Descent of the Demon Master-Chapter 595. In Battle (5)

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Chapter 595. In Battle (5)

The temperature in the party venue instantly plummeted below freezing point.


Some of the elders have heard about Vator, while some didn't. And, among those who knew, some had a good idea on who exactly Vator was while the rest only knew him as a giant who frequented the Martial Assembly for some reason.

Of course, none of those meant anything in this situation.

Information gleaned from watching Vator from a distance or only hearing about him from a third party... Such things were immediately thrown into a trash bin after coming face-to-face with the imposing giant. Just the sheer pressure emanating from his physical body while he stood there was enough to demonstrate what kind of a man he was!

Lee Seong-Taek's trembling eyes locked on Vator. One of the things he heard about this giant was Vator's nickname, which had left a powerful impression in his memories. And it was... the Divinity-infused Physique.

When Lee Seong-Taek first heard that, he had a good chuckle at how childish that sounded. However, he could no longer bring himself to laugh. Instead, it was time for him to acknowledge the truth. And that truth was...

That title perfectly described Vator!

'How can anyone possess such a physique?'

Despite the clothing, Lee Seong-Taek could still 'see' it. He could see all the rippling muscles in Vator's body! However, that also didn't matter in this situation.

'Why is Vator here?'

Vator being in South Korea wasn't the strangest part. The story of Kang Jin-Ho recruiting Vator through some unknown means was pretty well-known by now, after all. So, the giant hanging around the Martial Assembly's vicinity shouldn't come as much of a surprise.

The real problem was with why he was in this particular place at this time. And he wasn't even trying to hide the fact that he came here to crash the party, too!

Lee Seong-Taek's heart began racing even faster. Even an idiot could tell that Vator didn't come with good intentions. After all, would that giant come here to make introductions since he had nothing better to do?

'No, this is wrong! It's all gone wrong!'

Even a three-year-old would instantly figure out something had gone terribly wrong somewhere!

“W-who... are you?!”

How lamentable it was, then, that some people in this place weren't even smart as a three-year-old!

Even at a casual glance, anyone with eyes could tell that Song Yeong-Mu was terrified. Which was understandable, really. After all, most people would react the same as him when Vator suddenly appeared before their eyes!

Anyone who experienced at least once the terrifying pressure emitted by Vator's figure would never mock Song Yeong-Mu for being a coward. However, that was not the crux of the problem here. What Song Yeong-Mu was guilty of wasn't being a coward but trying to remain condescending despite being terrified!

Keeping his bloody mouth shut might have improved the situation by a tiny fraction, but he...!

Vator glanced at Song Yeong-Mu, then muttered something in a foreign language. That prompted Zhang Dajing standing next to the big man to start translating those words into Korean. “Sir Vator has asked if all the Assembly's elders are nothing but trash like you.”

“W-what did you say?!”

“Y-you bastard!”

“Ah, ah. Please stop.” Zhang Dajing casually waved his hands to draw the attention. Then, he explained his position as hints of mockery seeped into his voice. “Gentlemen, I'm just an interpreter. Please refrain from biting my head off for the words that I speak. I'm merely relaying what Sir Vator has said, after all.”

After clarifying his position, Zhang Dajing quietly mumbled, 'Of course, I agree with him, too...'

“You, you are...!”

One of the elders was about to say something, but Vator was faster. He casually flicked his finger!

His movement was casual. Unconcerned. Even so, the aftermath of it definitely could not be described as casual at all!


A sound of a massive hammer striking a leather bag filled with water exploded in the air. Did it come from Vator's hand? No, it didn't!

That noise came exploding forth from the elder who unwisely tried to speak!

When Vator flicked his finger, the elder was suddenly shoved back while making that loud noise before his figure violently slammed straight into the wall behind him!

“I will be the one to speak,” said Vator.

None of the elders and directors present could understand what Vator was saying. Even then, no one was brave enough to ask for clarity here.

'Just... What was that?! What happened?'

