Extraordinary Genius-Chapter 1276 - How are we going to market this?

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Chapter 1276 – How are we going to market this?

“Manager Shi, are you here to tell me some good news?” Feng Yu pressed the ESC button. He was about to win this game of Warcraft 3.

“Of course. The Chinese Web is about to be upload, and we have uploaded all the schools and streets data. We even got the data of some state-owned enterprises, companies, etc., and we are confident we can complete someone’s details.” Shi Dazhu excitedly said.

“Oh, this is a piece of good news. Are you confident in increasing the number of users quickly? Don’t be like Old Ma. He claimed he would exceed eBay Yi Qu in a month, but he took one month and one week.”

“Haha... one month and one week is also a miracle. After all, Taobao had started with zero users and got more than 3 million users. But I did not expect eBay Yi Qu’s users to increase rapidly too. I have an idea to increase Chinese Web users quickly. We can promote it in universities.”

“Promote it in universities? Does that mean you want the students to use this site to find their middle and high school friends? This is a good idea, but the users will be limited to young people. Our purpose of creating this site is for all demographics.”

Promoting this site in Universities is what this site did in Feng Yu’s previous life. The company had used advertisements and flyers to get university students to sign up, making them the first batch of users.

But the website in Feng Yu’s previous life is called On Campus, and they are selling the idea of connecting your former schoolmates. This is similar to Facebook, but Facebook grew quickly, and its users are not limited to students.

“But most PC users are young people. Many older people are still using two fingers to type and can’t even chat with QQ. Many of them don’t even know how to send SMS messages.” Shi Dazhu frowned.

“Don’t look down on their learning capabilities, and PCs are much easier to use now. Do you still remember how troublesome it was when you used a PC for the first time? Many of the functions can be settled with just a mouse click now. People can learn how to type, and many people know how to use Pinyin. Sohu and Tencent are developing the Pinyin input system, and I heard Baidu is also developing their input system. It will be easier for them to type in the future.”

“But it is still difficult. Although many people know about Pinyin, many people are still using dialects. The words they typed are not the words they want.”

“Lenovo Group had developed an interesting product which is modified from a drawing block. It’s called a writing pad. It has a special pen, and when you write on the board, the words will appear on the PC. Currently, there are two modes. One mode is that the PC will recognize the words based on the strokes, and the other directly reflects whatever you wrote. I believe many people know how to write.” Feng Yu smiled.

“Lenovo had developed such a good product? If this product is available, it will be much easier. After all, most of the illiterate people will not buy PCs.” Shi Dazhu exclaimed. “Should we advertise and give out flyers at some office buildings and factories?”

Feng Yu shook his head. “You can give out flyers at universities, but it’s not a good idea to do that at workplaces. There is another place which is suitable for us to advertise. Internet cafes.”

Internet cafes? Shi Dazhu thought for a while and felt this is a good idea. Internet cafes are very popular now, and most of them are located near schools and highly populated areas.

Many people still cannot afford PCs and go to the internet cafes to play games, send emails, chat on QQ, etc. Most of China’s internet users are gathered at internet cafes!

“Manager Feng, how are we going to capture the rest of the users? Just internet cafes are not enough. I know Sina and the rest will advertise for us, but those advertisements are targeting internet users. There are still many users who don’t go online. How are we going to attract them to register?” Shi Dazhu asked sincerely.

Shi Dazhu knows Feng Yu is a genius in marketing and promoting products.

“Manager Shi, have you forgotten how you had marketed your product?” Feng Yu hinted.

My product? Gold Partner? I had advertised in newspapers, online articles, and TV advertisements. Wait... Is Manager Feng talking about TV advertisements?

Can a website be advertised on TV? No one had ever done that!

Also, TV advertisements are very expensive. Local TV stations’ advertisement slots are still alright, but CCTV’s advertisement slots had increased a lot. Even the satellite TV stations from other provinces are also increasing. This site will not generate any profits in the initial phase, and they had spent a lot to develop it. If they spend so much on advertising, this company will not have any reserve funds.

“Manager Shi, are you thinking it is ridiculous to advertise on TV? If you never try it, how do you know it will not work? It might be costly, but the advertising fees are nothing if we can attract users. Look at QQ. It is free initially, but they can generate profits through other paid services, and their profits will increase in the future. Why did Taobao waive off the seller commissions? They did this to attract customers. When you have a lot of users, you can get profits from other areas. We are providing quality services, and it cannot be free forever.”

In Feng Yu’s previous life, Shi Dazhu’s internet company had used TV advertising to promote themselves. Many people are laughing at the ridiculous advertisement. A woman is smiling to herself in front of a PC, and no one knows what she is looking.

But it is because of this ridiculous advertisement, people become curious. When they entered the website, they are attracted to the game and bring high profits to Shi Dazhu.

Many internet companies had advertised on TV in Feng Yu’s previous life. For example, Baidu, 58.com, ganji.com, 51job, etc. had advertised on TV, online, on flyers, and on billboards to attract users.

Some of these companies start to use product placements in TV series and movies to promote their products. This is to position themselves in the minds of the consumers. Whenever someone thinks of something, the websites will come to their minds!

Shi Dazhu asked. “How are we going to do this advertisement? What are we going to promote in the advertisement?”

“I had thought about the theme of this advertisement. We will market our website using emotions!”

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