Farmer’s Wife Has Magic Skills-Chapter 767 - : Finding the Source of the Disease

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Chapter 767: Finding the Source of the Disease

Translator: Henyee Translations | Editor: Henyee Translations

The fear of smallpox was deeply ingrained in people’s hearts, and it wasn’t something Chu Qingzhi could easily dispel with just a few words. Shopkeeper Zhu, feigning calm, suggested, “Miss Chu, please check if anyone else here has contracted smallpox. Those who are infected should isolate themselves in a corner to avoid spreading the disease to others.”

This responsible suggestion from Zhu won Chu Qingzhi’s approval. She put on a mask and began checking the pulses of the farm workers one by one.

After her examination, three more individuals were found to be infected. Shopkeeper Zhu instructed them to rest in a separate room and avoid contact with others.

However, the more pressing issue for him was the infected pigs. Nearly a hundred pigs had contracted smallpox, each worth about ten taels of silver, amounting to a loss of a thousand taels.

Shopkeeper Zhu, looking quite dejected, asked Chu Qingzhi, “Miss Chu, can you cure my pigs?”

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Chu Qingzhi replied, “I’ll prepare medicine right away.” She thought for a moment before adding, “Shopkeeper Zhu, please find out where else smallpox has appeared. Inform me immediately once you have any information.” Controlling the epidemic was crucial to preventing it from affecting their business.

Shopkeeper Zhu promptly agreed, “Leave it to me.”

Chu Qingzhi headed to the county town to purchase a large amount of antipyretic herbs, as the symptoms observed were mainly high fevers. The medicines would be brewed at Zhu’s farm to treat both the pigs and the people. Just as Chu Qingzhi finished her preparations, Chu Xujin arrived with two constables, looking particularly anxious, “Fifth sister, there’s a big problem.” Anticipating it might be related to smallpox, Chu Qingzhi took Chu Xujin aside to discuss, “Third brother, what’s the matter?”

Chu Xujin touched his nose, “Actually, I don’t know what the big problem is, it was the Magistrate who made a fuss. After whispering a few words to the County Magistrate, he sent me to find you.”

Chu Qingzhi glanced at Chu Xujin, feeling he needed to be more composed, “Let’s go then, things here are almost settled.”

At the county office.

The County Magistrate warmly received Chu Qingzhi, “Miss Chu, you’re the only one who can solve this problem. We’re counting on your help.”

“If you can help our county overcome this difficulty, the position of County Captain will be yours, brother, along with many rewards.”

Promising so many benefits indicated the seriousness of the situation. Chu Qingzhi asked, “Please, tell me more.”

The County Magistrate grimaced, “There’s a village called Yun Village to the south of the county town, located beside the official road. Recently, villagers there have been experiencing unrelenting high fevers, spreading the infection to passing travelers.”

It s clear that Yun Village has been struck by an epidemic, showing the earliest symptoms of unrelenting high fever.”

He looked at Chu Qingzhi with deep concern, “Miss Chu, please see if you can cure them. If not, as the source of the disease, the village will have to be sealed off.”

History had recorded instances where entire villages were slaughtered due to epidemics, a brutal but sometimes necessary measure to prevent more deaths.

Chu Qingzhi reassured him, “Treating the disease is not a problem, as long as you can ensure a supply of medicinal herbs.”

That won’t be an issue.” The County Magistrate was desperate for a solution, especially with the performance review period approaching and such a disaster looming, “I’ll head there right away.”

Grateful, the County Magistrate thanked her, then instructed Chu Xujin and the head constable to accompany Chu Qingzhi to Yun Village, “Take whatever you need and act as necessary.”

“Yes, sir.”

Chu Qingzhi suggested, “County Magistrate, perhaps issue a decree in conjunction with nearby counties. Those exhibiting symptoms of unrelenting fever should come to Yun Village for treatment. Otherwise, even if Yun Village is cured, other places might experience outbreaks.”

The County Magistrate agreed, “Your consideration is thorough, Miss Chu. I’ll issue the decree immediately.”

After ensuring her family was informed, Chu Qingzhi mounted her horse and hurried to Yun Village.

Yun Village was already sealed off by the government, with entry allowed but not exit. People nearby wore clothes over their noses and mouths, and the area was under strict surveillance.

Joining Chu Qingzhi were Yuan Hongjun and Bao Linjiang, leading a volunteer-medical team.


Yuan Hongjun and Bao Linjiang had intended to assess the situation before reporting back to Chu Qingzhi, not expecting their master to have already arrived.

“Cough, cough, cough…” Fan Yuru suddenly began coughing.

After diagnosing Fan Yuru, Chu Qingzhi frowned, “How did you get infected?”

Rong Shiyu anxiously asked, “Qingzhi, what’s she infected with?”

They had seen many patients with fevers recently, attributing it to seasonal changes.

Noticing the unusual pattern of illnesses among Yun Village residents led Yuan Hongjun and Bao Linjiang to investigate, which inadvertently exposed them to the disease.


“What? Smallpox!”

Fan Yuru panicked, knowing the lethality of smallpox, but then remembered something important, quickly covering her mouth and stepping back, “Stay away from me, I don’t want to infect you.”

Rong Shiyu became frightened, “Qingzhi, are you sure?”

“Positive, but don’t worry. Smallpox can be cured.” Chu Qingzhi took out a pill for Fan Yuru and distributed masks, “Yuru, after taking my pill, just rest until the fever subsides.”

This assurance eased everyone’s concerns.

Yuan Hongjun helped Fan Yuru to a tent, “There’s a tent over there; let’s rest.” His care was evident.

Fan Yuru nodded, her eyeswarm, “Thank you for the trouble.”

As Yuan Hongjun carefully escorted Fan Yuru to the tent, he said, “If you keep saying that, I’ll stop caring for you.”

Fan Yuru gently tugged at his sleeve, “Okay, I’ll stop.”

Yuan Hongjun’s lips curved in a smile, “Good.”

Rong Shiyu asked Chu Qingzhi, “What can I do?”

Chu Qingzhi responded, “Linjiang, Shiyu, wait here for a bit. I’ll check the village first.”


Chu Qingzhi instructed Chu Xujin and the constables to wait outside the village, talcing action only after she assessed the situation.

After making arrangements, Chu Qingzhi headed into the village, her official badge ensuring smooth passage.

Yun Village was entirely sealed off, with only one entrance and exit.