Fighting to be Kind in a Cultivation World-Chapter 243: Starting Support

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Chapter 243: Starting Support

As Im looking toward Elder Li and Senior Tian, I can see their eyes glow in anticipation. In fact, theyve never stopped this whole time, just waiting for their chance.

Based on what theyve already done and what theyve agreed to, its clear what I should do. The next few steps dont take long.

Senior Tian lies on the table, and I move to heal them.

This is interesting, though. It looks like their issues resulted from another curse, though not a demonic one like the others Ive seen.

The curse is no longer active, but its clear it wreaked havoc on their cultivation. Luckily, most of the other effects have already been treated over time.

the amount of money and resources they must have used to treat this is no joke. But I suppose that there really wasnt much choice, when the slightest weakness brings in the wolves. They had to recover as much strength as possible to survive out here.

My healing technique swims through his body and I get even more indicators about the original nature of the curse, which is surprisingly a relatively common one, used by shady organizations to teach a lesson or punish someone.

I feel a little worried about what they might have been caught up with and will get me involved in, but then I realize the common denominator they had already mentioned. Master Ming.

They defended him and likely paid for it in other ways.

At least one of the things Im working with is clear cut.

Soon enough, Ive healed Senior Tian to the best state of his life and he switches out with Elder Li, who looks just as excited.

And just like it was with Senior Tian, Im able to quickly fulfill my end of the contract, raising both his health and potential to its highest point.

Theres a moment between Master Ming, Senior Tian, and Elder Li, that is really touching. I can almost see the three of them struggling to hold their composure, staring at each other with their now youthful lips trembling. As if struggling not to cry from happiness after a long battle.

But they catch me looking at them and quickly straighten their backs, as if it never happened.

Its alright to cry, you know?

But I cant say that, as that would hurt their pride and face.

I can see them approaching each other suddenly and I think I know what comes next. A tedious process of negotiation and talking.

But, unlike my expectations, things move quickly from here.

Each person seems to be in a rush, exchanging items between each other at a pace quite different from when I first entered this place. Sister Nuan fills me in on what happens next. She keeps her voice low, although everyone here could probably hear everything, anyway.

In order to cover for your abilities, well need to move fast to protect you. Enough has been already leaked that there are some major groups interested in you, so well be making cover stories until we have enough people to make sure youre safe.

She pauses in thought before continuing.

We didnt really have a choice, because of the people involved, but we had to use two groups that were interested in assisting us in protecting you.

Are you familiar with a Yellow Sashes Group?

oh no.

She reads the look on my face and I can see serious concern come over hers.

should I be worried about them? f(r)eenovelkiss

I quickly respond to clear up any confusion.

No, no. They definitely are a group that would be helpful for us. I just am not exactly sure how to handle them sometimes.

She relaxes after my words and gives a teasing smile. My scan picks up similar ones on the old men in the room.

Heh. Not good with that sort of thing, huh?

Well, maybe its a good thing then. Theyll be able to help you in more than a few ways, since you can expect far worse than them coming along. They are a decently sized group that spans across this sect and a few others' territory, so if you know them, youll also have an easier time of things and a place to lie low when needed.

She leans back a bit thoughtfully.

The Yellow Sashes supporting you make sense, based on what Ive heard youve done for them.

But I wonder about Master Crane and her organization.

Aaand theres the one I was expecting to hear about.

She looks serious, conveying to me the importance of her incoming question.

Shes rumored to be at the peak of Nascent Soul if not far further. You may not know this, but Ive heard rumors of the destruction that came about from her hands. Even if the higher levels require a return to self, she has stayed quiet for a long time now.

The levels above Nascent Soul

Looks like Ive learned one of the requirements, to return to a state of non-cultivation. Thats pretty interesting, in its own way.

Nonetheless, I know the question she truly wants to ask.

Do you know why she would be so interested in supporting you? Her people even reached out to other groups beforehand, to warn them away from unsavory actions.

Ill need to be careful in how I approach this. Regardless of the contract.

I rely on my scan to help me navigate the least impactful way to explain it. That wont give away Gong and the movements of the demi humans.

Well, I met her through an acquaintance and she seemed to take an interest in me. I believe shes mainly curious about my unique abilities and what I might do with them.

She and the others, who were obviously listening in, appear deep in thought for a bit. Likely communicating with each other and thinking about this. Considering their levels and the amount of time in this silence, this must have been quite a long conversation.

It feels weird to just watch people do this in front of you, despite the fact that it is quite normal in this culture.

Senior Tians face is the first to twitch in relaxation and soon after, Sister Nuan turns back to me.

We think you might be right. The elders have seen similar shows of interest from her in the past, so it is likely a passing interest in an upcoming genius. Make sure to properly acknowledge her and the help she gives from time to time, though. That has been the biggest pitfall of those who received her help ungratefully.

whew. Made it through that one.

It would have been bad if they connected Gong to her. I get the heavy feeling their relationship isnt publicly known to be as close as it really is. That might lead to the demi-humans being discovered, which would end everything extremely quickly.

Now speaking out loud, they discuss a few more things with each other before approaching me all together.

The way they do it is a little intimidating, as they seem particularly solemn at this point. Each of them reaches to a part of their bodies: Sister Nuan, her sleeve; Elder Li, to a ring on his finger; and Senior Tian, to a ring, as well.

A table appears before us from Sister Nuan and a flood of items pour out onto it before me. fr(e)ewebnov(e)

Really, really expensive items.

Like REALLY expensive things.

Jade slips with techniques. Escape talismans. Combat ones.

A formation flag. Flying swords. And many more things.

My eyes turn up at Sister Nuan as she gestures at them, looking at my wide-eyes.

Dont just stare at them. We need to hurry, so listen quickly so you know what your items do.

A glance at the other elders here shows theyve already moved on. Talking with each other, as if these items are no longer their concern.

Okay maybe healing these guys was the right move?

This 𝓬ontent is taken from fre𝒆webnove(l).𝐜𝐨𝗺

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