Forgotten Juliet-Chapter 241: Side Story 9. (2)

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Chapter 241: Side Story 9. (2)

* * *

Whats it like to live with a perfect man?

Excuse me?

Im talking about Duke Carlyle. Is he always flawless and cold in front of the Duchess?

What is this? Picking a fight? Juliet calmed herself.

The one who abruptly asked the question was the new Empress, a few years older than Juliet.

It was an occasion to congratulate the new Emperor and Empress, so Juliet took it with a broad mind.

Hes not like that.

Juliet smiled faintly.

He might be flawless, but hes also very affectionate.

With glittering chandeliers and murmuring crowds, the imperial banquet hall, which she hadnt visited in a long time, hadnt changed. The only thing that had changed was Juliet herself.

However, the ever-curious new Empress still seemed to have many questions about Juliet.

They say the Duke does whatever he wants. Doesnt it make you anxious?

Not at all.

Juliet grinned broadly. Just as she was responding, her eyes met with a distinguished man standing on the other side of the banquet hall.


Duke Carlyle briskly crossed the floor and extended his hand to her.

We should leave now.

The sudden appearance of the Duke and the glittering necklace around Juliets neck drew alternating gazes from the crowd. They whispered, seemingly in understanding,

They really are newlyweds.

* * *

When they returned to the mansion, Juliet was half asleep.

Awakening, she met the eyes of the man who was removing her hairpin and laughed. His voice was slightly low, his eyes deeply reddened.

Why are you laughing?

Just because.

Feeling cheerful, Juliet impulsively pulled him closer and kissed him lightly.

Tastes like peaches.

Juliet giggled. The sweet taste of the cocktail he disliked remained on her lips.

Why are you drinking that when you cant handle alcohol?

Lennox frowned slightly and took Juliet to the bathroom. Throughout the evening banquet, he intercepted every drink offered to the alcohol-intolerant Juliet.

It was a drink mixed with peach juice, sweet and warm.

Youre also dressed lightly.

Only then did Juliet realize.

Hes sulking.

He didnt like todays banquet, more than she thought. This was the first time the Duke and Duchess of Carlyle had visited the capitals Dukes residence since their marriage.

The season had changed, and a new Emperor ascended the throne. The ailing Emperor, whose health was rapidly deteriorating, abdicated, and the first prince succeeded him. Tonights banquet was to celebrate the succession.

I just felt good today.

Although Lennox seemed preoccupied with disdainful onlookers, Juliet was generous, even when openly provoked.

As she submerged herself in the warm water, she felt refreshed.

Juliet looked at the man leaning against the bathtub. He seemed unaffected even though he had a few drinks.

Arent you drunk?

Im fine.

Indeed. Juliet had never seen him drunk and disheveled.

Lennox playfully nudged Juliets nose.

Why are you looking at me like that?

Its rumored hes immune to several poisons. Enviable constitution and family history.

For some reason

Thats quite cheeky.

Juliet suddenly remembered the new Empresss question.

-They say the Duke does whatever he wants?

Tell me, Lennox.

Say it.

Do you have desires you suppress?

Lennox chuckled as if the question was absurd.

Why cant I hold back?

So what are you holding back?

Not slaughtering every single person who offered you a drink or sneaked glances.

Thats just basic morality..

Thats what I mean.

Lennox responded cheekily and arrogantly nodded.

And right now.

Right now?

He leaned over the bathtub, making eye contact with Juliet, and grinned.

Then, gently cupping her cheek, he slowly leaned in for a kiss.

Every time I see you, I have desires you cant even imagine.

The kiss was tender, almost painfully slow.

But when he grabbed a large towel, Juliet became curious.

What is it?


What cant I imagine? What is it?

How embarrassing could it be?

But Lennox, uncharacteristically, hesitated.

I cant tell you.


After making her curious, why wouldnt he explain? What secrets does he have?

From the way the audacious man shyly avoided her gaze, it was clear he was up to something quite shameless.

However, he silenced Juliets inquiries with a kiss.

Lets sleep.

* * *

Elliot was a competent aide responsible for Carlyles household affairs.