Obviously, they all had functioning eyes. So, they all witnessed what happened. Even then, they failed to comprehend it.

'Is this... Is this the gap of strength between us?!'

Lee Seong-Taek was aware of who Vator was. Other elders and directors didn't seem to share his sentiments, but Lee Seong-Taek believed that the Assembly's executive members should at least remember the names of the strong martial artists in other countries. As such, he knew that Vator was a powerful expert acknowledged even in the fierce land of Zhongyuan.

Even then... To think the gap between their strengths would be this great! So great that despite witnessing it personally, Lee Seong-Taek still could hardly believe it!

That man was an elder. An elder of the Martial Assembly! Even if such a position wasn't decided by one's strength but by how loyal one was to Lee Jung-Geol, the former Assembly Master Lee wouldn't choose any random idiot with zero combat power to use as his errand boy.

Yet... an elder was still blown away by a single attack. An attack... that was nothing more than a finger flick!

Lee Seong-Taek fell into a panicked state. An absolute power that could not be resisted had descended right in front of his nose! If Vator was this strong... Just how much stronger was Kang Jin-Ho?!

Didn't this indicate that Lee Jung-Geol and the elders might have bitten off more than they could chew? And the only thing remaining now... was to pay the price!

When Lee Seong-Taek's thoughts reached that far, all strength rapidly abandoned his body.

“Hmm...” Vator breathed in deeply while scanning the room. He checked the elders and directors hurriedly avoiding meeting eyes with him, then scowled unhappily. “I'm supposed to deal with this group of trash? That idiot, Lee Hyeon-Su! It seems he doesn't know how to utilize the available cards well.”

Some of the elders quizzically stared at Zhang Dajing.

“Oh, uh... Sir Vator is simply expressing his disgruntlement, gentlemen. I think it's better for you to not know the exact contents of his words. Even if you're insignificant bugs, you are all elderly folks, after all! I should try to respect the elders.”

Humiliation rapidly dyed the elders' faces.

“You rude bastards!”

That roar of anger served as a signal flare.

“Did those two dare threaten us?!”

“Have they forgotten that this is South Korea!”

The start might have been difficult, but the follow-up? Not so much. All sorts of loud insults and swearing exploded forth from the elders and the directors.

'Huh. It's like watching dogs barking.'

Lee Seong-Taek tutted quietly. He wasn't trying to disparage this group of men. No, he was simply being literal.

How would a stray dog behave after encountering a powerful predator? Once it sensed the gap in strength, it'd turn tail and flee from the scene. However, what if there was no escape?

The dog would start barking. Despite lacking the courage to fight back, it'd desperately bark at the predator to say, I'm not as easy as you think! So you better back off! Please!

These elders were that desperately-barking dog. Even though they had no balls to fight back, they still loudly shouted as if to say they weren't scared.

Lee Seong-Taek quietly clenched his fists while witnessing this deflating spectacle.

'Right. It's already over for us.'

From the get-go, something about this occasion didn't feel right. If Lee Jung-Geol really was responsible for setting up this get-together, he should have popped in at least once to say hi. If not, he should have sent his right-hand man, Director Jo, to join the proceedings at the very least.

However, neither Lee Jung-Geol nor Director Jo was present. Which indicated this get-together must've been arranged by someone else. Although the question of who could pull this off remained unanswered... The truth about this situation was crystal-clear for Lee Seong-Taek to see. Without a doubt, Vator was here to 'clean up' these mutinous elders and directors!

'Have we been set up since the start?'

Just as Lee Seong-Taek began falling even deeper into despair, Vator suddenly spoke up. “Zhang Dajing. Interpret for me.”

“Yes, Sir Vator.”

“I, Vator, respect warriors.”

Zhang Dajing quickly got to translating Vator's words.

