Foreign Land Reclamation By a Vegetable-growing Skeleton-Chapter 356 - 222 The Lord of Mourning -!_1

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Chapter 356: Chapter 222 The Lord of Mourning -!_1

After the eternal night descended, the western edge of the Central Mountain Range; the human territories, started bustling with activity. Soldiers, laborers, and farmers with their varying quality weapons and equipment suddenly appeared from nowhere. They brought with them all sorts of carts, gathering from all around.

The Teleportation Array, akin to an energy charging cycle, continuously shone with the glow of teleportation. Countless griffins shuttled back and forth in the sky, carrying people to and fro.

The only idle and perplexed ones, and not knowing what to do were Ange and his group.

With Serene holding a big cat, Shamara holding a washing basin, and Luther running out to steal three white robes. Dressing himself in one and the Little Zombie and Little Angel in the others.

Surprisingly, with the pure and innocent Little Angel draped in a white robe, she looked every inch a pure and innocent holy maiden.

Ange donned a straw hat, let Little Angel ride on Lightning, with these changes in appearance, they transformed into a team escorting a holy maiden to the Holy Wall City. Amidst the chaos and disarray, they were not conspicuous at all. On the contrary, many people even paid respect to them on their way.

They located the place where Brand and others were lodging, and asked them to lead the way.

Little Brand was a bit confused, wondering – How did they return with so many people? Before he could even ask, he was dragged aside by his father, who said to him “Follow sir’s commands”. As Brand and his son, alongside his nephew, started leading the way.

Negris was packed back into the Resting Camp. Out of them all, this stunted Bronze Dragon was the most eye-catching.

Negris looked at Ange and marveled. “These church people are really cunning, they are very good at observing people’s expressions.”

Shamara deeply felt this too: “They are no longer pure, every one of them is clouded by their desires and obsessions. Everyone has learned to intrigue, forgetting their original mission, without believers or people in their hearts… The purest Holy Light I have only seen on you guys, yet you are Undead Heretics…”

“Oh, so that’s why you became completely corrupted after meeting us, it turns out it’s because of this.” Negris suddenly understood.

Under the guidance of the three “elite” paladins of Brand, and under the special aura of the unicorn-riding Little Angel, Ange’s group entered the Holy Wall City without any trouble.

However, once they entered the city, they are once again at a loss. They look at Shamara, “Where do we go now?”

Shamara was at a loss too, the voice in her heart told her to come to the Holy Wall City. However, it did not specify which part of the Holy Wall City she should go to. Maybe it’s not yet time, hence she can’t sense anything yet.

Now the Holy Wall City was basically a huge military camp, all activities in the city made way for the military. Soldiers, priests, clergy, archers were all bustling about on the streets.

Their confusion was soon noticed by someone, a knight on horseback rode towards them and shouted from afar: “Does the honored gentleman in front belong to the holy maiden squad? Holy maiden squads can be on the city wall now, currently only the fourth city wall has space, this way please.”

Negris muttered to himself, “This feels like watching a play, needing seats?”

When they climbed up onto the city wall, they found out what those ‘spaces’ were – defensive positions.

Below the straight city wall, it was the endless Land of Deathly Silence. The land was now filled with Undead, looking down from the city wall, countless twinkling blue lights could be seen, those were the eye sockets of the skeletons.

The city wall was divided into sections, each a hundred meters apart. Every section was required to have a holy maiden in charge, the holy maidens could do many things– blessings, prayers, inspiring the troops, and, when necessary, even act as the main fighting force with Holy Spirit Possession.

In addition to this, each section was allocated an equal amount: priests, clergy, swordsmen, shield-bearers, archers, catapults, crossbow arrows– evenly distributed.

But Negris was a bit confused, “Aren’t there only a dozen or so holy maidens in your church? Why does it seem that no one recognizes us? And they’re randomly allocated, there’s no need for trained cooperation? Just find an empty spot and slot in a holy maiden?”

“Otherwise? We are always very busy, and can’t confirm who will come, so whoever arrives, fills the position. And who told you the church’s holy maidens are only a dozen or so? Ones like me who are currently working are only a dozen or so, those still learning, younger ones, retired ones, and ones already married, add up to a hundred. As long as they can do Holy Spirit Possession, they are all considered as a holy maiden.”

“Oh, I see. There are about a dozen currently working, dozens in reserve, but also only about a hundred in total, you can’t really not recognize them all?”

“Because they are not in the same plane, some people have never come to the Land of Fallen. Each holy maiden who has their own team of clergy and God’s Knight will have their own badge. The badge has a Highest Mobilization Order. Whenever the Highest Mobilization Order flashes, everyone must put down whatever they are doing, ready to be drafted at any time.”

“But, ever since the Undead’s offensive started to weaken 700 years ago, they used to have a Purple Gold Skeleton commanding the whole field. The church had to use all their might in order to resist the Undead’s aggressive assault, and every offense and defense battle resulted in heavy casualties for the church.” freeweɓnovēl.coɱ

“Purple Gold Skeleton? There’s a Purple Gold Skeleton on the other side? How come Anthony never mentioned this?” Negris shrieked in horror.

“Yes, the Purple Gold Skeleton. Maybe he also doesn’t know, this was told to me by Juliani, he said, since the church’s scriptures often caught fire for no reason, some important things are no longer written in scriptures but passed verbally. Some things not even the bishops of each place know of, moreover, the Purple Gold Skeleton has not appeared for 700 years now.”