Evolving Silver Dragon-Chapter 25 - : 024 Deadly Poison_1

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Chapter 25: 024 Deadly Poison_1

Translator: 549690339

The scorching flame, like a fire dragon, attacked the Rotten Blood Serpent Lizard. Feeling threatened, the Serpent Lizard, which was feasting on a Lizardman, immediately dropped the food from its mouth.

Its six heads all turned towards the incoming flame, as six streams of thick, foul-smelling green poison spewed out from the snake heads, merging into one water-column-like stream of venomous breath against Otto’s Flame Breath.

At the moment the fire and venom collided, a large quantity of green poisonous mist vaporized. Although it made a huge noise, Otto’s first attack didn’t achieve any significant results.

The toxic mist also increased the temperature around it, making the environment sticky and annoying, causing the visibility within a certain range to decrease quickly.

Since most of the venom’s composition was water, the Rotten Blood Serpent Lizard’s venomous breath was somewhat repressive to Otto’s flame.

Saru had never mentioned that the Rotten Blood subspecies would use a venomous breath skill.

The Flame Breath didn’t cause any severe damage to the Rotten Blood Serpent Lizard, but the increased temperature and Otto’s attack successfully enraged it.

With its six heads roaring and emitting sharp shrieks, the Serpent Lizard completely abandoned the Lizardman as food. Its crocodile-like body moved nimbly through the swamp, rushing at Otto at an incredible speed.

Otto shook off the mud and debris on his wings, and before the Rotten Blood Serpent Lizard could reach him, he flapped his wings and soared into the air.

There were no dense, tall trees around; low shrubs and plants withered by the poisonous liquid didn’t cause any trouble for Otto’s flight.

The Rotten Blood Serpent Lizard couldn’t fly and became extremely angry, seeing Otto just take to the sky. It extended its neck to try to bite Otto, but could not reach him at all.

Driven to desperation, the six heads of the Serpent Lizard each shot streams of venom into the air like water.

However, the force was obviously not enough. Half of the attacks fell before they could even touch Otto, and the remaining half that barely reached Otto’s height were slow, twisted, and lacked any lethality.

Since the attack didn’t work, the Rotten Blood Serpent Lizard roared and sprayed venom again. This time, it concentrated its entire force into one head, shooting the poisonous liquid at an astonishing speed, like a high-pressure water gun, towards Otto.

However, the aim was still off; Otto just needed to dodge slightly to avoid the attack while flying.

After extensive practice, Otto had become adept at flying and could effortlessly perform difficult stunts in the air.

Being passively attacked wasn’t Otto’s style. As he dodged the Rotten Blood Serpent Lizard’s attack, he began to descend, spewing out the scorching Flame Breath, forming a wide fan-like shape surrounding the Serpent Lizard.

The Rotten Blood Serpent Lizard wasn’t new to this attack style either. Its six heads each spat out thick venom to counter the wide-ranging Flame Breath.

Due to the collision of the two breath attacks, the high-temperature green mist appeared once again. Since Otto intentionally widened the area of his Flame Breath, the range covered by the green mist became even larger.

In just an instant, the surroundings of the Rotten Blood Serpent Lizard were enveloped by an impenetrable green fog.

Its six heads looked around bewildered, unable to discern anything other than a sea of green.

*Sigh…*Suddenly, a swooshing sound came, and Otto, like a meteorite falling from the sky, smashed directly onto the body of the Rotten Blood Serpent Lizard, which closely resembled a crocodile, pinning the monster down in the water.

Otto’s robust hind legs forcefully stepped on the spine of the Rotten Blood Serpent Lizard, and with the crisp sound of bones breaking, the monster’s limbs gradually weakened.

Its spine had been crushed by Otto, and the powerful body of the Rotten Blood Serpent Lizard could not withstand the impact brought by such a fierce creature falling from the sky.

Considering the monster’s persistent blood, Otto retracted the sharp claws on his hind legs, only causing some skin and flesh wounds while crushing its spine.

The wounds were not large, so Otto would not be surrounded by boiling poisonous blood in the first instant.

Because of the pain, the six heads of the Rotten Blood Serpent Lizard let out sharp, piercing screams. Even though its spine had been crushed by Otto, the movements of its six snake heads did not seem to be restricted.

The six snake heads surrounded Otto in a circle, and Otto opened his mouth to spew a scorching Flame that scorched one of the heads, but the rest of the snake heads tangled up intensively.

Under Otto’s feet, small areas of wounds caused by torn skin and flesh began to spurt out small streams of boiling poisonous blood.

Feeling the sting coming from the corrosion of poisonous blood at the bottom of his feet, Otto flapped his wings, trying to fly away, but the Rotten Blood Serpent Lizard did not want to give him such a chance.

When he used the Flame Breath, two snake heads had already bitten his wings separately. Even with the Stone-Iron Coating and Thick Scale Armor, it still couldn’t withstand the full bite of the monster.

The sharp venomous fangs pierced Otto’s flesh and quickly injected violent toxins. Soon, Otto’s wings lost sensation.

“Damn it!”

It needs to be known that Otto had a strong resistance to poison, but even so, he couldn’t resist the direct invasion of the Rotten Blood Serpent Lizard’s venom.

Since the dragon wings could no longer be used, it was better to leave from the ground. The spine of the Rotten Blood Serpent Lizard had been crushed, and it couldn’t chase after him at all.

When Otto tried to leave, the remaining snake heads bit his neck, body, and hind legs.

Like chains trying to control him here, the Rotten Blood Serpent Lizard had a larger build than Otto, and it was hard to break free in a short time.

The burnt head of the Rotten Blood Serpent Lizard had already revived, and all six snake heads bit Otto firmly, while continuously injecting venom into his body, slowly making his entire body stiff.

Under Otto’s feet, the wound on the trunk of the Rotten Blood Serpent Lizard continued to spew poisonous blood. The scales on Otto’s soles had already been corroded and fallen off, the exposed flesh was being rotted by the toxins, yet he didn’t feel pain.

Otto’s hind legs had completely lost sensation, and soon, due to the lack of support, he lay down on the body of the Rotten Blood Serpent Lizard.

Having its spine broken did not count as a fatal injury for such a tenacious monster, and its innate regeneration magic not only worked on growing heads.

As long as it was not dead, it could work on any part of the body. As long as it could eat Otto, the energy obtained would be enough to fully recover and even become more powerful.

The Rotten Blood Serpent Lizard seemed to think that it had already won, and even started tearing and eating Otto’s flesh with difficulty.