Demon Sword Maiden-Chapter 76Book 12: : Lily’s Plan

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“Okai Prison is a place where humans and beings from Takamagahara and Yomi are imprisoned for crimes like plundering, debauchery, deceit, and other evils across the three realms. However, this prison is quite unique. Though it offers limited resources, there is no external suffering. The inmates are left inside to fight and kill each other—a cruel punishment in and of itself,” Rakshasa-Onna explained.

“We have obtained entry tokens for Okai Prison, and each of you will receive one. This time, the trial is simple—survive for a month and kill as many incarcerated criminals as possible. These are irredeemable criminals, yet the heavens offer them a small chance: if they survive a hundred years in Okai Prison, they’ll be set free. However, the killing has decreased lately, and in a few decades, too many criminals could be released, disrupting the heavenly order. That’s why you’re being sent in—to cull the evil criminals,” Rakshasa-Onna continued.

“Be warned, many of these criminals are formidable and notorious for their fondness for women, often using despicable methods. This is not a one-sided mission. You’ll be in real danger, so stay vigilant. Consider this crucial training,” Rakshasa-Onna added.

“This trial was initially scheduled for last week, but due to unforeseen delays, we’ve run out of time. Prepare to depart immediately!” Asura-Onna commanded.

“What? Right now?”

The sudden announcement left many of the hundred maidens in shock, causing an uproar among them.

Lily, however, kept her head low, remaining calm and composed.

The nature of the criminals in Okai Prison and how this trial would unfold were the least of Lily’s concerns.

With strength rivaling that of a Supreme God, surpassing most Empyrean Stage experts, and bolstered by her extraordinary durability and defenses, Lily had no fear of Okai Prison’s trials.

Neither the hundred maidens nor the other women posed a threat to Lily. Having endured the perilous ancient battlefield, she knew she could outshine them all.

She could easily keep a low profile, moving in the shadows and passing each trial one by one. In time, perhaps two years, she would inevitably emerge victorious in the competition.

But Lily didn’t have two years to spare.

Rinne remained trapped in her slumber, and Lily couldn’t ensure her sisters’ safety while they were apart! She couldn’t afford to waste any more time here!

“I have to leave Yomi as soon as possible, reunite with my sisters, and head to Takamagahara!”

Where one falls, one must rise.

“I owe Tsukuyomi no Mikoto a great debt, having inherited her vital legacy. I need to uncover what truly happened in Takamagahara!”

“Whether it’s to avenge Tsukuyomi no Mikoto, uncover the truth behind Senior Sister’s slumber, or secure peace in the mortal realm, I must act! I can’t stay confined to this small corner of the Rakshasa Dojo!”

“Before, I lacked the strength to act freely, and rushing out would have been reckless. But now, it’s different. As long as I avoid Supreme Gods, I can explore Yomi without fear. Likewise, I can investigate Takamagahara and uncover its secrets!”

“I must go to Takamagahara! I must bring this Night Parade of One Hundred Maidens competition to an end as soon as possible.”

Lily’s chest heaved as she firmed her resolve, while the other hundred maidens fretted and grumbled around her.

“This trial fits perfectly into my plan!” After allowing the hundred maidens time to prepare, they were led outside the Rakshasa Dojo, where they boarded earth dragons, ready to set off.

“Renka, Isshiki,” Rakshasa-Onna called the two captains forward, “Asura-Onna and I have other matters to handle. For this mission, you two will lead the team. Ensure the safety of the hundred maidens during the journey.”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“We understand.”

“Renka, I expect you to redeem yourself for your past failures and not disappoint us again,” Asura-Onna remarked sternly.

“Yes… I understand.” Renka’s bronze skin flushed as she became visibly uneasy under Asura-Onna’s gaze. She instinctively moved her hand behind her, brushing her fingers lightly against her skirt.

Under the guidance of the two captains, the hundred maidens mounted their earth dragons and set off.

As the group left the Rakshasa Dojo, the Hachiwan chariot stood parked on a nearby hillside. Under the shade of the towering dark trees, the Queen observed from a distance.

“Earth dragons? And so many of them? Yoshiya, go find out what’s happening,” the Queen ordered.

Out of respect for the Rakshasa Dojo, the Queen refrained from using divine arts to pry into their activities.

If Yoshiya went to investigate, even if she were discovered, she could simply claim it was a coincidence. However, if the Queen herself used divine arts and was detected by Asura-Onna or Rakshasa-Onna, it would be hard to explain.

Yoshiya, one of the Queen’s trusted celestial maidens and a formidable fighter at the Celestial Stage, was much faster than the earth dragons. After a swift reconnaissance, she returned to report her findings to the Queen.

“So, the hundred maidens are on the move? Is Lynne with them?” Yoshiya nodded, mentioning that she had made sure to spot Lily among the group.

