Devil Slave (Satan system)-Chapter 9 Magistri...

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Lenny was sure of what he had just heard. Only moments ago, D4022 had left behind a finger which D800 ate like it was extra meat to his food.

However, D800 was now telling him to leave behind a leg.

Lenny was not the only person that had heard the other.

"damn!" One of Lenny's Cell mates signed, "it seems that F999 is finished."

The other one beside him nodded in agreement.

Lenny heard what D800 had said, but there was no way in hell he was going to leave behind a leg for anybody.

He was still under the table. he looked at D800's muscular legs.

Lenny instantly knew what he had to do.

Attack before he was attacked. Just like he had done to D4023 in the arena, he was going to bust this man's nuts too.

Just he stretched for them, but he suddenly heard a burst of laughter that made him pause.

It was a hoarse voice.

And then a hand reached for under the table and pulled him out by the elbow.

It was D800. He laughed so hard it made him cough.

"You know, I heard that you ripped D4023 apart from his balls. I thought it was a lie, but just now, you were about to do me in the same way, right?"

Lenny knitted his brows. He did not know how to answer, but the look on his face gave him away.

D800 laughed some more.

"good! good!!" D800 nodded in approval, "not bad kid, not bad. I never liked D4023 so much. he never let me bang his sister, and always challenged my orders. But now, You had her eye, and I had her finger."

D800 laughed loudly, and the other two men at the table laughed with him.

Lenny was surprised to see this. But somehow, he had made the boss of this place like him.

However, it was not enough reason for him to let down his guard.

The person before his eyes had just eaten another person's finger in front of them.

<+5 Exp for finishing bonus quest>

<New Ability unlocked: Surveyor>

Just then, everybody in the hall felt the arrival of a chilling presence. It made even the demons standing guard with spears in hand held their weapons tighter in response to this energy.

Everybody turned in the direction of the presence.

This demon had a fairly human upper body, but the lower body of an Ox. He had horns on his head that stretched backwards into his full hair.

"Greet the Magistri!!!" D800 immediately announced. All the gladiators including D800 immediately went to their knees and bowed to the Demon.

This demon was the person in charge of training the Gladiators.

He was highly revered. He had no name and was simply known as the magistri. Has he approached, Lenny raised his head out of curiosity to see this demon properly.

In the process, he activated the new ability: Surveyor.

Immediately, he could see the stats of this Demon. b𝚎𝚍𝚗𝚘𝚟𝚎

<Name> Magistri

<Race> Demon (Humanity purged)

<Level: ???>

<Rank: Lesser Demon(stage 9)>

<Strength: ???>

<Agility: ???>

<HP ???>

<Exp. ???>

One look and the information Lenny saw, put him in deep thought. For one, his rank and level were apparently too low to see this demon's level and most of his stats.

The part about Race being a demon was expected, but he did not expect to see the part labelled: Humanity purged.

He suddenly recalled a particular rumour from F999's mind about this Magistrate.

Rumours had it that he was once a half-born demon. He had brought blood to the Arena, and had risen to the peak in the Classes.

He was eventually granted his freedom, but he refused it. In his own opinion, the Arena was a better home than freedom outside.

his had moved Cuban who was the Deep demon that owned this arena and he had given the option of removing his humanity and becoming a full demon.

This was a deal that the Magistri readily accepted.

After which, he was given his name, and was assigned the glorious task of training Half borns for the honour of the Arena.

Although it was just a rumour, that rumour had just been confirmed because of the Satan system. At least, the part of it being that this was once a half-born.

Magistri stopped in front of D800. "Rise!" he ordered.

The Gladiators rose and continued their meal.

Magistri suddenly took notice of Lenny.

"You!" he frowned. He could see the tag on Lenny's body. This meant that Lenny was not supposed to be in the D class, but in the F class.

The Magistri had long experience in this place. He instantly understood what had happened.

Apparently, a demon added Lenny up with the D class a night before their fight in other for him to die on the battlefield.

But Lenny had made it back alive.

Normally, he would have sent Lenny back to the F Class as it should be. But the young lad had caught the attention of Cuban in the last fight.

And the only reason had come here, was because he had been instructed to ensure that Lenny got an extra meal.

Demons were terrible in nature, but their hierarchy system was nearly second to known. Orders were absolute and considered as law.

Magistri looked around. There were blood stains on the ground, and Lenny's body was beaten and bruised. This was only the first day, and the lad's life was already threatened.

He grunted lowly. "Potty!" he called in a low tone.

Somewhere far below, the arena, at the region where the F Class rest area was, a particular frog-like looking demon was busy humping a female human of the F Class.

It immediately stopped when it heard its name.

Only a few seconds after its name was called, the demon rushed into the hall.

The moment it appeared, Magistri gave it a resounding slap on its face.

It was so harsh that the demon spat out some black demon blood to the ground.

On seeing this demon, Lenny recognized it. This was the demon that had added him to the D Class because it wanted to hump his mother.

Read The First Vampire