From Thug to Idol: Transmigrating to a Survival Show-Chapter 947: Good Luck To You

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Chapter 947: Good Luck To You

June's smirk lingered as Lei stood frozen, his mind racing. Those few words felt like they meant a lot. It was as if June had planned everything from the very start.

Before, Lei spoke as if he was the grandmaster of the chest game, but now, it felt like the roles had been reversed, with June knowing where every piece needed to be.

However, June hadn't planned this.

It just happened to work out that way.

This was the universe's way of getting back at Lei for everything that he had done-and June wasn't afraid to be the one to execute the universe's plan.

Now that his name was somewhat cleared, June was ready to drop a bombshell. However, before he could even get a word out, the office door swung open, and two burly security guards entered. The two of them looked like stereotypical guards with their black suits and dark sunglasses.

"Unauthorized entry," one of them said flat.

They grabbed June by the arms, their grips firm but not aggressive. He didn't resist. Instead, June let out a soft laugh, allowing himself to be dragged away, leaving Dan and Lei in stunned silence.

"I'll see you soon!" he called out.

Lei's jaw tightened as he watched June being escorted out.

Dan, on the other hand, was the most afraid he had ever been. He always thought that Lei was scary, but June right now felt far more terrifying.

As the security guards guided him through the dimly lit hallways of Azure, June's thoughts drifted.

He actually missed this place!

And then, they passed by a familiar door-a practice room he knew all too well.

June gently tapped one of the guards on the shoulder, flashing his trademark killer smile. "Hey," he said. "Can I visit them for a bit? I won't be long, promise."

The guards exchanged hesitant glances, unsure whether to deny his request or go along with

it. But June's smile was too disarming, too innocent. After a moment of silent debate, one of the guards nodded. "Ten minutes," he said firmly.

June grinned. "Thanks."

"I guess they can't resist my charm," he whispered as he walked to where the practice room


The door opened, and there they were-EVE.

The sight of them hit June like a wave. It had only been a week since he'd last seen them, but it felt like a lifetime. Inside the room, Joonie stood near the center with Zeth and Jisung, practicing their routine. Their focus shattered the moment they saw him.

Their eyes widened in shock like they were staring at a ghost.

June smiled as they continued to gawk at him. "Miss me?"

"June!" Jisung gasped, running toward him. Before June could react, the rest of the group followed, enveloping him in a barrage of hugs. It was like a family reunion, the kind you don't realize you need until you're in the middle of it.

Casper held onto his arm and squeezed tight. Akira clung to his legs like a koala. Meanwhile, Jaeyong began crying at the sight. Sehun chuckled and patted his back. Ren nodded at him in acknowledgment, while Zeth complained that he looked too handsome for someone who was going through so many things.

June let out a long sigh, half-heartedly pushing them away. "Alright, alright, calm down," he said, but he couldn't stop the smile that crept onto his face. The warmth of their excitement was infectious. They really had missed him.

Joonie, on the other hand, stayed back, watching the whole scene with furrowed brows, his arms crossed tightly over his chest. His expression darkened, his thoughts racing with a thousand possibilities. 'What was June doing here? Why the heck is he here?'

But Joonie's internal protests were drowned out by the group's overwhelming joy.

"I saw the news! I knew we could trust you," Jisung said, his voice filled with hope.

"I can't believe they made all of that up!" Jaeyong exclaimed.

June smiled. It actually wasn't too bad now that he thought about it—instead, it was actually a blessing in disguise.

"Are you coming back?"

Before June could respond, Joonie cut in, his voice sharp and cold. "He can't. His contract was terminated."

Casper immediately shot Joonie a glare. "Shut up, Joonie."

June raised a hand, signaling for silence. "No, he's right," he said with a small shake of his head. "I can't. I'm only here for...what is it now?"

He glanced at his watch. "Eight minutes?"

"What? Why did you come, then?" Jisung asked, his tone filled with confusion. The others also exchanged questioning looks.

June's smirk returned. "Just to taunt someone," he said, his voice light. "And to make sure things are still on track."

Jay, standing quietly off to the side, suddenly perked up. "Did you do what I asked?" June asked, his gaze locking onto Jay.

Jay nodded meaningfully, and the rest of the group looked even more confused by the exchange.

"What are you guys talking about?" Casper asked, glancing between June and Jay like they were speaking a language only they understood. "I need to know. I have FOMO." However, neither of them answered. June's attention stayed on Jay, his voice calm but firm. "Meet me tomorrow," June said. "Bring what I need."

Jay nodded once more, his expression serious.

"Let us in!" Jisung pleaded, stepping forward, desperate for answers. The others looked just as eager to be let in on whatever secret was passing between June and Jay.

June chuckled softly, shaking his head. "Sorry," he said, "not yet." freewebnøvel.coɱ

Joonie had finally had enough. His brows knit together in frustration, and he took a step forward. "Leave," he said, his voice low but firm. "Leave now. We're practicing for our


Joonie was glaring at June, almost as if he was challenging him.

'You're not part of this team anymore,' Joonie thought.

June turned to face him fully, his smirk widening into something a little more dangerous, a little more knowing. He leaned on one leg casually, letting the silence hang for just a moment

longer before speaking.

"Yeah," June said with a mocking tone, "good luck with your comeback."