Dragon King's Son-In-Law-Chapter 628: Loved By All 1.3 for 1

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"Hello, Little Xue." Hao Ren reached out to pinch her little cheek.

His gesture was met with Zhen Congming's cold gaze.

However, the Lu sisters didn't care about Zhen Congming's reaction, and they copied Hao Ren's gesture to pinch Wu Luoxue's cheek.

Unlike most of the other kids whose cheeks were soft, Wu Luoxue's cheeks were smooth and tight like a small beauty.

"The orange juice is for you." Wu Luoxue placed the orange juice into Hao Ren's hand.

"Oh..." Hao Ren took the orange juice in amazement and saw Zhen Congming's eyes spitting fires at him.

Zhen Congming had bought the orange juice especially for Wu Luoxue, but she gave it to Hao Ren!

In the gaze that Zhen Congming gave Hao Ren, there was a trace of hostility toward a rival in love.

"Hello! Big Sisters!" Wu Luoxue turned to greet Xie Yujia and the Lu sisters cutely.

"Ugh..." Hearing Wu Luoxue's greeting, Hao Ren wondered if he really looked so old.

"Sorry; I don't have candy for you." Xie Yujia smiled at her, patting her pockets.

Suddenly, Wu Luoxue ran away.

Looking at her, Zhen Congming wanted to follow her but was afraid to lose face in front of Hao Ren. Therefore, he stayed by Hao Ren's side.

A while later, Wu Luoxue returned with several bottles of drinks.

"These drinks are for you..." Wu Luoxue handed the drinks to Xie Yujia and the Lu sisters and even took one bottle to Zhao Yanzi who sat in the front.

Walking through Zhao Yanzi's class, Wu Luoxue instantly attracted the students' attention.

Her pouting lips were adorable.

"Since Little Xue and Congming know you, I entrust them in your care." An elementary school teacher walked over and said with a smile when she saw Wu Luoxue and Zhen Congming taking seats around Hao Ren and Xie Yujia.

The elementary school students were supposed to sit in the allocated zone to watch the events, but Wu Luoxue and Zhen Congming could sit here since they knew these young people.

"Ok!" Xie Yujia nodded slightly and answered with Wu Luoxue in her arms.

Her elegant posture made her look like a loving mom.

"Little Xue, here's the money." Not wanting to let an elementary school student pay for their drinks, the Lu sisters handed one hundred yuan to Wu Luoxue.

Wu Luoxue shook her head and moved her hands to her back, not wanting to accept the money. She wasn't a big talker, but she had a generous personality, which was why she bought drinks for them.

"Where did you get the money?" Looking down, Hao Ren patted Wu Luoxue's head and asked.

Zhen Congming slanted a glare at Hao Ren with displeasure on his face.

"My mom gave it to me. She came back from Russia yesterday." With a cup of milk tea in her hand, Wu Luoxue said happily.

"Oh? Was your mom in Russia?" Hao Ren asked her.

He didn't know that Wu Luoxue's mom had been out of East Ocean City. No wonder Wu Luoxue was cheerful today and more active than before.

"Yeah. She came back on last night's flight," Wu Luoxue nodded.

Suddenly, she picked up a drink from the ground beside her feet and handed it to Zhen Congming.

"This is for you," she said.

Zhen Congming's stiff expression exploded into a smile when Wu Luoxue handed him the drink.

He had slept soundly while it drizzled last night. This morning, he found that Wu Luoxue's mom, a young and beautiful woman, had come back.

With his intelligence, Zhen Congming immediately put on an obedient and cute look to gain the like of Wu Luoxue's mom.

This morning, Wu Luoxue's mom drove them to school.

At this thought, Zhen Congming was thrilled. It seemed that Wu Luoxue's mom had a good impression of him!

Comparatively, Wu Luoxue seemed to be closer to her mom than her dad.

"Congming, you must take good care of my Luoxue..." The sweet words of Wu Luoxue's mom were still in ringing in Zhen Congming's ears.

Zhen Congming felt as if he would fly up when he recalled her words.

"Yeah. She came back earlier; she was supposed to come back in the next month. My mom brought back many gifts for me."

Zhen Congming gathered his thoughts and heard Wu Luoxue's answer to Xue Yujia's question.

With a silly smile on his face, he remembered that Wu Luoxue's mom would come to pick them up after school and take Wu Luoxue to a fancy meal, and he could go with them.

Zhen Congming didn't care about the fancy meal, but he felt like a member of Wu Luoxue's family if he could go out for dinner with them; it made him very happy.

Looking at Wu Luoxue, he felt that Wu Luoxue was his, and he would deal with anyone who dared to take her from him!

