were many theories about how the Dreamscape existed. As it was different from the sea of the subconscious but was still connected to it.

But the one fact that held the most weight in Medusa's mind was that— all universes were in fact nothing but dreams. After all, for the people of the Dreamscape, those of the main universe were the ones who had broken the rules and entered their own space.

Medusa held this theory because of the existence of the Blind Idiot god. Dreamscape might have been created by that very entity.

She explained this slowly to Adam, explaining why the great gods were so wary of the Dreamscape.

The gods inside the dreamscapes were different from the gods in the 'real world' and reality as a whole. But at the same time, they seemed different from the Outer Gods as those entities were still able to use their powers in this universe, unlike the gods of the Dreamscape.

"This seems… very, very complicated."

"It is. It's headache inducing, to say the least. But you have the time to slowly uncover everything. You will slowly learn more and more about this space."

Medusa sighed before giving him a warning.

"Adam… You need to be very careful on that plane. If by some mistake you meet a supernatural being, you will die. This isn't a tutorial-level zone like Earth is."

Adam had a serious expression on his face as he nodded to her words. Though in reality, he simply covered his body with an illusion. He had no doubt that Medusa would be able to read all his body language otherwise.

'Well. I can't exactly say that I have no fear of death.'

"But this is also an opportunity for you. For the other dream walkers, bringing the power of dreams to the real world is simply impossible. But I am sure that it should not be impossible for you. Your two main skills, 'The World' and 'The Magician', hold many answers."

"I cannot use the World in Dreamscape."

"You cannot do so — yet. Everything is possible in Dreamscape. Even the impossible."

Medusa shook her head, "I will start organizing a meeting with the Academy. When we come back from your mission in France you will meet Bridget. She should know far more than I do about this place."

Succubus used the sea of consciousness to actually travel and teleport. This made them very elusive and it was a skill even Dreamwalker could not really master. But Medusa had a feeling that this wouldn't be a problem for Adam.

"Now, I will give you all the medicine you need now. But in exchange, I would like to monitor your brain activity while you are asleep. This might be useful for you in the future."

Adam hesitated a moment. But remember that he had literally been tortured and poisoned nearly to death in this place, there was not much to fear.

He could also try bringing back the Ghost to him and have someone who could tell him if anything happened while they were near him.

"Just to be clear though. If anything breaks this time, I will not be held accountable. You are the one who wanted me to stay."

The stern expression on Medusa melted and she could not stop herself from chuckling.

"Very well. I will even count your participation in this test and waive some of your debt." 𝓫ℯ𝓭𝓃𝓸𝓋ℯ𝓁.𝓬𝓸𝓂

They joked a little more together while Adam prepared himself.

The smoke she give him seemed to indeed help him feel far better. But the result was rather small. If he still had a few hours left before he could enter, he felt like he only shaved off a few minutes from the cooldown.

Medusa nodded and noted this while giving him different kinds of drinks, candies, herbs, etc. He was pretty sure she was using him to test how efficient each of them was. But it was good for him so he didn't complain.

Just thinking about how much all of this would have cost normally made him dizzy.

'It's like paying gems to diminish the cool down or buy energy in a Gacha game.'

Thinking about this situation was rather funny.

Like this, time slowly advanced and finally, the date changed. Finally, the time had come.