Demons Beside You-Chapter 596 - Control the Hotel

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Chapter 596: Control the Hotel

“Rasfa, do you plan on attending today’s auction?”

“Of course. Is there a problem.”

“Don’t go. Stay at home today.”


“If you trust me, then don’t attend it. Do not attend it,” Chen Zhao warned seriously. “Zola won’t attend either, right?”

“She won’t.”

“What about Steven?”


“Good.” Chen Zhao was relieved. “Don’t call anyone and don’t tell anyone about this.”

“What exactly is happening?”

“There’ll be an attack,” Chen Zhao said seriously. “Don’t ask me how I know and don’t tell anyone. They’ve infiltrated the police and who knows how many people they have in the hotel.”

Rasfa was silent for a bit. “I understand.”

“Call your friends and family to your home for a party,” Chen Zhao suggested.

Rasfa was the only one that Chen Zhao notified.

After hanging up, Chen Zhao looked at Laurent who was tied up tightly.

“You three, watch this old guy for me.”

“Mmmf…” Laurent tried to speak, but his mouth was already taped up. He couldn’t say anything.

“Chen, it’s only noon. Do you have to tie Laurent up so early?”

“Of course.” Chen Zhao looked at him. “Today, you stay in the hotel. You’re not allowed to go anywhere.”


“Mr. Laurent, the auction today is very dangerous. Chen’s also doing it for you. Don’t be angry.”

“Mf!” Laurent’s eyes were filled with anger.

Hilda Hotel

Arthur was having sex with his girlfriend when the fire alarm suddenly went off.

Then there was rapid knocking on the door.

“What’s going on?” Arthur opened the door in annoyance.

A firefighter with a helmet stood outside. “Sir, there’s a fire in the hotel. Please follow us out. You can’t stay in the room anymore.”

Hearing that there was a fire, Arthur and his girlfriend could only hurry and put their clothes on.

“We’re not going downstairs?” Arthur and his girlfriend realized that they were going up.

“The fire blocked the stairs and the elevators are stopped. We can only go to the roof and wait for rescue.”

“Everyone, this is a fire drill. Can all the workers cooperate and go through the fire drill?”

“Where are we going?”

“The water room on the tenth floor.”

“What? We have to climb ten floors? We’ll die in the stairwell,” an overweight worker complained.

The hotel staff soon discovered that practically all the departments were taking part in the fire drill.

What if the guests needed service during the drill?

Unfortunately, no one gave any answers.

All of the staff were taken to the water room on the tenth floor.

This room supplied water to the tenth floor and below.

“Can someone explain who decided this fire drill?” someone who looked like an authoritative figure asked.

“Manager, the door is locked. We can’t get out.”

“F*ck. What’s going on?”

“Call the cops. Call them now.”

“There’s no signal. You guys try.”

“I don’t have a signal either.”

“Break the door! Kick down the door!”

“Manager, the door is similar to a bank safe.”

“What’s that smell?”

“Under the door! Under the door!”

Colored gas started seeping in from the crack under the door.

“So dizzy.”

Outside the water room, a few DK members were calling their boss, but they used a special frequency channel.

“Boss, we took care of everyone in the hotel.”

“The front desk is ready too.”

“Okay, don’t mess up.”

Just then, a few people came to the lobby of the hotel.

Bach looked around. “How come there are so few people here today?”

A disguised staff member walked over immediately. “Hello, Mr. Bach. It’s our honor to host your auction today. The guests all have very esteemed statuses, so we did some special arrangements to make it seem like there aren’t many people.”

“Oh, that’s a pretty nice service. If the auction is successful, I’ll choose to host it at your hotel again.”

“The venue has been set up.”

“Oh, are you new here?”

“I was an artistic manager before. I work at the headquarters now and they sent me here today as the temporary manager. My name is Quincy.”

“Oh, Mr. Quincy, are you knowledgeable in art?”

“I have studied a few contemporary masters of painting.”

Bach and Quincy chatted heartily along the way.

By now, they reached the top level. Most of the people in the auction venue were Bach’s men.

But they didn’t know that the hotel was already controlled by a crime organization.

“Mr. Bach, is there anything else I can help you with?”

“No. Quincy, you’re more knowledgeable about the arts than I thought. If you’re interested in working for me, I would be very happy.”

“Mr. Bach, I won’t consider that for the time being. My apologies.”

“Haha… It’s alright.”

The guests for the auction streamed into the hotel lobby.

Just then, Chen Zhao walked in with a suitcase.

“Hello, sir. You are?”

“I want to stay at the hotel. Please get me a room, thank you.”

“Sorry, there’s a special event in the hotel today. We can’t give you a room.”

“Oh, really? It’s the auction, right? I’m here for the auction too.”

“Please show me your invitation.”

Chen Zhao took out his invitation. “I’m from another city and I need a room. Is that okay?”

The receptionist thought for a moment and smiled, replying, “Of course. I’ll have another worker help you take the suitcase.”

“Okay, thank you. Also, you’re pretty. Can I get your number?”

“Thank you, but I won’t discuss private matters during work,” the receptionist said with a smile. “If there’s a chance, we can talk later.”

Another worker came over and the receptionist said, “Lead this sir to room 1205 on the 12th floor.”

“Sir, I’ll take your suitcase.”

“Okay, here’s your tip.” Chen Zhao gave him a hundred-dollar bill.

When they reached the room, the worker remained standing there.

“Do you need something?” Chen Zhao asked the worker.

“Sir, you’re here for the auction, right? I must bring you there.”