Dungeon of Pride, Laplace-Chapter 551 551- The 34th Floor, The Pit And The Mysterious Ruins (2)

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It was understandable since none of his subordinates were adventurers, in fact, even he was confused as to what their motive was when he saw them doing something like that at first. However, after he closely observed the people selected to lead the charge on the different floors he came to an understanding and couldn't help but laugh.

"Master what is so funny?" Alice asked perplexed.

"It's nothing, just that I found it funny seeing how these top guilds are so conceited. Coleus you asked me why they spread their numbers and sent the weaker ones to explore the floors? That is because, from their perspective, it is a good chance to let their younger generation gain experience and compete against each other to see who clears the floors faster than the others".

Simon explained, he was familiar with some of the adventurers displayed in the window. They were the participants of the 'battle of the finest' tournament which he had witnessed when he went to the capital of the kingdom on one of his journey with Adalinda.

Fate worked very mysteriously, counting the previous incident and the event that was occurring now, both the times he was watching them fight. However this time, he was no longer an observer and this was not the capital but a dungeon that was under his rule.

Another thing that was different was their strength. Previously, their strength wasn't that far apart, Simon's level might have been lower but his combat prowess was no weaker than theirs. However, now it had changed completely.

Simon had risen to a level that they couldn't hope to match even in their wildest dreams all thanks to the first fragment of pride. This fragment that increases the experience gained after every successful battle was one of the reasons why Simon could level up so fast.

If it was any other demon given the same opportunities, it would be physically impossible for them to grow so much in such a short period of time.

Anyways, if it was before, Simon would have perhaps considered them as opponents. However, right now they were nothing more than DP grinding livestock for him.

"What do you plan to do?" Irene asked, unlike the others who showed various emotions looking at the intruders, she had that calm and collected aura around her. It was as if everything that was occurring around her was mundane and nothing could break her peace of mind.

Nonetheless, it wasn't like she was unconcerned, if she was she wouldn't have asked him about his plans. This woman was caring for the dungeon in her own way.

Simon who somewhat understood that after living with her for so long, explained his plans. Well even if he said it was a plan, it was actually very simple and that was to—

"Wait and watch".

Simon smiled at their blank expressions and clarified "We will see what they are planning first before responding to it accordingly. In any case, the first phase of our traps are about to appear, now we just have to wait for the prey to fall for it and enjoy the show".

Everybody around him stared intently at the widows displaying the adventurers. Simon's gaze involuntarily went to a different window that was depicting a dark floor where one dreadful shadow after another was spawned continuously; a wicked smile appeared on his face.

The show was about to get interesting.


One day later, 20th Floor, Main Camp, largest tent.

The various guild leaders were locked in an intense debate. Usually, other than the vice guild leaders and a few important people from the twenty guilds, no other person was allowed to enter. However, today there was a different face that didn't belong to any of the powerful twenty guilds seated amongst them.

"Xandros, I hope that you are not making up things. What you are saying clearly goes beyond the realm of common sense"..

"That's right, it is absurd that there could be something on the deepest floor of the dungeon that could even threaten us"…

The guild leaders didn't like being underestimated and hurriedly argued back.

"Vice guild leader of the Tyrant Mountain guild, currently your team is the only team in the tower town that has explored the highest number of floors. Can you tell us why you think so?".

Karina asked, her charms was enough to cause these barking guild leaders to immediately shut their mouth.

The new face was none other than Xandros, the vice guild leader of the tyrant mountain guild and also the man who was involved in rescuing the adventurers that were taken hostage when the orcs had invaded the town.

Currently, he was seated around a meeting table as all eyes focused on him. The reason why he was here, was because a few days ago, the staff of the adventurer's association branch came looking for him after he and his party returned to the town after exploring the 40th floor.

That was also when he became aware that a large group of adventurers made up of many different guilds, had also entered the dungeon. The floors became bigger the deeper you went, thus it wasn't unusual for adventurers teams to not bump into each other.

Anyways, the reason why he was here, was because the grey haired man had called for him. Xandros couldn't tell who the man was behind that mask; however, given that he had the ability to manipulate the adventurer's association branch, and put a halt on other adventurer's team from the tower town to dive inside the dungeon, he guessed that the man possessed a high position and authority.

"I have no proof to back my words, it is your own decision to believe my words or not. Me and my team have been able to reach the 40th floor because we were cautious in our every step. The dungeon has shown us far too irregularities, it would be foolish to pit it with the other low ranking dungeons" Xandros stated.

These people here were severely underestimating the dungeon and its dangers. But given their lineup and power, he could understand why that was so.

Gathered in this tent were not only the top five guilds, but also the other big guilds that came right after the top five. Sky Slashing Blade, Six River's Streaks and even Absolute Sea Guild.

These guilds were all hegemons of their own territory and produced some of the finest adventurers of the kingdom of Ellesmere. Not to mention the talent from their guilds always were within the top thirty positions in the battle of the finest tournament. 𝘧𝚛𝗲𝘦𝚠𝙚𝙗𝙣o𝙫𝗲𝚕.𝐜o𝓂

His Tyrant mountain guild also fell within that rank and apparently, his guild was also contacted by the top five guilds and this mysterious grey haired man to join their expedition. However, the guild leader had left the decision to Xandros who was already leading a team to tackle the dungeon.

"I see… you are a prudent man Xandros. Since you have put it like this, I believe your words must hold some truth. We will proceed with caution, expedition leader Brutus, spread this message of Sir Xandros to every adventurer" the grey haired man spoke calmly.

Brutus nodded his head, it was a done decision and approved by everyone that he will be the expedition leader.

"On that note, Xandros what do you say about your tyrant mountain guild joining our campaign? I have already asked this once to your guild leader; however, he put the decision making on your shoulders. If your team is to guide us, it would save us a lot of time and energy. Of course, your guild will be compensated with the same reward I promised everyone".

The words of the grey haired man made Xandros frown his brows, no reward can be better than keeping their life intact. He was just about to shake his head when the grey haired man spoke once again.

"Don't be so hasty to reject my offer, listen to the rewards that I have to offer first. If your guild joins the expedition, the reward I'm offering is ...…".

Whoosh… Even though there was no wind inside the tent, Xandros felt as if a cold wind brushed past his body, opening his pores and waking every cell of his body.

The tent was covered with an unusual silence, each of the guild leaders had various emotions fluctuating in their faces. Even though they had already heard about the reward, it still managed to break their composure every time they heard it.

Greed, desire, yearning, excitement, ruthlessness and arrogance, all kinds of emotions could be seen in the eyes of the guild leaders. Xandros was no exception, a reward of this level, forget about his tyrant mountain guild, even guilds stronger than his would readily agree and do anything as long as they can get their hands on that reward.

Perhaps the only one who was not affected by this revelation was the former vice guild master of the sea god's trident, Dalton. His hands clenched into a fist without anyone noticing.

It took an inhumane level of patience for Xandros to suppress the raging emotion in his heart. He took a few deep breaths to calm his mind and asked with a shaky voice that suggested anything but otherwise.

"Is that true?".

The grey haired man smiled, he very much liked the expression of the current Xandros. Spreading his hands, he said grandly—

"Of course why would I like to you all? As long as you help me conquer this dungeon, each of your guilds would be provided with one of those. So… how about it? A reward like this isn't something that you can come across every day. As long as you help me, you would be able to enjoy that reward".