“However! I do not see a single warrior among you. The look in your eyes is all dead. Rotten! Trash like you do not deserve to be called warriors. No, you're nothing but parasites who call yourselves warriors while profiting off your organization's blood and sweat! Maybe you were warriors once upon a time. However, not anymore,” Vator chewed his words out like a wounded beast. “I've been told to spare those deemed useful to the cause, but... Now that I've taken a good look at you all, I don't see any reason to do so! Letting irredeemable parasites live will only be a waste of air, anyway. That is why...!”

Vator raised his huge clenched fist.

“You better prove to me! Prove that you're not trash! Anyone who can prove that they are still warriors? I give you my word that you'll keep your life tonight! However, those who fail will die!”

That was a truly arrogant, high-handed declaration! If someone other than Vator had said those words, Lee Seong-Taek would've scoffed mercilessly. Who would dare spew such nonsense in front of these old men inside South Korea?

Zhang Dajing finished his job, then shrugged his shoulders. “Then, I wish you the best of luck, gentlemen of South Korea.”

The expressions of the elders crumpled hideously.

'That foreign bastard dares to...!'

If it hadn't been for Vator having his back, that Chinese bastard wouldn't even dare to raise his head in front of these elders! Yet, how dare he openly mock them like this!

“Y-you bastard! Do you not understand where you are!”

That was when Vator suddenly moved. “Sounds like none of you understands.”

All he did was take a step forward. However, from the perspective of the other side, that was no mere step. The distance closed only by a negligible amount, yet the pressure emitted exponentially increased.

The elders and directors flinched nastily in fear and stumbled back. After realizing the shame of what they had done, their faces quickly grew red from humiliation. Unfortunately, that was just as meaningless as trying to retreat.

Vator growled lowly. “In that case, I shall make you understand!”


Along with the sound of a ripe watermelon bursting... the head of an elder standing closest to Vator was crushed to bits. Literally.


That elder couldn't even scream. With his head gone, the elder slowly crumpled to the floor and spasmed slightly.


The neck without a head began spewing blood like a broken tap to dye the dining table with a sumptuous feast on it in a crimson hue!

“K... Kyaaaaaaaahk!”

That scream didn't come from one of the elders but the young women serving them at the table. Unlike the elders, who couldn't scream after Vator's power had overwhelmed them, these women were powerless civilians. They couldn't sense the depths of Vator's strength.

That was why they could still react to this terrifying scene!

“All of you, get out of here, now!” Zhang Dajing roared loudly. freew(e)

The women, covered in their tears and snot, ungainly crawled on the floor to escape the party venue. One of the women lost all strength in her legs and collapsed on the floor, so Zhang Dajing had to assist her out of the room.

And then... there was no more hindrance left. After the last woman left, Zhang Dajing turned back and nodded to indicate everything was now ready.

Vator smirked deeply. “Well, then. No more obstacles, then.”

From this moment on, an interpreter was unnecessary. His expression and the tone of his voice were enough to convey his intentions.

“I shall reiterate. It'd be nice if you can understand me better this time,” said Vator in his trademark weighty voice. When his words went through Zhang Dajing's slightly higher-pitched voice first to reach the elders' ears, though... They imparted this bizarre feeling instead.

“Prove to me that you're warriors. Anyone deemed useful will be allowed to live. If I think you could be recycled, then... I shall grant you the privilege to serve my master like his loyal dog.”

The elders and directors no longer felt anger. The only emotion ruling them right now was fear.

They must prove themselves. If not, they would die!

When fear ruled over a person, their brain would be paralyzed, unable to think straight. They would urgently search for a way to release themselves from this crippling fear. What should they do to ensure their survival?

They found the solution soon enough.


The elders and directors charged straight at Vator while roaring at the top of their lungs.

A smirk of satisfaction spread on Vator's lips as he noticed all the bloodshot eyes glaring at him.

“A raving dog can't turn into a wolf, but...! Instead of tame house dogs, it's always more amusing to deal with fierce guard dogs!”

A scarcely-believable amount of qi of a physical fighter suddenly gushed out of Vator's hulking frame.

This was the moment of Vator, the crazed Phantom of Battles, finally baring his fangs!

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