Descent of the Demon Master-Chapter 912: Returning (2)

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'I can go back to Japan? Really?'

However, that didn't sound realistic at all. So unrealistic, in fact, that Nobuo Takeshi had already given up on this idea!

Logically, going back to Japan was out of the question. He'd be treated as a traitor, after all. A traitor that the Japanese martial artists would do whatever it takes to eliminate!

However, trying to live in South Korea would also be full of challenges without Martial Assembly's protection.

With what he had done, it wouldn't be surprising to see assassins sent by Japan showing up at Nobuo Takeshi's doorstep every day. If he had been in the shoes of the Japanese decision makers, he'd probably go even harder than that!

"C-can I really live in Japan?" Nobuo Takeshi asked, his voice noticeably trembling, prompting Lee Hyeon-Su to nod affirmatively.

"The crux of your issue will be how you live your life," said Lee Hyeon-Su, then pondered for a second or two. But he started laying out the plan soon afterward. "Without a doubt, you definitely need a new identity. And then, well, you will also have to alter your face cosmetically until it's unrecognizable. Once you go through these steps, I don't think it'll be too difficult for you to live with your family in Japan."

Nobuo Takeshi sucked in a deep breath. "My only family member is my mother, sir."

"That makes it easy for us, then."

"B-but, I think those bastards won't let my mother go that easily."

"Ah, that. No need to worry, Mister Nobuo. Our men are already on the case."

"...I'm sorry?"

Lee Hyeon-Su casually shrugged before explaining himself. "My job is to prepare for those one-in-a-million situations. To be on the safe side, I took the liberty of dispatching several people to Japan after learning about you, Mister Nobuo. I figured it'd be prudent to ensure the safety of our benefactor's family, you see? Forgive me if you think I overstepped my boundaries."

"N-no, you didn't, sir. I should be thanking you instead."

"I have to warn you, though. It's possible that we might encounter some trouble during the process of securing your mother's safety. After all, she might think our men are there to kidnap her, even if they tell her that they are trying to take her to South Korea to join you."

"I… I guess so." Nobuo reflexively nodded in agreement.

Even he had to agree that a reason like that sounded fishy as hell. Only the scammers targeting victims through voice phishing or bad people trying to kidnap children might resort to saying stuff like that! Anyone with their head screwed on properly would react negatively first.

"I told them to call this side if the situation permits it. So, we might get a call sooner rather than later," said Lee Hyeon-Su. "That might make the situation a bit less tricky, but it's still difficult to give you a guarantee. My apologies."

"N-no, it's fine, sir. However, will the bastards let my mother go that quietly…?"

"I believe so. Those people shouldn't even have enough leeway to mind your mother. After all, they probably haven't even properly assessed the situation yet." �

Nobuo Takeshi clamped his mouth shut.

When he thought about it, Lee Hyeon-Su could be right about that assumption.

How would anyone relay the news that the cruise ship had sunk off the Korean coast and the expedition was an utter and complete failure? The people back in Japan were probably anxiously waiting for the news of the expeditionary force safely reaching the designated Korean landing site.

Of course, that was a message those people would never receive!

"That is why you can breathe easy, Mister Nobuo. You can get anything you want right now. Of course, you must give up on the life of a martial artist if you choose to live in Japan. Even so, we will ensure you can still live a fulfilling life."

Nobuo Takeshi nervously gulped his saliva. This offer was something he never expected. A reward he hadn't even thought about! It was true that he briefly entertained the idea of receiving some kind of minor reward when the Koreans showed up to rescue him.

However, being offered a blank check like this was completely out of his expectations. What impressed Nobuo Takeshi the most was something else, though. It was the fact that his mother's safety had been secured first in case something went wrong somewhere.

'So, this is what Martial Assembly is.'

Nobuo Takeshi thought he could understand how the Japanese forces had been so thoroughly routed tonight. Not only could Martial Assembly rely on absurdly powerful combatants like Kang Jin-Ho and his men, but it even possessed the capability to respond swiftly to all sorts of situations!

...And the person at the core of it all had to be this Lee Hyeon-Su.

'Now it makes sense.'

Nobuo Takeshi nodded slightly. He was wondering how Lee Hyeon-Su could remain unfazed and even shout at all these scary martial artists, but here was the reason.

He must've earned Kang Jin-Ho's trust with his problem solving abilities, which probably allowed him to secure an enviable status within the hierarchy despite his meager martial prowess.

"Well, then. Mister Nobuo? What reward would you like to receive?"

"...Can I have some time to think about it?"

"Of course. Please take as much time as you need. In the meantime, allow us to handle your medical treatment. We will also ensure your stay in Korea remains trouble-free. Oh, and I'll assign a dedicated guide for your convenience. If you have inquiries or problems, please consult this guide."