“Good. Let’s follow them quietly.” The Queen and Yoshiya boarded the Hachiwan chariot, rising into the sky to trail the earth dragon force from a distance, concealed by Yomi’s dark clouds and smoke. With the Queen’s skill, it was impossible for them to be detected.

The earth dragons journeyed for several days toward Okai Prison. Finally, Renka called for a halt. “The earth dragons need rest. We’ll camp here for the night,” Renka announced.

By now, the hundred maidens and the Rakshasa Dojo members had reached a ruin. Since Captain Isshiki remained relatively uninvolved, Renka had taken over as the de facto leader.

The hundred maidens rested among the ruins, while Renka and several Rakshasa Dojo women gathered around a blue Rakshasa fire. The flames enhanced their strength and kept distant monsters at bay.

“Wakaki, bring Kagami Lily to me,” Renka commanded.

“Yes!” Wakaki stood up and, after a brief moment, returned with Lily.

Lily wore a vibrant bluish-purple short dress with orange and white floral patterns, paired with white knee-high socks.

“Captain Renka.” Lily bowed respectfully.

Renka, however, gave her a cold, displeased look. If it weren’t for Lily, Renka wouldn’t have suffered the embarrassing and frightening punishment by Asura-Onna and Rakshasa-Onna, something she still shuddered to recall.

‘Hmph, how could this woman possibly survive on the battlefields of Supreme Gods? She must have been empowered by Queen Kaguya’s divine arts… No, it has to be more. She must have some hidden treasures. How else could someone at the Big Dipper Stage wield such strength?’ Renka thought bitterly.

Displeased and suspicious, Renka began plotting a way to test Lily's true strength and uncover whatever treasures she might be hiding.

“Lily, the earth dragons have been working tirelessly throughout the journey. Here's a bag of their feed. Go feed them,” Renka said, handing over a storage bag.

If Lily were truly as powerful as she appeared, she would surely show pride. Someone capable of resisting a Supreme God's attack wouldn't willingly perform such menial tasks unless she was insecure and hiding behind some special treasure, Renka thought to herself.

Lily looked at Renka with a calm, gentle expression.

“Alright,” she said obediently, giving a small bow.

“Eh?” Renka blinked in surprise. As captain, she expected at least some defiance from Lily if she were truly as powerful as rumored. Why was she so compliant?

Renka, momentarily caught off guard by Lily’s obedience, hesitated.

“Uh, right… Feed them properly. These earth dragons are vital to our journey. If anything goes wrong because of improper care, you'll be held accountable!” Renka snapped.

“Yes, I’ll make sure it’s done right.”

Lily’s calm compliance left Renka without room for further complaints.

Lily took the storage bag and headed to where the earth dragons rested. Hyozuhi offered to help, but Lily declined. Her goal was to enter Okai Prison with the hundred maidens quietly and without conflict. Renka’s provocations were something she could easily endure for now. freewebnσvel.cѳm

High above, thousands of meters in the sky, the Queen secretly observed Lily.

“What is Lynne doing with the earth dragons?”

“She’s carrying a bag—seems like a storage bag. She’s probably about to feed them,” Yoshiya replied.

“What? Shouldn't this task be left to those specialized in handling dragons? Why is Lynne doing it?” The Queen frowned in confusion.

Yoshiya added, “This could be problematic, Your Majesty. Earth dragons become quite ferocious while feeding, and their handling requires a specific technique. Lynne may be strong, but if she doesn’t feed them properly, it could turn dangerous.”

The Queen shook her head. “Surely you're exaggerating? Lynne withstood a casual strike from a Supreme God—how could a few earth dragons be a threat?”

“No, Your Majesty. I’m more concerned about the earth dragons themselves,” Yoshiya clarified.

The Queen's expression darkened. “This isn’t good. Renka’s leading the team this time, and she’s always had something against Lynne. She’s probably using this as an excuse to cause trouble! What can we do? I could easily control the earth dragons, but I have no idea how to feed them properly.”

“Your Majesty, our patrol teams in the Female Queendom have experience with earth dragons. I know how to feed them,” Yoshiya said.

“Really? Then go help Lynne right away. Don’t let Renka find any reason to make trouble for her!” the Queen urged anxiously.

“Yes, Your Majesty,” Yoshiya said as she prepared to descend.

“Wait,” the Queen warned, “make sure the Rakshasa Dojo members don’t see you helping Lynne.”

Yoshiya, always quick and discreet, nodded. She quietly descended, slipping behind a broken wall before softly calling out to Lily.

Lily, holding the bag, hesitated in front of the massive earth dragons. Just as she prepared to toss some food, she was startled to see Yoshiya emerge from the shadows.

“Miss Yoshiya?”

“Miss Lynne, come here,” Yoshiya beckoned.

“What are you doing here?” Lily asked, suspicious.

With a smile, Yoshiya replied, “That’s not important. Hand me the bag. Feeding earth dragons isn’t something a skilled warrior and dancer like you should be handling. I’m here to assist.”