What should I do with this?

However, mistakes are bound to happen, and managing the Dukes household was enormous.

Particularly that morning, Elliot discovered crucial missing documents.


Elliot quickly checked the time. It was inevitable. It was time to use his trump card!

Hastily, with the report in hand, he headed towards the main building where the Duke and Duchess resided.

Is the Duke inside?

Yes, hes with the Duchess. However

Thats right!

Elliot quickly went up the stairs without hearing the continuation. Timing was of the essence for this trick.

There were rare moments when the cold and ruthless Duke Carlyle showed leniency. The day after any late incidents, the Duke would relax like a well-fed beast.

In front of Juliet, the Duke rarely got angry. In other words, if a mistake is admitted while the two are having breakfast, it can mostly be overlooked.

Indeed, one should use their wits.

But just as Elliot stepped onto the second-floor corridor, he was taken aback. Two people were already in front of the dining room door.

They were even bickering, saying, I came first!, Im in a bigger hurry!

Sir Milan, and Cecil? What are you doing here so early?

And why are you here, Elliot? Dont tell me

Elliot, in charge of finance; Milan, in charge of the knights; and Cecil, the legal counsel.

The core members of the Dukes household who met in front of the door realized the situation.

Elliot was in shock. Word must have spread fast! It wasnt only Elliot who noticed that the Duke was unusually lenient at this timing.

Is everyone doing this?

The three, realizing the situation, began arguing about who would enter first.

Lets decide the order!

Ive only used my chances twice! Give me a break!

Its our turn this time!

While the three main figures of the Dukes household were squabbling childishly, a maid appeared at the end of the corridor holding a teapot.

Even you, Josephine?

Did Mrs. Josephine do something wrong? Was there a theft of silverware?

But maid Josephine scolded them with a face as if they were talking nonsense.

What did I do wrong? Stop blocking the door and move!


As the three wrongdoers parted, the teapot-carrying maid flung open the door. In the sunlit dining room, the Duke and Duchess in casual indoor clothing sat side by side with a table between them.

Seeing the crowd, Juliets eyes widened, and conversely, the Dukes brow slightly furrowed.

What brings all of you here?

Your Highness! At the training ground

The three rushed in, each shouting their reasons.

Master! I came first! And I lost the security documents!

I cant use the newly purchased carriages and horses!

The inheritance document has been burned!

Oops. The three, who poured out their words competitively, realized that this wasnt the plan.

Duke Carlyle, who had been calmly observing the visitors, set his tea cup down.

So, you came to boast about that now?

This early in the morning?

Tha, Thats not it

Looking at the visitors, who were gauging the situation, the Duke rubbed his throbbing forehead.


Hiding her face behind her tea cup and lowering her head, Juliet chuckled softly.

The astute visitors discreetly hid behind Juliet, a fact Lennox wasnt unaware of. For instance, regarding a matter Lennox rejected, theyd insinuate, Wouldnt His Highness prefer it this way?

Everyone out.


The three left like the receding tide. Lennox, who was pouring tea, frowned and asked:

How quickly does a dragon grow?

Why do you ask?

Thinking of making him the heir.

Juliet burst into laughter.

They dont grow that fast, the kids.

But this ones a dragon. Couldnt he grow quickly if he wanted to?

Under the table, the baby dragon was curled up and sound asleep inside a large picnic basket. Juliet, who was laughing, suddenly recognized the content of his cup of tea.



Do you still dislike being a parent?

The one thing the man, who did whatever he wished, feared was becoming a parent.

Its not that I dislike it. I just believe I cant be a good parent.

I cant bear to see you suffer, and I dont want to risk losing you again.

You talk as if youve seen someone go through it.

Juliet tilted her head, casting a sidelong glance.

She was aware that Lennox took every precaution to prevent a child from being conceived.

Was he that scared? Oddly enough, Lennox sometimes talked as if he remembered how hard it was for Juliet when she had a child.

After hesitating for a moment, Lennox smiled faintly.

Not now.

Bending down, Lennox kissed Juliets hand.

Im too busy monopolizing you for myself.

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