Demon's Virtue-Chapter 555: Forced Assistance

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Eiro stood there, having just presented his magical prowess to the other champions as well as the warriors of Baram. Clearly, with just this, Eiro showed that he was superior to the others, and this wasn't even the peak of what Eiro was able to do.

With a snap of his finger, Eiro undid a good amount of what he did. That huge humanoid being of rock, plants of water was turned back into the large stone circle. Eiro remembered it perfectly, so he was able to replicate it perfectly as well. The undead monsters that he created fell back onto the ground as Eiro let go control of them, and the subdued monsters laid on the ground, still under the demon's rule.

And after letting out a deep breath, the three spirits that Eiro had fused with slowly split off from his body. Clearly, the three of them felt that doing this was quite uncomfortable, so Eiro wouldn't do it too often. But it was part of something he had to do to show the extent of his abilities to the others.

"Of course, this is not where my abilities stop. I'm quite proficient at physical combat as well. I have a particular level of control over my body, and I have learned the techniques of not only individuals with master grade skills, but also of plenty of other people. I have a perfect memory, and have studied numerous fields of research. Basically, what I'm saying..." With a smile, Eiro looked at the group of champions, "Whatever they have to offer... I'm confident that I can surpass it."

With those words that were practically a direct challenge, most of the champions were infuriated. Some of the warriors began to approach him, "You've got quite a big mouth, don't'cha?! Let's see if ya can back it up, buddy!"

"I don't mind. I needed a decent way to show off that part of my skillset anyway." Eiro explained, but before one of the warriors was able to pull their weapon, one of the Baram warriors that accompanied the hero stepped between them.

"Stop this. You are to be companions, and not enemies. We will have to create a hierarchy of sorts soon anyway, so you can fight all you want during that time." The Baram warrior explained, as Eiro quickly nodded his head, "That does make sense. I don't have any complaints about that."

The Demon slowly looked to the side, and saw the young hero as he was staring at Eiro, "Is something wrong?"

"How did you... do that?"

"What exactly? I'm afraid you might have to be a bit more specific." Eiro chuckled, and Jabir looked down at the ground while fiddling with his own fingers, "All of that? The... the big scary guy, the... making the dead things move... making the others stop moving... and turning into that... whatever that was."

"You will be taught many of those things, even if not all. But don't worry, you have many... skilled teachers ready for you." Eiro said with a smirk on his face, as he walked past the boy, placing his hand on the top of his head.

For now, Eiro made sure that all of the monsters returned to their cages and were properly restrained, helping out the Baram warriors, when one of them made an announcement of what would happen next.

"Today was... quite eventful. We will properly consider your abilities, and what you would be best capable of teaching to the young hero. We will then inform you of such, and you are expected and required to then train that exact aspect of your self even more." The warrior explained, "Although I doubt that any of you would not have continued along the path you are currently set on."

"You. Stop." Eiro said in a blunt tone, walking up to that young man, the one blessed by the god of beasts. He turned around, walking beside the monster that he had tamed just earlier, "What is it?" He asked bluntly.

"Ah... it's just, I have something to discuss with you. And these two." Eiro said, pointing behind him at the girl blessed by the god of the hunt, and the boy blessed by the god of magic, who Eiro had spoken to just a few moments earlier.

"Can't it wait? I'm kinda hungry, y'know? And I have to do something with my new buddy here as well." The man pointed out, but Eiro immediately shook his head, "I don't think it can wait." The Demon replied immediately.

With an annoyed sigh, the man shrugged and walked up to Eiro, although he was mostly looking at Lugo, "But only cause I want you to tell me about that stag. Looks pretty rad. Mind if I-"

"You can't tame him, as he is my familiar. Not to mention that it's just kind of an asshole thing to do, it's obvious that he's with me." Eiro said with a wry smile, and the man shrugged, "Asking can't hurt."

