Deities: Starting From Goblins-Chapter 26 - : Darkening increases strength by 3 times? Truly something to look forward to

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Chapter 26: Chapter 26: Darkening increases strength by 3 times? Truly something to look forward to

Translator: 549690339

Actually, there was no need for them to speak. The moment they appeared, Logan already understood their intentions.

For these fools, He didn’t know what to say for a moment.

In their perception, they probably thought this was just a typical internal conflict, with the aim of the war being to seize the entire population resource.

And they, acting as “high-ranking officials”.

Even after surrendering, they would still be highly valued, or at least they wouldn’t be able to play the role of “trusted aide” like before…

Absolutely wrong!

The World Will is crying out, giving them warnings!


Are Alien Demons!

The more natives die, the weaker the World Will becomes.

So, when Evil Gods invade, the first thing they do is to trigger an apocalypse!

Although Logan won’t start a world war and needs to preserve the Lancaster Spirit Race population to the greatest extent, as his Affiliated Races.

But this doesn’t change the fact that He wants to reprimand these arrogant fools after hearing their words.

Logan just frowned—

Seeing the Great Father Deity frown, the Shadow Hunter immediately drew his shadow blade.

He directly decapitated Winter Wood, who was trying to persuade Logan!

And Winter Wood, who was a Third Order Dragon Tamer and a level above the Shadow Hunter, was beheaded without the slightest resistance. Just like that, he died.

The Shadow Hunter’s voice was cold:

“How dare you!”

“Are you trying to teach a God how to do things?!”

“Pass on the decree, all the members of the Wood Clan in Gale City-state, beheaded as a warning to others!”

Having said this, a group of Shadow Hunters returned to Gale City-state like lightning, obviously going to decimate the clan.

[Note: Second Order and Third Order Goblins have intelligence comparable to that of human beings from ancient northern Europe.]

The remaining old nobles of the Lancaster Spirit Race in Gale City-state were so frightened that they were shivering, pressing their foreheads hard on the ground, not daring to lift their heads, let alone show any disrespect!

Cold Leaf showed a surDrised look. but there was no fear or Danic in his eves.

nor any pain from being betrayed by his subordinates whom he had trusted in the past.

However, there was a hint of pleasure in Chuck Leaf’s eyes, but looking at Logan, it was filled with obvious hatred.


“Another native protagonist?”

Logan had planned to kill this protagonist directly to refine the World Origin.

But just now, He suddenly felt that there were two Third Order beings rushing here quickly from a distance, and what came with it was a massive fate, second only to Chuck Leaf’s!

Even though they were hiding well and kept going in circles, maintaining a certain distance from the Holy Mountain, neither too far nor too close.

They might think they’re hiding well, but in Logan’s eyes, they were as conspicuous as a torch in the darkness!


“If they’re coming to save this protagonist, they wouldn’t bring another protagonist here… ”

“It seems they have other intentions, which I can plan against.” “World Origin, though precious, is not that useful for me now.”

“And once I seize the Dragon Taming World, I will have plenty of it temporarily.”

“But, Heroes are not common!”

“With good planning, I could get another Hero for free excluding Martin who is still evolving and not sure when he’ll mature!”

“A Deity with a Hero and a Deity without a Hero are like two different species in the World War! ”

Logan recalled those Deity Players of “great talent but slow to mature”, who without exception became great after they got their own Heroes!

[Note: With the presence of Spiritual Energy, Logan and His followers can understand the languages of other civilizations, but only within the area where Logan’s Totem incarnation is!]

What’s a Hero?

A Hero is an entity that leads an era of the world!

In legends, they often emerge as the strongest ones of an era, born out of necessity!

They dominate an era!

Their appearance seems to be for the sole purpose of breaking impossibilities, to become the pinnacle for all people.

And a hero, is often a protector favored by the World Will of a world.

They are also often referred to as

“Son of Destiny!”



He glanced at Cold Leaf.

Logan suddenly locked his gaze on Chuck Leaf, and began to speak:

“The favor of the World Will, also known as ‘Fate’ is not permanent, it can be transferred.”

“Not every World Will possesses its own consciousness, the majority of them are merely manifestations of the collective consciousness of the world.”

“Fate can be ‘co-opted’ from each other.”

“When a protector favored by the World Will dies, if there is another protector favored by the World Will in the same area, then…”

“The favor of the World Will, or Fate, carried by the deceased protector, will be transferred to the surviving protector.”

“This is commonly known as, fate co-option!”

.” “Tell me, doesn’t this model resemble breeding bugs?”

At Logan’s words, Chuck Leaf was taken aback.

He didn’t expect the Alien Demon King, so powerful that a mere casual release of its aura could make his entire body shiver, would actually initiate a conversation with him.

At the same time, his gaze grew somewhat vacant, as he had heard some of the terms used in Logan’s words from Lord Sage before,

“I remember Lord Sage once said, we successors are all favored by the Mother

World Will.”

“A World Guardian is to be chosen from among us in the future.” “But, there is a competitive relationship among the successors?”

“No wonder…”

“When assigning missions, successors are absolutely not allowed to take on missions alone!”

“And if casualties occur during missions, the surviving successor often becomes stronger than before.”

“Before, I thought it was because of the camaraderie among fellow disciples that motivated them to strive for progress.”

“But it seems now…..”

“Impossible, my fellow disciples have been so good to me…”

“Fate co-option…..” “How could it be!”

“This is all nonsense!”

Completely oblivious to the fact that his father Cold Leaf was looking at him with a complex expression, Chuck Leaf was giving himself a pep talk in his mind, his gaze gradually hardened,

“This must be like the legends say, Alien Demons are best at manipulating people’s hearts!”

“And this, is the manipulation from the Demon!”

Looking at Chuck Leaf’s determined gaze, Logan was not annoyed but delighted.

The more resolute, the more painful it would be when belief shatters, the easier “Darkening” would occur.

A hint of a smile appeared on his handsome face, and what he was expecting, was the darkened protagonist. freeweb m

Logan bent his finger slightly, the next moment, a light screen appeared in the air, the scene displayed was of the successor and the two guardians!

His face was filled with a playful, wicked smile,

“Darkening power tripled?” “How exciting….”

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