Debuff Master-Chapter 450

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Chapter 450


Siegfried and Oscar were surprised when cracks started to form in the shell of the Suspicious Egg.

“Kyu? What are you doing, owner punk?” Hamchi asked while rolling around in gold.

“L-Look at that! The egg is cracking open!”


Hamchi looked at the Suspicious Egg.

“Kyu?! What the hell is that?! What animal is that?! Why is the egg so damn big?!”

“I have no idea, but why did that suddenly—“

C-Crack...! Crack!

More cracks appeared in the shell of the Suspicious Egg.



“Is it about to hatch?” Siegfried looked at the Suspicious Egg with suspicious eyes.

“We have no idea what is going to come out of it, so please be careful, Your Majesty,” Oscar said.

“I-I guess...?”

“I believe we should watch from afar...”

“Yeah, let’s do that.”

Siegfried watched the Suspicious Egg from afar.

Ten minutes later, the Suspicious Egg seemed to have found the gazes of everyone burdensome as it remained motionless.

“Huh? What the hell? What’s wrong with it? I thought it was going to hatch?” Siegfried grumbled.

“Kyu! Hamchi will go take a look!” Hamchi exclaimed. Then, he took out a stethoscope from out of nowhere and started examining the Suspicious Egg like a doctor. freew(e)bnovel.(c)om

“Kyu? Kyuuuu?”

“Why? Do you hear something?”


“Is there something inside?”


“Hey! Say something will you?!”

“Kyu! Yeah! Say something, will you?!”

“What did you say?”

“I can’t hear anything! Kyuuu!”

“What?!” Siegfried exclaimed as a cross-shaped nerve bulged on his forehead. Then, he screamed out of frustration, “Hey! You’re the one with the stethoscope! What do you mean you can’t hear anything?! Are you playing games with me?!”

“Kyu! It’s true! I can’t hear anything! I can’t tell what’s inside this thing!”

“Give me that!” Siegfried snatched the stethoscope away and pressed it against the Suspicious Egg.


However, he could not hear a thing, just like Hamchi said.

“What the hell...? This egg is really suspicious...” Siegfried narrowed his eyes and grumbled. Then, he scratched his head and muttered, “I’m sure it was about to hatch just now... Is it playing hard to get with me right now?”

“Kyu! Let’s wait and see!”

“I guess we don’t have a choice. I mean, we can’t force it open, right?”

“Kyuuu! That’s right!”

“But I wonder what’s inside it... Hey, Hamchi! Do you know anything about this?”

“Hamchi has no idea! How would Hamchi know?! Kyuuuu!”

“Why not? You’re an animal, too, right?”

“KYAAAK! Hamchi is NOT an animal! Hamchi is a Great Spirit of the Forest! Kyaaaaak!” Hamchi screamed and bared his fangs after being called an animal.

However, Siegfried paid him no heed.

“Oh well, I guess it will hatch by itself,” Siegfried said with a shrug. Then, he turned around and called, “Dame Oscar.”

“Yes, Your Majesty?”

“Move this thing to the palace and find out what kind of animal is in it.”

“As you command, Your Majesty.”

Siegfried passed the responsibility of the Suspicious Egg to Oscar and continued his adventure inside the Hall of Mysteries.


Then, he came across a glass cabinet full of parchments.

Three seconds later...

“Gwuuuuu Oooooh!” he roared like a wounded beast and writhed in pain.

The reason was...

[Hall of Mysteries: Cabinet #9]

[Mercedes Workshop +10 Enhancement Coupon x 7]

[Bavarian Workshop +10 Enhancement Coupon x 27]

[Autonika Workshop +10 Enhancement Coupon x 11]

The glass cabinet was full of enhancement coupons that would guarantee an equipment’s enhancement from +0 to +10 from the three major workshops on the continent.


The Salut Kingdom’s treasure vault was indeed fitting to be called the treasure vault of a powerful kingdom.

Who would have known they would be in possession of so many enhancement coupons issued centuries ago?

Unfortunately, they did not have any enhancement coupon that would guarantee the enhancement of artifacts above +10, but having quite a few +10 Enhancement Coupons was already quite impressive in itself.