Eiro rolled his eyes, as he took a step back, letting the rest of the group proceed. He even told Biril to continue following the others, and although one of the guides asked the to follow, Eiro managed to convince them that the four of them would find their way on their own.

And so, Eiro stood in front of the three transmigrators, and when the others were gone, he started to relax. And of course... he started mixing a little bit of Arc's behaviour into his own, since he figured that they might respond to that more easily.

"Alright, now that those guys're gone... You three are from earth, right?" Eiro asked immediately, and the three transmigrators stared back at him confused, "Wh-What, but-" The girl muttered confused, and Eiro smiled broadly.

"Great, I knew it. First of all, you're using a bow that I've never seen before, and that necklace around your neck? It's been created with techniques unachievable here, and the material used for the thread holding it together right now isn't something you find around here. You, kiddo, you're carrying a bag from earth with you, and you dude, you've got ink in your skin that I've never seen here before. Not to mention the small rod made of metal in your left arm." Eiro explained quickly, "The three of you have been summoned here by the gods, right?"

Immediately, the three of them looked at each other, realizing that Eiro had found out something that even they didn't know about the others. Of course, each of them had all their memories from earth, but they had no idea that the other two were from there as well. They hadn't really been concentrating on it.

"There's... others?" The young man asked surprised, and the boy immediately nodded, "Of course, didn't the god that summoned you tell you about it? There's a bunch of us... But more importantly..." The boy said, before quickly looking at Eiro, "You don't look like you're from earth..."

"Well, I'm not. But I know a couple people that are. I've met another guy that's been summoned like you, and I know two that reincarnated instead of being summoned." Eiro explained quickly, not mentioning how close he was to either of them. Not that he could describe the concept of the Arcane Dealer to these guys in just a few words anyway.

"...And how should we trust you?" The girl asked, tightening her grip around her bow, ready to attack at any moment.

"Well, easy, because I'm going to kill you if you don't? I mean, I can do it in an instant. You guys are strong, but nothing I can't deal with easily. And that kid I mentioned before? He had a much more troublesome ability than any of you do, and I beat him quite easily, even without using an ounce of magic." Eiro explained bluntly, "Oh, but don't worry, I'm not trying to threaten you. Well, I am threatening you kind of, but that's only to stop you from trying anything with me, you know? You just won't be able to win, so it was more of a warning, I guess."

The boy immediately frowned and raised his hand, creating a magic circle in an instant. But just as quickly, Eiro raised his own hand and created a counter spell for it. The magic circle of the boy disappeared, cancelled out by Eiro's.

"Wh-What?" The boy stuttered confused, and Eiro smiled lightly, "Kid, trust me. Even with your blessing from the god of magic, you won't ever be able to beat my magical prowess." He said bluntly, "But I do have to say, I kind of like you. More than most of these other 'champions' at least. You're powerful, and your main goal is clearly to kill the Monster King instead of some sort of glory like those guys."

"...That's what we were called here for, so yeah, it is." The young man pointed out with a deep frown, "But what about you? Are you here for glory, or to kill the Demon King?"

Eiro raised his brows, "Demon King? Do you mean 'the Devil'? That's not who you're supposed to fight, you know?"

"Huh? The devil? I figured that guy was real, since gods exist and shit, but seriously? The Demon King is literally the devil?"

"What, no... The King of Demons is the 'Original Demon'. The ancestor of them all. 'The Devil' is a royal monster, the strongest monsters following right behind the Monster King." Eiro said bluntly, and the young man tilted his head to the side confused, "Eh?"

The boy rolled his eyes and looked at the young man, "So you've also read all that stuff, huh? Basically, the Demon King from all those stories is called Monster King here. The kind of all monsters. It's a bit more general as a title, since any sort of monster can become the king. And as this guy just said, the Demon King is another entity entirely."

"Huh... kind of confusing..." The young man muttered, and Eiro was really quite annoyed with this conversation, "Either way. You three are going to help me, whether you want to or not."

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