"The next event is the 100-meter dash. Students participating in this race, please come into the field for preparation," the reminder sounded from the speakers around the sports field.

Zhao Yanzi, who had been sipping her drink, put the bottle on the chair and walked out of the class zone.

The moment she walked out, Hao Ren felt Zhao Yanzi's popularity in the school.

Almost all the people in the school turned to look at Zhao Yanzi.

Running into the field with her ponytail swung on her back, she attracted all the boys' eyes.

In Grade Nine, Zhao Yanzi was still petite, and she was the dream girl for both the boys in high school and middle school.

Standing on the track, she looked back at Hao Ren while blushing. While swaying her body and stretching her arms, her youthful and pretty figure attracted the boys' attention more, and they began taking her pictures with cameras.

In the eyes of her peers, Zhao Yanzi was ordinary in studies, but her spicy personality attracted many guys.

She tore the love letters that the boys sent to her into pieces; she tossed the gifts that the boys bought for her into the garbage can, and she refused all the invitations from the handsome guys in high school.

This little beauty who refused love was terrible in her studies, and people wondered what she had been doing in her spare time since she didn't look stupid.

The sense of mystery, curiosity, and Zhao Yanzi's charm made her the focus of the school.

This was why when the news about Zhao Yanzi's boyfriend from outside of the school spread throughout the entire LingZhao School, all the boys who showed love for Zhao Yanzi either in public or in secret felt the blow.

"Zhao Yanzi! Zhao Yanzi!" someone suddenly yelled from one corner.

Immediately, all the boys on the sports field yelled along.

Some were cheering for Zhao Yanzi while others tried to distract her; all kinds of motives mingled together. However, Zhao Yanzi was the only girl whose name was known to every boy in the school.

Zhao Yanzi wrinkled her nose and glanced around.

Looking at her, Hao Ren found that Zhao Yanzi was quite popular in the school.

With a helpless smile, Xie Yujia remembered that she had caused no such maniac scene in the school. During her middle school and high school years, some boys admired her, but she pretended not to know about them and refused the ones who came to her. After that, her middle school and high school life passed in peace.

She turned her head slightly and glanced at Hao Ren who was sitting beside her.

Hao Ren was looking at Zhao Yanzi in the field.

Thinking of the peaceful but dull life in middle school and high school that she had, Xie Yujia felt content that she could be with Hao Ren.

She turned her gaze toward Zhao Yanzi in the field.

Swinging her arms, Zhao Yanzi was doing the last warm-up.

The youthful and vivacious Zhao Yanzi was totally different from the quiet and elegant Xue Yujia.

However, Xie Yujia understood Zhao Yanzi's affection for Hao Ren.

They both liked the same guy at the same time in their lives.

Suddenly, Xie Yujia felt an indescribable empathy for Zhao Yanzi.

"Ready... Go!"

Bang! The starting gun sounded.

Hua... The sounds of the students' yelling rose like waves.

Different from the Athletic Games in universities, the Athletic Games in middle schools had a higher percentage of participation while the students were more familiar with each other.

In boarding schools like LingZhao Middle School, the students could only go out during lunch break and in the evenings, and the school Athletic Games was a way for the students to vent their abundant energy and a type of entertainment for total relaxation.

Clenching her fists, biting her lip, and holding her breath, Zhao Yanzi ran swiftly.

Her black ponytail almost flew up.

So fast!

In seconds, she had left other competitors behind and reached the finish line.

After winning the champion of the 100-meter dash, she exhaled deeply and immediately searched for Hao Ren's gaze.

Hao Ren waved at her, but Zhao Yanzi looked away immediately and walked to the side to rest with faked composure.

LingZhao Middle School divided its Athletic Games into three groups: Grade Seven, Grade Eight and Grade Nine.

For the 100-meter dash, each class had two students entering the race, and there were preliminaries and a final race. Walking to one side to rest, Zhao Yanzi looked more beautiful with a thin layer of sweat on her face.

Seeing that Zhao Yanzi was so popular in the school, Hao Ren felt a bit jealous as the boys cheered for her.

When the second round finished, no other girls in Grade Nine could challenge Zhao Yanzi's position. After some rest, Zhao Yanzi returned to the track.

"Zhao Yanzi! Zhao Yanzi!"

The students yelled again.

Zhao Yanzi still looked calm as if she didn't care whether she could win or not, and her only goal was to finish the race.

With the sound of the starting gun, Zhao Yanzi dashed out.

Running with the typical movements of a young girl, her shoulders swayed sideways, but her speed wasn't slow.

Zhao Yanzi's white running shoes flew on the red track, and her determined expression left a deep impression on Hao Ren.

In the blink of an eye, she left more than ten meters between herself and the second runner as she dashed through the finish line.