Having one of these +10 Enhancement Coupons would greatly alleviate stress from enhancing an artifact even if the said artifact was shit-stained. A good example of this was the stress and suffering Siegfried went through to enhance Horse Fly to +10 by spending a fortune.

“Should I change class to a thief...?”

Siegfried seriously considered changing classes to a thief who specialized in stealing from the treasure vaults of powerful kingdoms while carefully placing the enhancement coupons in his Inventory.

[Alert: You have obtained Mercedes Workshop +10 Enhancement Coupon x 7!]

[Alert: You have obtained Bavarian Workshop +10 Enhancement Coupon x 27!]

[Alert: You have obtained Autonika Workshop +10 Enhancement Coupon x 11!]

The enhancement coupons were not the only valuable items in the Hall of Mysteries.

[Feather of Salvation]

[A feather that will save your life when in danger.]

[This item will save your life once when you are in great peril.]

[Type: Consumable]

[Rating: Unique]

[Effect: The feather will disappear when your HP drops below 5%. It will replenish your HP to 100%]

Siegfried obtained a very useful item called Feather of Salvation.

[Elixir of Transcendence]

[A mysterious elixir that allows the user to transcend their limits.]

[Type: Elixir]

[Rating: Unique]

[Effects: +2 Level]

He also obtained an Elixir of Transcendence, which was an amazing item that granted two levels to its user. Aside from those, there were countless other useful items in the Hall of Mysteries, and Siegfried made sure to take every single one of them.

“Wow... A major kingdom’s treasure vault is on a whole different level...” he muttered.


A message popped up in front of his eyes.

[Alert: You have obtained a new title!]

He felt a sense of nervousness after seeing that he obtained a new title.

[Treasure Hunter]

[A title given to those who had obtained a lot of treasures]

[Type: Title]

[Rating: Unique]

[Effect: +50% Chance of finding treasure rooms.]

Fortunately, the Treasure Hunter title was not a dishonorable title. It wasn't that powerful of a title, but it granted him good luck, so Siegfried was satisfied with it.

“I believe we are done, Your Majesty.”

“I think so, too.”

“Shall we return to the Proatine Kingdom now?”

“Yeah, let’s do that,” Siegfried replied.

Then, He commanded his soldiers to sweep the vault clean and take every single gold coin from it before leaving for the Proatine Kingdom.


“Excellent work, Your Majesty.”

Michele greeted Siegfried the moment he returned to Proatine.

“Your actions this time are worthy of respect.”

“Really? Hehehe~”

“I hope you will continue to do the same from now on.”


“We are currently developing a new type of airship and upgrading the supplies used by our marines, so our defense expenditure has...”


“...significantly increased.”


“So do not even dream about spending as you please just because you earned a lot this time.”

“Hiiing...” Siegfried ended up whimpering.

Michele was known as the Demon Administrator at times, and he already had plans on spending the fortune that Siegfried had earned during the recent incident.

“However, I have adequately filled your pocket money, so please feel free to use that to your heart’s content.”


“Oh, the Kyiv Kingdom has sent this for Your Majesty,” Michele said as he extended a red box to him.

“What’s this?”

“They claimed it was a treasure passed down generation after generation, but I am not sure what it is. I suggest you take a look for yourself.”

“I guess I should,” Siegfried shrugged and opened the box.

[Attachable Thruster Set]

[A set of attachable machines that allows the user to fly.]

[Type: Accessories]

[Rating: Legendary]

[Consumption: 1% mana per second]

[Effects: Allows the user to fly and increases their Movement Speed.]

[Upper Body Thruster]

[Left Shoulder Thruster]

[Right Shoulder Thruster]

[Left Foot Thruster]

[Right Foot Thruster]

“Whoa! An item like this actually exists in the game?!”

Siegfried was very happy with the gifts sent by the Kyiv Kingdom. The Attachable Thruster Set was something very useful for him as he had no way of flying at the moment.

To my beloved uncle,

This is a treasure passed down through generations in our royal family.

I hope it will be to your liking.

- Your nephew, Allen.

“This kid knows his stuff! Hehehe! Not only is he polite, but he also knows how to repay others!” Siegfried exclaimed in delight.

