Devil's Son-in-Law-Chapter 1185: Half-Elf

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Chapter 1185: Half-Elf

3 days later, Pagris and Sophia personally sent Chen Rui and others to the teleportation array leading to Storm Island. The Dragon Valley even held a grand farewell ceremony. It was said that many dragons came here spontaneously — Well, most of them were the parents of the children, celebrating that the biggest scourge had finally left the Dragon Valley.

However, Lalaria’s words ‘I will definitely come back’ still frightened many parents.

Chen Rui gained a lot from this trip. Not only did Sophia’s wish come true, Alice also became the ‘Life’ Goddess, the Super System had a second oracle, and more importantly, the materials he wanted to get in the human world were basically gathered, leaving only 2 materials.

Rainbow calla lilies and ice fungus.

These 2 origins were the Jade Forest Sea, and the elf tribe should have them. Since the elf tribe was currently preparing for the New Moon Festival held every 100 years and would not see any outsiders for the time being, the dragons were also unable to negotiate directly with the elf tribe.

From the mouth of the Old Father-in-law Elf King Span, the new moon festival was the birthday of the legendary Moonlight Goddess and 1 of the most important festivals of the elf tribe where the elves from all over the world would return to the Silver Moon Celestial Capital. In this celebration, the elves would hold various activities, including a series of competitions and a selection of various elites of the elf tribe.

It would not be long until the core event of the New Moon Festival, which was Moonlight Goddess’s birthday. Since Span hadn’t been back to the Silver Moon Celestial Capital for a long time, he planned to return to the Jade Forest Sea with Chen Rui to participate in the New Moon Festival this time.

Meria did not accompany him. 1 of the reasons was that she was not favored by the elves in the Jade Forest Sea. The most important thing was that Dragon Emperor Pagris wanted to carry out some reforms in the dragon clan. During this time, the elders frequently convened and held meetings. As the great elder, Meria naturally couldn’t be absent.

Before leaving, Mother-in-law Fairy Dragon secretly pulled her daughter and son-in-law aside for a while. It was none other than to keep an eye on the old father-in-law and eliminate any cheating. Especially the old acquaintances from the past, Kilanya and some other women were on the blacklist. When necessary, force could be used. Meria would all consequences…

For this, Chen Rui could only express deep sympathy to his father-in-law in his mind, but he vowed to complete the task resolutely in his words.

After returning to Storm Island via the teleportation portal, Chen Rui released the Devil’s Snare Ship, left the Storm Sea Area, and went through several empires and teleportation portals. Then, he entered the Blue Glory Empire, that was closest to the elf tribe, and came to the most famous port city, Jaqda.

Jaqda was known as the ‘Magician City’. Traces of the elf tribe and magic civilization could be seen everywhere. It was also the most densely populated place for magicians in the human world, especially the Magician Tower Group. It was an alliance jointly controlled by elves and humans. The organization attracted a large number of magicians to join and became the most important ‘strategic weapon’ of the Blue Glory Empire.

The magician legion of the Blue Glory Empire was also the strongest existence in the entire human world, enough to rival the dragon knight legion of the Dragon Bright Empire.

This was the second time Chen Rui and Zola came here. Back then, they met Lild at the Magician Tower Group here, punished the evil half-elf mage Rialdo. Zola also made a breakthrough and advanced to the Demi-God in the battle with the elf elder Dursa in the Magician Tower Group.

But at this time, the elves were basically not seen in magician city. Therefore, Span the elf was rather eye-catching, because the elves had all returned to the Jade Forest Sea to participate in the New Moon Festival.

Both Alice and Lalaria came to this magician city for the first time, and they were dazzled by all kinds of novelties. Alice bought dozens of things in a row. Many were toys, said to be for Duoduo and Athena’s children. Chen Rui was moved for a while. But Alice had more fun playing by herself. The desire to shop was contagious, especially for female creatures. Zola also bought a lot of things. Even Lala Loli couldn’t help but borrow a large amount of black crystal coins from Chen Rui and squandered them. Anyway, Madam Lalaria didn’t care about the endless debts.

After strolling a few rounds, Alice couldn’t move anymore, but her spirits were still high. Fortunately, there was such a good item as a space ring in this world, otherwise Chen Rui and Span must be carrying loads of bags.

After shopping, everyone left the port by ship and headed for the Jade Forest Sea.

2 days later.

“Brother, how much longer will it be?”

“Probably 10 minutes.”

“Great!” As Alice looked at the dense forest sea along the way, her eyes were bright, “By the way, brother, I heard people in Jaqda say that during this time, no one except elf can enter the Silver Moon Celestial Capital. Shall we disguise as elves?”

“Disguise as an elf? I like the idea.” When Lalaria blinked her eyes, a light flashed. Her ears began to point out, and her hair turned dark green. Her appearance didn’t change much, but Lala Loli was originally a delicate and flat type. Now she looked more like a neutral little loli elf (Shota?).

This was the transformation technique of dragons. Even a black dragon that was the nemesis of magic could easily activate as long as one’s strength and skills were sufficient.

Zola did not use the transformation technique of the dragons. For the fairy dragon who was almost the controller of the elemental world, it was easy to change her appearance. There was no light. Zola had successfully transformed like a flow of water. Her figure and appearance had changed slightly. She looked more agile. With her intellectual temperament, she looked like an extremely charming female elf scholar.

