Fighting to be Kind in a Cultivation World-Chapter 236: Smooth and Perfect

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Chapter 236: Smooth and Perfect

Hearing Elder Gu call me his little brother and Senior Song, his sister, makes me quickly check whether they are related. An easy feat, considering I had done both their medical checks.

The answer is no. I give an internal sigh of relief, but I quickly notice that Senior Song has a look of surprise on her face. Theres also a touch of affection there.

So, if theyre not related, but hes still calling her a little sister and me little brother So that might mean he considers himself to be in a sworn sister/brother relationship with her?

And if so does the way hes addressing me mean he expects me to marry her?

A quick glance at his face gives me all the answers I need.

Hes clearly shipping the two of us, as his eyes glance back and forth between us with a strangely approving look. Noticing both the closeness of her to me and my blushing face.

While I dont think I would mind, isnt this moving way too fast?

Dont you think its a little early for that sort of thing?

Funnily enough, she says the same thing.

But she has some strange blush on her face, as she looks away and towards me several times. Almost as if she wants me to say the opposite.

Im getting mixed signals here.

Despite the weird turn things are taking, he moves on from this subject and turns towards me with a different look.

Thank you for healing me. I noticed that there were some beneficial changes, in addition to that.

He gives a slight bow as he says this.

While I know you were working on the behalf of your master here, as compensation for me helping her, I believe you deserve more than just my thanks.

He reaches into his sleeve and pulls out a bracelet.

Learning from my previous lessons, I dont immediately use my scan on it. Letting him explain instead.

You might have heard of these, as they are called Space Qi artifacts. This here is a space bracelet, with about 5000 cubic meters of space.

It should help you with some tasks that my sister over here will give you.

A glance at her gives me some insight into the situation. f reeweb

Shes not used to him calling her his sister. But she seems to prefer this over whatever they had before.

Thinking on this bracelet, this is an obscenely valuable item. Even for the young masters whose families can buy them large amounts of things, this would be a big ask. If anything, they would receive 1000 cubic meters or less for one.

Once you get into the 20000 and up range, youre dealing with organizational level qi artifacts. For the obvious reasons.

So, why is he giving something this large to me?

Though if I think of it in monetary terms, what I did is at least worth that much.

Not only that, but I suspect theres another reason for it too.

I give a bow to him and say my thanks for the extraordinary gift. And then quickly take it in my hands.

As soon as I touch it, I use my scan to make sure there are no traps on it or within.

Its safe.

As I slip it onto my arm, some ideas come to mind about how I could use this.

Before I dive too deep into that, though, I refocus my attention on the people before me. They appear to already be discussing the future as I was looking at the bracelet.

How many people do you think realized the severity of your condition?

Probably only the patriarch, but he would have been able to tell, anyway. I disguised the injuries as a moderate backlash. I dont think anyone would suspect that I would hide things so much.

He takes a pause before continuing to speak.

I take it your disciple is still learning how to properly control his techniques?

Senior song looks away for a moment, before answering. free webno vel

Somewhat. He has good control over the abilities, but the ramifications of such things are what Ill need to work with him on.

How high it goes and what comes next is going to take a while to teach.

He nods his head, an affirmation of her words.

It feels weird to be talked about while in the same room with them. But it seems like this is a part of the culture, and surprisingly, a sign of respect.

If they didnt care for me, they would have this conversation after sending me out of the room. Although its between them, they're indicating that they dont want me to get involved in the conversation, while still showing that they value me.

I dislike this cultural difference.

It feels condescending. Displaying the differences in statuses between people. Which is a very real thing in this world, but still doesnt feel right to me.

Its at this time that Elder Gu claps his hands, drawing my attention back to him. It resounds in a way that isnt loud, but clear, as if he did it right next to my ear.

I suppose its a good time to introduce you to my disciples, as its been a long time coming that my little sister finally got hers. I expect you all will interact far more in the future.

The doors to the next room slide open with both the disciples that had met us outside standing there. It seems the clap that he had made was not only for us, but also for them.

The gaunt, long-haired young man, while still slightly listless, moves in sharp and respectful motions as he bows to his master

The somehow typical jade beauty bows gracefully, befitting the disciple of an esteemed master.

As they raise themselves up to see him, their eyes widened in surprise. Being his disciples for a long time likely gave them some insight into his changes in demeanor. Hence, the angry gaze that the young lady had given us when we had first arrived, as they could tell that he was deeply injured and being close to him, knowing who it was for.

My guess based on the little Ive seen, is that this isnt the first time that hes done something for Senior Song.

And thats when their eyes drift over to me, As I am the only one that would have caused such a change in him and Senior Song. The common denominator. Where they were dismissive before, now they are curious.

Hao. Qin. Introduce yourselves.

Yes, Master Gu.

They turn directly at me. With the young man stepping forward to speak first.

He folds his hands and gives a nod of respect.

I am Hao Da, disciple of Master Gu. The heavens blessed me to be learning from his shining swordplay. There is no one else that I

Elder Gu interrupts him with a half-scowl.

Too much. Qin.

The young woman steps forward and also fold her hands while nodding, all in one smooth motion.

I am Qin Cuifeng, one of Master Gus disciples. Im glad to make your acquaintance.

While shes mostly looking at me, she seems to glance frequently at Master Gu.

why is she looking at him so much?

Ah. Shes looking at his now perfect looking skin.


This will be a headache for the future, wont it?

A glance back at Qin Cuifeng shows her eyes glowing at me.

Yep. Definitely a headache.

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