Forgotten Juliet-Chapter 166:

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Chapter 166:

After seeing off Roy in front of the mansion, Juliet paused as she returned to the greenhouse.

A man was sitting precariously at the table, intently looking at a book spread open.

Oh no.

Apparently, the book shed marked with a page seemed to have caught his eye.

Whats this?

Its just a book that collects old tales.

Juliet responded calmly, but Lennox flipped through the pages as if he found it intriguing.

In fact, Juliet had almost given up on finding the records of the snake spirit in the book. The most practical advice was probably to run away when encountering the snake.

Then what about this?

What Lennox pointed to was the small mirror that Roy had shown her earlier.

I received it from the Pope.

Although she wasnt sure of its purpose, Lennoxs brow furrowed at her statement.

What did the Pope promise?

I asked her to find out about the yellow snake for me.

Juliet hesitated for a moment before explaining.

The Pope had agreed to grant her a request in return for an unknown donation made in Juliets name.

But instead of a response, she sent this mirror. It might be a relic.

Like the fishermans ring, could it have some kind of function to ward off demons?

But as Lennox examined the small mirror, he suddenly said:

Give me your hand.


Your hand.

Unaware of his intentions, Juliet blinked in confusion, but Lennox placed something in her hand.


You should keep this.

Checking what Lennox had handed her, Juliets face became puzzled. It was a familiar item.


The pendant with a brilliant purple glow was a familiar item.

It was Genovias Soulstone.

Why is this here

I didnt use it.

Certainly, Lennox had previously lost his sight to save her.

If not for a divine power as strong as the Soulstone to counter the holy curse, there seemed to be no way to regain his sight.

Juliet had thus sent him the Soulstone, believing it had restored his vision.

However, the Soulstone she received from him was intact, indicating it had never been used.

How then did he recover his sight?

Juliet was puzzled, but Lennoxs expression suggested he wasnt going to reveal how.

Your Highness.


It was obvious from the subtle raise of his eyebrow. Even Juliet, who was unfamiliar with curses, knew about the principle of equivalent exchange.

What had he paid in return for his restored sight?

No, nothing.

With a somewhat heavy heart, Juliet looked down at the pristine Soulstone.

Did she now have to return Genovias Soulstone?

* * *

However, Juliet couldnt return the Soulstone to the Pope.

Its not possible.

The next day, as she headed to the Great Hall, she was stopped by Archbishop Gilliam, who had a determined expression.

You cannot meet Her Holiness right now.

Is she very busy?

As you can see, there are many visitors hoping for Her Holiness blessing.

Indeed, there was a long line in front of the main shrine.

I guess theres nothing I can do

Juliet had hoped to meet the Pope using the Soulstone as an excuse, wanting to know the meaning behind her sending the mirror and its purpose.

Do you know how many people want to just catch a glimpse of Her Holiness? Shes the highest in the temple.

Juliet, who had thoughtlessly decided to meet the Pope, was quite surprised.

There have been countless incidents lately.

Archbishop Gilliam said with a concerned tone.

Balance is being disrupted and since we cant identify the cause, its only natural for the lost sheep to seek Her Holiness.

Yes, if thats the case.

Juliet, not too disappointed, presented her case.

Then, could you please deliver this to Her Holiness on my behalf?

What is it? All offerings must be inspected

Gilliam abruptly stopped when he saw the item in the silk pouch Juliet handed him.

Is this Genovias Soulstone?


Why didnt you

But Gilliam tilted his head.

It seems you havent used it?

How did you know?

The color is the same, isnt it?

Cook touched the Soulstone with Gilliam.

If someone without divine power uses the Soulstone for too long or excessively, the Soulstone begins to deplete.

What do you mean?

Then it changes to the color of the wave of power that person possesses.

This time, Juliets eyes widened.

The color of the Soulstone changes?

Yes, because whether its magic or divine power, it has its own wave color.

It was a story she had never heard before.

Perhaps the reason Genovias Soulstone was violet was because the color of her divine power wave was the same.

Come to think of it, wasnt the Soulstone Dahlia had yellow?

She had a faint memory of hearing something like that in her past life.

Anyway, could you deliver this to Her Holiness?

However, unexpectedly, after a moment of thought, Archbishop Gilliam shook his head.

Considering its importance, it would be best to give it directly to the Pope.

With that, he returned the Soulstone to Juliet.

When did he get angry for stealing the temples treasure?

Ah, and also.

Archbishop Gilliam paused as he was about to turn away.

Didnt you ask Her Holiness to inquire about the snake demon?

Yes, what about it?

Her Holiness commanded me to investigate. It took a while, but its good that you came personally.

The Archbishop took out a piece of paper and read it.

The snake is said to be so huge that it can swallow a human in one gulp.

Is that all?

Its written here.

Archbishop Gilliam bluntly handed her the paper.

On a roughly torn piece of paper, there was densely written text.

See you again.

After the Archbishop left, Juliet stood there, reading the paper intently.

In the beginning of time

A gigantic snake that enveloped the entire world and bit its tail was depicted.

[This unknown, magnificent, and wicked snake is the oldest sin.]

It seemed like a transcription from some scripture.

[It devours anything in one gulp and mimics the abilities and appearances of its prey.]

The seven deadly sins refer to sloth, envy, gluttony, lust, pride, greed, and wrath.

Looking up, Juliet noticed Archbishop Gilliam surrounded by believers, giving a sermon.

Juliet, who had left the temple, strolled down a quiet birch-tree-lined street and stopped her carriage in front of a slightly secluded tea house.

Recently, the Emperor was busy dealing with an accident with Second Prince Cloff, and both the Emperor and the high nobles seemed preoccupied.

Uninformed citizens and common nobles seemed happy as the calamities disappeared, enjoying the sacred Lent.

However, the luxury shopping street lined with birch trees was quiet.

Everyone must have gone to the palace or square.

Thanks to that, Juliet sat at the tea table undisturbed and was lost in thought.

There was still a relief tent for the popular Saintess in the square.

Habitually fidgeting with a silver key, Juliet suddenly rummaged through her handbag. She was distracted by the Soulstone and forgot to ask Archbishop Gilliam about the hand mirror she received from the Pope.

Is this also an item with some meaning?

(Performing miracles as the Saintess.)

Juliet looked in the direction of the voice.

Nonchalantly, a large black panther was lying right under Juliets feet.

She looked at the demon, which others couldnt see, and asked the question she was curious about.

Why can you roam freely?

(Huh? What do you mean?)

Arent you, a spirit, supposed to be attached to that sword?

Of course, Juliets butterflies werent confined to the key either.

But this black panther was an extreme case. To an extent that if someone saw, they might think Juliet was its contractor, not Duke Carlyle.

(Its because I gained a little more power. Thanks to you.)

The panther smirked.

What happens when you gain more power?

(I can do more. Im no longer tied to artifacts or contractors.)

The chatty black panther suddenly stopped and gave her a meaningful look.

(Like changing your appearance.)


(For instance, swallowing a human and wearing their skin.)

Juliets eyes narrowed.

It was a story shed heard many times before.


As she fiddled with the hand mirror, Juliet suddenly looked up.

(Huh? What is it?)


What was that just now?

For a brief moment, she thought she saw the black panther reflected in the hand mirror, bound by shining golden chains.

But before Juliet could check again, the panther sensed something and disappeared in an instant.

As expected.

The sound of wheels approached, and a four-wheeled carriage stopped in front of the tea house.

This chapter is updated by freew(e)bnovel.(c)om