The gift was not the only reason he was delighted by King Allen. The Proatine Kingdom was now in a "blood alliance" with the Kyiv Kingdom, and this alliance made both kingdoms cooperate in matters of defense, economy, and technology.

The new airship Michele had mentioned a while ago was also made possible thanks to the technology the Proatine Kingdom had received for free from the Kyiv Kingdom.

“Duke Undertaker also has a gift to Your Majesty.”

“Oh? There’s more?”

Siegfried opened the duke’s gift.

[Infinite Essence]

[An orb containing infinite power.]

[Type: Energy Core]

[Rating: Unique]

[Effect: +200% Mana regeneration.]

“Whoaaa!” Siegfried exclaimed after reading the details of the gift. A two hundred percent increase in Siegfried's Mana Regeneration meant that he would no longer have to rely on expensive Mana Potions to recover quickly after using mana-heavy skills.

“Hehehe... These people from the Kyiv Kingdom are very nice... Hehe... Hehehe...” Siegfried muttered with a stupid grin.

However, his face suddenly stiffened.

“Hmm? What is the matter, Your Majesty?”

“Something’s bothering me...”


“Hmm... I need to check where and what Chae Hyung-Seok is doing.”

Siegfried was suddenly curious about Chae Hyung-Seok. He had lost interest in Chae Hyung-Seok after beating him thoroughly, but Siegfried could not help but be bothered after receiving a thorough beating from Bruce, who had disguised himself as Chae Hyung-Seok.

What if Chae Hyung-Seok had somehow managed to make a comeback? What if that bastard managed to do what Siegfried had done and stage a comeback to stab Siegfried in the back?

‘I’m a moron if I let that happen—a huge moron...’ Siegfried grumbled inwardly. He had no plans to make the same mistake that Chae Hyung-Seok had made.

“Contact the Thieves’ Guild and find out what Desire is doing.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

“I’m going to go ask Ma Dong-Po,” Siegfried said before he logged out.


After Siegfried logged out to check what Chae Hyung-Seok was up to...

“Kyah! Kyaah!”

“You’re so good at walking now, my beloved daughter.”

Verdandi was out on a stroll around the palace grounds, holding Brunhilde’s hand. She used to be able to walk for only ten minutes, but now she could now walk up to twenty minutes without rest.

“Mama! There! Goo! Goo!”

“Hmm? Over there?”

Brunhilde followed Verdandi's finger. She was pointing at the Proatine Kingdom’s treasure vault.

“That is Papa’s treasure vault.”


“Does my daughter want to take a look over there?”

“Goo! Goo!”

Brunhilde opened the vault and entered, as Verdandi seemed like she really wanted to take a look inside.

“Hmm? What’s this?” Brunhilde tilted her head in confusion after noticing a gigantic egg in the vault. novelbuddy.c(o)m

This egg was none other than the Suspicious Egg that Siegfried had obtained from the Salut Kingdom.

“Kyah! Kyah!” Verdandi cried out gleefully while pointing at the Suspicious Egg.

“Are you curious about that thing?”

“Goo! Mama! Goo!”

“Alright, let’s go have a look,” Brunhilde lifted Verdandi and walked over to the egg. Then, she looked at the egg and muttered, “I wonder what’s inside...”

Crack... Crack...!

More cracks appeared in the Suspicious Egg's shell.


Brunhilde’s face hardened upon seeing the cracks.

Meanwhile, Verdandi was laughing. “Teehee! Goo! Goo!”

“Is it... hatching?” Brunhilde looked at the Suspicious Egg with suspicious eyes.


More cracks appeared in the Suspicious Egg until...


...something popped out from the egg.

“Ah! T-That is...! A mystical beast!” Brunhilde exclaimed, instantly recognizing the beast.

Tokki’s Thoughts: Is it just me or... The most coupons he got were from the Bavarian Workshop, which is currently going through a financial crisis because of the coupons he used... Keke!

Also, author-nim kept using the wordplay “Look at the Suspicious Egg with suspicious eyes” so don’t blame me >.>

Updat𝓮d fr𝙤m freewebnov(e)

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