Extraordinary Genius-Chapter 1280 - China’s Top Ten IT influential men

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Chapter 1280 – China’s Top Ten IT influential men

“Good evening, Leaders and distinguished guests. Welcome to the Second Aiwa’s Cup, China’s Top Ten IT influential men selection. Currently, we have 50 candidates from all over China...”

How can a company raise in an industry? Not only the company needs to show their earnings, but they must also let others see their names.

Most people, or almost everyone, wants fame and acknowledgment. Some trades are profitable, but not many are willing to do it. Some trades are respectable, but not many are willing to do it.

If a trade can give you fame and money, many people will want to do it, and this industry will quickly become popular.

In the past, many people saw the rise of IT, and it is profitable. PCs, the internet, or software are all making lots of money.

But not many see it as being respectable. If you tell others your son is developing software, others might be confused. What is software?

But this has changed since last year. Many people saw these men on CCTV, and even the country’s top leaders presented awards to them. It was then they know how important this industry is.

In Feng Yu’s previous life, China also has such awards. This is to promote the development of certain industries and give recognition to those who made significant contributions. Without these people, this industry might be monopolized by other countries again.

In this life, Feng Yu had suggested this award to gather all the IT companies together. PC manufacturers, software, the internet, etc., are all in the IT industry.

If everyone can be grouped, it will form a business chain and help the industry develop quickly. If the hardware cannot catch up, it will be useless even if the software is the best. If there is good software, but without internet, it can only be used offline. All these companies are related.

Many people, especially the higher-ups, support Feng Yu’s suggestion.

Technology is the number one productivity, and this is what the higher-ups want to see. China’s technological improvements. Since these people had shown results, they must be given recognition. Furthermore, the Government doesn’t need to spend a single cent as Aiwa Electronics is sponsoring everything.

It’s not that easy to set up an award. First, everyone must attend, and their lodging and travel expenses must be reimbursed.

Also, the media must be invited to report about it. It can’t be the award is only given out among a small circle of friends.s.

The trophy must also be custom-made. Even if the trophy is cheap and made from artificial crystals, there must also be a cash prize!

What? These people don’t care about the prize money? The ones who can be named as one of the industry’s influential people will not lack money? This can also be changed. For example, a donation made under their name.

Feng Yu asked Aiwa Electronics and Aiwa Home Appliances to sponsor this China’s Top Ten IT influential men of the year award and got CCTV to broadcast it live.

The higher-ups agreed. How can CCTV don’t broadcast a national award? Furthermore, the leaders also want to show their faces in front of the people.

With CCTV participating, Sina, Sohu, and other major websites also contributed by creating joint online voting pages.

Of course, these companies will get something in return. The voting page on Sina will be promoting their Chairman, Wang Zhixi, and Sohu’s voting page is promoting Zhang Chaoyang.

Some mainstream newspapers and magazines helped promote this award, and some overseas media also reported it.

Of course, the votes are paper votes, and viewers can vote by mailing. The website links guide the viewers on how to vote, etc., but this procedure also resulted in some accidents last year.

Some people voted for someone else instead of one of the top 50 candidates. Should these votes be void, or should they remove some of the candidates?

This year, the rules had changed slightly. There are only 40 candidates, and people can vote for non-candidates.

There are more than 50 candidates, and it’s harder for them to win this award.

But this change doesn’t matter to Feng Yu, as Liu Chuanzhi, Wang Zhixi, Li Yanhong, etc., will be in the top ten.

This year, Ma Yun and Shi Dazhu also have an opportunity to get this award as they had made significant contributions to the industry.

After the opening speech by the host, the Leader went up the stage to give a speech. This is one of China’s top Leaders and gave an encouraging speech to thank all the candidates. This is an honor as this Leader is representing the country to present the awards.

There is an old saying. “If you don’t return to your hometown after you succeed, it is equivalent to being well dressed at night.”

These candidates are also the same. They want everyone in China to know of their achievements as they had made the country proud.

“...... This year, we have received 263,583 votes from all over China, including 27 regions overseas. This means our award is getting more influential and had gained high recognition internationally...”

Feng Yu smacked his lips. This award does have some publicity overseas, but how did they conclude it has high recognition? But never mind. There’s no need to expose them.

The Leader walks up the stage again. “I announce the Second Aiwa Chinese Top Ten IT influential Men is Lei Jun, the CEO of Lenovo Kingsoft, Yang Lan, Chairman of Hong Kong’s Sunshine Internet TV, Shi Dazhu, Chairman and CEO of Giant Internet, Ma Yun, Chairman and President of Alibaba Group, Li Yanhong, Chairman and CEO of Baidu, Li Zekai, Chairman and President of Pacific Century Group...”

Li Zekai looks at Feng Yu curiously. “How come I am included?” No wonder Feng Yu had called him to attend this award presentation. He thought Feng Yu had asked him over to raise the status of this ceremony. After all, he is the elite representative of Hong Kong’s IT industry.

“How come you cannot get this award? You are picked because of everyone’s votes. I swear I had not arranged this. Furthermore, Pacific Century Group is also one of Hong Kong’s top IT companies, and winning this award is normal. Hurry and get on the stage. The Leader is not young, and it’s not good to let him wait.”

Feng Yu said in his heart. Although I had not made arrangements for you to win, the leaders did something to make you win. You represent Hong Kong, and if no one outside of China wins this award, people might think the voting is rigged. Based on the actual votes, you are eleven placed as there are more votes from China. So, the tenth place guy, who is doing anti-virus software, has to step aside for you.