“Wow!” Alice’s eyes twinkled with little stars, “Sister Zola is so beautiful. Can you help me transform too?”

Zola blinked her eyes, and a beautiful and lovely elf loli immediately appeared behind Chen Rui. The only thing that dissatisfied Alice was that her chest was still flat.

“Daddy Span, you have 3 daughters now.” Alice laughed, then she looked at Chen Rui, “It’s your turn, brother!”

“Well, since everyone has so much fun.” Chen Rui had been using the [Camouflage] to cover up his true face, so now he only needed to change his ears and hair a little.

Chen Rui, who transformed easily, looked at the strange eyes of everyone. He was taken aback and asked, “What’s wrong?”

“Brother, your transformation technique is too awful.” Alice shook her head in dissatisfaction.

Chen Rui was taken aback. Even the peak stage of the Pseudo-God can’t see through this [Camouflage]. Why is it awful?

“Although we haven’t seen many elves.” Lalaria complained, “But you should be the ugliest elf.”

Zola initially shook her head first to show that she didn’t care. Then, after she compared her father’s absolutely handsome face and thought about it, she nodded firmly again.

Chen Rui was speechless. This was the face of a supporting actor anyway, but thinking that elves were all handsome men and beautiful women, it would be too outrageous to transform a common face. Therefore, he simply restored Arthur’s face with a simple photoshop. In the end, the 3 judges voted pass.

Span smiled while looking at the 3 giggling ‘daughters’, “Okay, elves. Get ready. This is already the water boundary of Purple Orchid Port. After 2 turns, we will see the port.”

Soon, the Devil’s Snare Ship carrying 5 ‘elves’ arrived at Purple Orchid Port smoothly. The Purple Orchid Port was guarded by elf guards.

Span took the 4 of them off the ship. The elf guards who greeted them were obviously newcomers. They didn’t recognize Span as the Elf King 20,000 years ago, and Span didn’t reveal his identity. Instead, he simply performed an elf’s general etiquette, “May the Moonlight Goddess bless you, our family rushed back to participate in the New Moon Festival.”

When the elf guard sensed Span’s extraordinary momentum and saw all of them were elves, he bowed back, “Welcome back to the blessed place of the Moonlight Goddess. May the goddess bless you all. Please come here to register first.”

At this moment, another team of elves appeared in front of them. The leader was a blond male elf wearing silver chain armor with a long sword on his back. He was handsome with a small mustache. This elf team was escorting a man. The man was tall and slender with delicate facial features, but there were many blood-red spots on his face and body, which looked very strange. Judging from the slightly pointed ears, he should be a half-elf.

Race: Half-Elf (mutated).

Comprehensive Strength Assessment: A.

Physique: A-, Strength: A, Spirit: A, Speed: A.

[Analysis]: Dark attribute, precise eye, demonic pattern.

Risk level: Low.

A half-elf was a hybrid of the elf tribe and other races whose life was shorter than the real elf, but it was not recognized by the elves nor was it protected by the elf treaty. It had always been a despised existence in the Jade Forest Sea. This was the case with Blanche whom Chen Rui met at the beginning.

The half-elf in front of him was actually a rare dark attribute in the human world. The scars on his face should be the ‘demonic pattern’ as analyzed by the Super System. However, the elf tribe had always regarded themselves as a perfectionist. To put it bluntly, they were easy to judge people by their appearance. They clearly showed considerable disgust for the dark elf’s face.

“Sir Askar!” The elf guard beside Span quickly bowed, “Have you finally caught this lowly dark elf?”

“This guy tried to sneak into the New Moon Festival, and he even injured several of our brothers. Thanks to Sir Askar for taking him down.” Another silver-haired elf gritted his teeth, “This guy must be severely punished! Disturbing the New Moon Festival and hurting the noble elves. I suggest to execute him right now!”

The half-elf showed an expression of indignation. He wanted to say something, but he was suppressed by some force and could not speak out.

Chen Rui noticed that there seemed to be something strange in it. Thinking of the situation that Blanche was discriminated against in the elf tribe, his mind moved slightly to secretly dispel the speech restraint on the half-elf.

“Figor, you shameless villain. You lost to me in arrow shooting, and you promised to let me in, but you actually reneged!”

Askar, who was wearing chain armor, didn’t expect the half-elf to be able to break free from his restraint and speak. He frowned again after hearing the half-elf’s words, and he glanced at Figor.

Figor sneered and said, “It’s useless to argue! You, a half-elf, try to mix into the New Moon Festival. You obviously have ulterior motives. It is also my responsibility to take you down! Sir Askar, it is an extraordinary time for the New Moon Festival. This kind of spy must not be tolerated!”

Askar was showing a contemplative expression, but he finally nodded when he heard the last sentence.

“In the balance of Moonlight Goddess, there is no distinction between high and low. Regardless of whether the target is an elf or a half-elf, one should have a fair heart. Don’t you think so? ‘Sir’ Askar.” It was not Chen Rui who spoke but Span.

These words immediately attracted Askar’s attention. After he glanced at Span, he showed a surprised expression.

Figor didn’t expect that elf to speak for a half-elf. He shouted, “How bold! Who are you? You actually dare to do this to Sir Askar…”

Before finishing speaking, Askar’s furious voice came into Figor’s ears like thunder, “Shut up!”

Under the amazed gaze of all the elf guards, Askar, who showed an excited expression, quickly came to Span, bent down deeply, and performed a grand etiquette, “Your Highness!”

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