"Wow..." The boys exclaimed.

Even the boys couldn't outrun her!

The athletic girls were a special type. With her beauty and skills, Zhao Yanzi was popular among the boys for good reasons.

Hao Ren watched her steps and knew that she ran with pure physical strength without using any nature essence. Her small body was full of energy.

"Good!" Seeing Zhao Yanzi winning the 100-meter dash with ease, Luo Ying clapped her hands happily.

Zhao Yanzi jogged back to her class zone. After watching her win a race with ease for the class, the boys in her class looked at her as if she were a goddess.

Returning to her seat, Zhao Yanzi talked and laughed with Ling and the other girls without sparing a glance at Hao Ren as he weren't there.

Sensing her smugness, Hao Ren lowered his head with a smile.

However, Zhao Yanzi was indeed attractive in her sportswear.

In the next event, Zhao Yanzi got first places in the long jump and the high jump. In the 400-meter relay, the Second Class of Grade Nine easily won with Zhao Yanzi on the team.

Attending only four events, Zhao Yanzi had become the most dazzling figure on the sports field. Even Xie Yujia admired Zhao Yanzi's athletic talent and knew that she was no match for Zhao Yanzi in this area.

Drying her sweat, Zhao Yanzi talked animatedly with Ling and the other girls while students of all grades glanced at her with envy.

In fact, Zhao Yanzi had first become popular in the Athletic Games during her Grade Seven since her performance was even better than the best of Grade Nine. Together with her pretty figure and vivacious expressions, she had instantly become a hot topic of the school.

"Little Zhumu is awesome," Lu sisters said with appreciation next to Hao Ren.

They truly admired Zhao Yanzi's great performance on the track, knowing that they were no match for Zhao Yanzi's speed if they purely used mortal strength.

"Yeah," Hao Ren agreed with a smile.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he wouldn't have known that Zhao Yanzi was so athletic. As the anchor in the 400-meter relay race, Zhao Yanzi caught up with the first-place runner and outran her swiftly, almost becoming a hero.

How could he not like Zhao Yanzi?

Due to Zhao Yanzi's excellent performance, the Second Class of Grade Nine got first place with the highest points in the group.

"Wow!" When the scores were announced through the speakers, all the students in Zhao Yanzi's class jumped up cheerfully.

Wu Luoxue also smiled happily. Although she rarely did sports, she found that it was enjoyable to see Zhao Yanzi race on the track.

Little White came out from somewhere and wriggled its tail happily as Wu Luoxue held it in her arms.

"Zi! You ran super fast today!" Ling took Zhao Yanzi's hands into hers and said with a laugh.

Shaking her head, Zhao Yanzi answered with pretended modesty. "Not so fast!"

In fact, she had indeed run very fast today, and only she knew the reason.

She turned her head secretly and lowered her head when she met Hao Ren's affectionate gaze.

In the past, she had run to get first place, but she ran for him today.

In the past, she had nothing on her mind, but now she seemed to be more thoughtful.

Led by the teachers, the elementary school students exited LingZhao Middle School since their day ended earlier, and their parents were already at the school gate waiting for them.

"Was I good?" While people leaving the field in chaos, Zhao Yanzi walked to Hao Ren's side and asked with her face up to him.

"Good!" Knowing that many boys were watching him, Hao Ren still reached out to pinch her nose and said with a smile.

This gesture made many guys green with envy.

To make way for the students who were carrying chairs, Zhao Yanzi walked into Hao Ren's arms.

Subconsciously, Hao Ren opened his arms and took her in.

Zhao Yanzi was in her sportswear, and she felt soft and warm due to the day's exercise.

Seeing no teacher looking this way, Zhao Yanzi caught Hao Ren's arms and kissed his lips on tiptoes.

She didn't worry that the students saw them. Instead, she hoped more people could see them.

Immersed in the pleasure of Zhao Yanzi winning, Xie Yujia felt cold inside when she saw the scene.

"Oh..." Many students had seen it, but it happened so quickly that they couldn't capture it with cell phones.

Besides, they didn't expect that Zhao Yanzi would kiss Hao Ren in public where the students were busy exiting the sports field.

Wearing her deep blue sportswear, Zhao Yanzi looked very youthful and vivacious today, and the boys dreamed of holding and kissing Zhao Yanzi. However, Hao Ren realized their fantasy!

"Ling! Let's go back!" Zhao Yanzi turned around swiftly. Carrying her chair, she pulled the dumbfounded Ling toward their classroom.

Hao Ren touched his lips, thinking that Zhao Yanzi had stolen his kiss in public.

"Little Xue! Little Xue!" A woman wearing a colorful dress stood at the gate of the middle school and beckoned.