Divorced My Scum Husband, Married His Evil brother-Chapter 405 405

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Chloe and Vincent simultaneously looked down to check on the phone, and both were surprised that the screen cracked so badly that there was no way to tell what was on the screen anymore.

The phone rang again, but since the screen was cracked beyond repair, Vincent couldn't read the caller's name nor press anything on the phone.

And he was pissed.

No, pissed was an understatement.

Vincent glared at Chloe as if she was just dead meat in front of him, "YOU WILL REGRET THIS, CHLOE GRAY," he shouted and then gnashed his teeth.

He clenched his fist again and punched her face without mercy.

"AH!" Chloe tried to shield her face with her hands but still screamed out of pain because that only sponged the damage a bit, at least not enough to break her nose.

Though, her palm was really red and shaking right now.

Vincent saw how red Chloe's palm got after trying to shield her face, and he scoffed, "See what you got when you're trying to disobey? Your palm is so red, you probably got a broken knuckle or two."

Vincent clenched his fist again, "The second one will break your nose. Your new man will be grossed out to see you with a crooked nose, you ugly bitch!"

Vincent was ready to punch again, and Chloe looked around the desk behind her to see if she could utilize something.

She spotted a small flower vase made out of ceramic on the table. She then glanced back at Vincent before gritting her teeth. Enduring the pain in her shaking palms, she grabbed the ceramic vase behind her.

Vincent was too focused on Chloe's face that he didn't know Chloe was armed with something. He raised his fist, ready to punch Chloe again, when Chloe suddenly swung the hand hidden behind her back and smashed the ceramic vase at Vincent's temple until the hard ceramic vase shattered.

"UGH!" Vincent groaned when a sharp pain suddenly attacked his head. He started losing his footing because he got a terrible headache and ringing in his ear.

As he looked down, he saw the debris of a shattered ceramic vase and blood dropping to the floor.

It took a while for Vincent to recover from the concussion. He was still standing on his feet because the blood angered him even more.

He looked up and saw Chloe had taken the chance while he was dizzy to dash towards the window, trying to open the window but could not.

Vincent chuckled mirthlessly as he saw his wife struggle to escape, like a terrified rabbit about to get eaten soon, "The windows are bolted. That old Principal did it for me out of respect and obedience, maybe she is too scared that I will demolish this private school since the land it sits on is fully owned by the Gray family."

Chloe gasped when she realized there was no escape anymore. She spun to watch over Vincent, who stood menacingly near the principal desk.

He still stood strong despite blood dripping from his left temple. The impact from the ceramic vase should be enough to knock a regular man out. 𝑓𝒓𝚎e𝓌𝘦𝘣𝘯𝘰𝐯𝒆𝑙.c𝚘m

But Vincent was probably too much in rage to get knocked out now. Instead, it only fueled his rage even more, giving him some more motivation to hurt his whore wife really badly.

"Do you want to play cat and mouse in this Principal's office? Sure, I don't mind at all," Vincent smirked from ear to ear. His face was red out of anger, and he hissed through his teeth as he endured the headache.

"You are so dead, Chloe."


Mackie was in the backstage, taking off her costume and washing the paint on her face before she returned to Mr. Peterson, who was busy assigning the students for the next stage play.

"Mr. Peterson, have you seen my Mommy?" Mackie asked.

"Huh? Uh…" Mr. Peterson looked around and shook his head. "I don't see her anywhere, maybe she is still with other parents, watching the stage play?"

"Really? But Mommy said that she will come to me after I'm done!" Mackie said.

"Well, maybe she forgot about it?"

"No, she's not! Mommy never forgets about me!" Mackie insisted.

Of course, Mr. Peterson knew why Mrs. Gray hadn't come to find Mackie here.

He was also in cahoots with the old Principal to lure Mrs. Gray into the Principal's office, where she would spend time with her husband, Vincent Gray.

Mr. Peterson refused to do it at first, but that old Principal forced him to do it, or he would lose his job teaching here.

A job was hard to come by, especially for a drama teacher like him, so he… had to comply.

But looking at Mackenzie, who looked lost while searching for her mother, knocked his conscience.

He didn't know what was happening in this family and how Vincent Gray could do something as heartless as letting the bullying of her daughter run rampant in the school.

Many times, Mr. Peterson saw how Mackie was fighting against a few kids. They couldn't do a thing because the Principal didn't allow the teachers to step in and stop the bullying.

'I know for sure that Vincent Gray is not a good man. He is far from what is portrayed in the media,' Mr. Peterson thought.

"Should I go find Mommy?" Mackie wondered as she looked around backstage in worry.

She wasn't scared to be left alone. After all, she was still in school and it was pretty safe!

But she was scared that something might've happened to her poor Mommy.

After all, Mackie often saw her Mommy returning with bruises when Mackie wasn't around.

Mommy said it didn't hurt, but Mackie had been bruised a few times when she fell or fought against her bullies.

She knew that getting bruises hurt, so Mackie didn't believe her Mommy.

"Excuse me, Mr. Peterson, I will go and find Mommy in the audience hall!" Mackie said.