"Oh, uh… Thank you."

"I'll send someone later with a phone you can use during your stay. That person will also provide you with more information that you might find useful."

"Oh, I see. Thank you."

Lee Hyeon-Su glanced at Kang Jin-Ho after thinking that this explanation had ended.

Kang Jin-Ho, who had been silently observing the discussion, addressed Nobuo Takeshi again. "I'm not usually someone who strictly repays his debt in full, but…"

Kang Jin-Ho sounded a little sheepish while scratching his cheek just below his eye.

"Well, I still think the right thing to do when owing someone is to repay them. Especially when I owe that someone a lot, like this time. Although, I…" Kang Jin-Ho muttered aimlessly before abruptly shaking his head. "No, wait. I guess this isn't the appropriate thing to say in this situation. Get some rest below deck. You've been through a lot."

"...Yes, sir." Nobuo Takeshi obediently nodded.

Lee Hyeon-Su signaled to the Demon Flames. A couple of them walked over and guided Nobuo Takeshi to the cabin below deck.

Once Nobuo Takeshi disappeared into the stairwell, Wiggins curiously asked Kang Jin-Ho. "My lord? What were you thinking of telling that friend?"

Kang Jin-Ho hesitated before sighing a little. "I was going to say he shouldn't repeat something this stupid again for the sake of prolonging his life. But something told me I shouldn't say that out loud."

"You made the right call, my lord. That is not something you should be saying to our young friend. Even if it's true," Wiggins chuckled wryly.

Nobuo Takeshi could enjoy his rewards because events unfolded in his favor. If Nakata Yuji had been feeling a little more vicious tonight, Nobuo Takeshi would be feeding the fish with his corpse by now!

The Martial Assembly benefited greatly from Nobuo Takeshi's heroic action, so they shouldn't say anything negative about his sacrifice. However, when viewed from Nobuo Takeshi's perspective, what he did could only be described as incredibly reckless.

Kang Jin-Ho stared at the horizon. "Wiggins, I don't understand the appeal of sacrificing oneself."

"It's the same story for everyone, my lord."

"After sacrificing yourself… What do you have left?"

"...Well, self-fulfillment will be one of the things."

"Are you suggesting that people are prepared to waste their lives on something so insignificant?"

"Hmm, I'm not so sure about calling it insignificant, my lord. After all, aren't you also sacrificing a part of yourself?"


Wiggins coolly shrugged. "Aren't you already spending all your wealth and energy on your family, friends, and even your acquaintances?"

Kang Jin-Ho shook his head. "This and that are different."

"In my opinion, they are about the same, my lord. The question separating the two is where you draw the line. Some people will find that their money is too precious to waste on their acquaintances. And some others will think nothing about sacrificing their lives for the sake of the people they love. That is the only difference as far as I can tell."

Kang Jin-Ho clamped his mouth shut. Although he wanted to disagree, Wiggins had a point.

"More importantly, though…" Wiggins suddenly began scratching his head. "A Westerner like myself telling you this feels a little off, my lord. The stereotypes dictate that an Easterner should be saying this to a Westerner, after all. In any case, humans have never been logical. We are driven primarily by our urges, and it's utterly impossible for us to choose based on logic every single time."


"As such, a person's beliefs inform how we make our choices and whether those choices are right or wrong. At least, that is what I think, my lord."

"You have a point, Wiggins. Doesn't mean I get it, though."

Wiggins chuckled slightly.

'Is this a case of disliking people similar to yourself?'

It seemed Kang Jin-Ho wasn't aware of it himself. However, in Wiggins' perspective, Kang Jin-Ho was no different from those willing to sacrifice themselves. As proof, Kang Jin-Ho did not care about what happened to his body for the sake of people in his circle of acquaintances.

'However, it's unnecessary to point that out to my lord.'

Indeed, something like that could be touching Kang Jin-Ho's reverse scale. If Wiggins could help it, he should not bring it up. Kang Jin-Ho was a human being like everyone else, after all!

Kang Jin-Ho looked over to Lee Hyeon-Su next. "Lee Hyeon-Su?"

"Yes, sir!"

"Where is Director Bang Jin-Hun?"

Lee Hyeon-Su quickly explained. "Director Bang has joined the boat operated by the Assembly's elites, sir. He said he wanted to see if anyone was injured. I thought he must be worried about what happened there since his disciple, Cheon Tae-Hun, was in charge of that boat."

"I see. Then, what were our losses?"

"It's almost nil, sir." Lee Hyeon-Su grinned triumphantly.

Considering the situation and the gap in the combat strength between the two camps, it was a miracle that the Koreans walked away with practically zero losses.

It wasn't because they fought on the ocean, though. Even with all the unfavorable factors at play, Martial Assembly still pulled off a feat of some magnitude.

This win definitely deserved to be called a complete and total victory.

"I see…" Kang Jin-Ho contemplatively nodded.

"We will have to do a more thorough inspection once we reach dry land, but I believe there isn't anything to be concerned about, sir. I have to say, you made the correct call, Assembly Master. We were able to achieve a convincing victory because of your decision."

"Are you trying to embarrass me?" Kang Jin-Ho chuckled and tried to end the conversation there.

However, Lee Hyeon-Su suddenly asked a question. "Sir? There was something I was curious about."

Kang Jin-Ho glanced back at Lee Hyeon-Su.

"What are your plans for those people?"

"...Those people?"

"The Japanese people, sir. The ones stranded in the water. Even with life jackets, they won't last long like that. All of them will die sooner or later."

Kang Jin-Ho frowned while scratching his head. "I forgot about that."

"Huh? I beg your pardon?"

"...No, don't mind me. Well, call the other side."

Lee Hyeon-Su curiously asked, "When you said the other side, did you mean…?"

"Call the Japanese to come and get them."

"All of them?"

Lee Hyeon-Su was taken aback by that response. He expected the act of allowing the Japanese to use the life jackets to be Kang Jin-Ho's way of ending tonight's event. But this went beyond that.

Although some time had already passed by, those people were still martial artists, so it should not be too difficult for them to endure the hostile environment until rescue ships came to pick them up. Calling Japan's leadership first meant more people than Lee Hyeon-Su expected would get to go home alive today.

Kang Jin-Ho quietly muttered, "That's a better outcome."

"...My apologies, sir. But I don't quite understand."

Wiggins stepped in to answer Lee Hyeon-Su's question. "Mister Lee, it seems your view has narrowed somewhat."

"Master? What do you mean?"

"Sacrifices will unite our enemy, but terror… Now that will paralyze them instead. What do you think will happen if all those people start spreading the news of my lord's martial prowess and how strong Martial Assembly actually is?"

"Ah…!" Only then did Lee Hyeon-Su finally understand Kang Jin-Ho's intentions.

The survival of those people should ensure that the scary rumors of Kang Jin-Ho would spread to all corners of Japan. And these survivors would also become the biggest hurdle if the Japanese wanted to launch another invasion attempt.

Why? Because these people would never join the invasion but go out of their way to instill fear in the hearts of everyone around them!

'Right… This is more beneficial for us.'

Wasn't this a little unexpected, though?

Kang Jin-Ho usually didn't sweat over stuff like this. In fact, it'd not be an exaggeration to say Kang Jin-Ho's style was to slaughter every enemy he could see. That was Kang Jin-Ho's preferred way to blunt the enemy's sharpness.

So, this response felt somewhat out of place to Lee Hyeon-Su.

'Is this him being more… pragmatic?'

Whether Kang Jin-Ho had mellowed out or started thinking a little more about the future… It was still too tricky to tell for now. One thing was for certain, however. Kang Jin-Ho was gradually changing.

"Sir. I'll do as you say," said Lee Hyeon-Su. And when Kang Jin-Ho didn't respond, Lee Hyeon-Su silently sneaked away.

However, that also prompted Vator and Wiggins to leave Kang Jin-Ho's side and follow Lee Hyeon-Su.

"Mm?" Lee Hyeon-Su tilted his head. He was about to say something, but Wiggins pressed his index finger on his lips. It was an easy-to-read gesture to stop Lee Hyeon-Su from saying anything.

"Why don't we give my lord some time to be by himself?"

"...Of course," said Lee Hyeon-Su. He wasn't sure why this was necessary. However, Wiggins suggested it, so it must be something important.

Lee Hyeon-Su glanced at Kang Jin-Ho before walking away from the boat's bow.

Once he was left alone, Kang Jin-Ho stared at the ocean in a slight stupefaction. His gaze… Or his thoughts, weren't looking back into his battle tonight.

Back when he was chopping the cruise ship in half… Other people might have missed it, but Kang Jin-Ho clearly saw something. And that was a figure of a person missing his limbs.

That person was already an icy-cold corpse by the time the harsh waves washed him away.

'That was Kim Seok-Il.'

Kang Jin-Ho had not forgotten that name. The culprit responsible for putting a hole in the ship's hull must've been Kim Seok-Il.

As Kang Jin-Ho fought, protected, and lived his life, various relationships would form. And the process of living also led to the accumulation of resentment and other negative feelings in some of these relationships.

Kang Jin-Ho wordlessly closed his eyes, thoughts of all the things he could not avoid circling in his head.

'Then again… This is what it means to live, isn't it?'

Everyone lived this way, didn't they?

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