Death Guns In Another World-1075 Chapter 1022

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''Let's find a place to rest first and have a drink.''

Alex suggested and his words made Kuina stunned for a while, then the guy kissed the back of her hand.

"Then when it gets dark, let's go have fun, Ms. Holy Maiden.'' ƒ𝔯𝗲𝗲𝙬𝒆𝚋𝐧oѵℯl.𝒄𝑜m

Kuina'seyes were gentle, and she made a soft "oh", leaning her body closer to him.

Late at night.

Not a single pedestrian could be seen in Sun City, and even the guards guarding the city gate were nestled in the castle and dared not come out. No one dared to enter or leave the city or make trouble in the whole 'ghost town' at night, well except for the two new 'tourists' who came to the city.

"There is a strong resentment breath which was similar to undead around. No wonder the boss of that shop said that.'' Kuina carefully sensed the strong dark element power in the city. She added.

"However, it doesn't feel like it is natural which is strange.''

''It is probably a man-made, may be done by the Chaos Organization,'' Alex suggested.

Kuina nodded and closed her eyes as she activated her sensing power with all her strength, "There is a very strong and strange power, and it also interferes a lot with sensing power, but the dazzling direction of the dark elements tells me that the source should be outside the city.''

"Then let's solve the mystery." Alex proposed and the two immediately moved forward. With Kuina's senses, they approached the source of the different power step by step. There were ruins scattered in the woods.

The location of this ruin was obviously the outskirts of Sun City, which was quite far away, but the strange force it emitted actually enveloped the entire city.

''I can't sense any living thing here and this ruin is too odd, there is -"

Before he could finish his sentence, Kuina cut him off and announced.

''It is a dungeon unlike what we previously thought, a special one.''

It was exactly what he thought and was going to say. If this place was indeed special then there was a chance that either of the four might there and upon thinking this Alex smiled however first they would have to solve the puzzle in order to have access to the special dungeon.

Kuina stepped forward and Alex could feel her desire to be left in the lead, so he acted like an observer.

A huge broken column buried in the rock slowly stood up under her movement. Kuina's movements were very careful. Under the moonlight, Alex faintly saw a special circular symbol on the broken column.

After the broken column stood up, Alex's divine sense clearly sensed the surrounding changed as if a certain switch was turned on. Of course, not everyone had a sensing power like Kuina and him, only those with powerful senses could hope to achieve anything here but only if they have a certain comprehension of special dungeons. It was even more impossible to immediately find this hub in the rubble.

"This is a game of finding patterns in arrangements," Kuina informed him while her eyes were shining, those eyes he was familiar with them. It was as if a child had found some interesting toy.

"I know. It's just like the Sudoku game we played amongst us girls last time. We have to calculate the appropriate numbers and open them one by one. Let me see…"

This kind of problem-solving thinking was a kind of enjoyment for Kuina. Alex had come to learn this as he spent more time with her, therefore he did not disturb her.

'Let just looked at the surrounding situation.' He decided to do this to occupy his mind.

The forest was very large, but it could not completely cover the scope of this special dungeon. Although he was checking his surroundings his eyes never left her, so he was able to enjoy a concentrated Kuina, she was beautiful whenever she was in deep thoughts mode, she was like a stern teacher thinking about what kind of punishment for her rebellious student.

''Too damn cute.'' He mumbled but she was too focused to be able to hear this, she would have been over the moon if she knew.

She quickly calculated the order and location of the pivots. While waving her hands, objects were erected.

These 'hubs' had strict sequence requirements and appeared to be very complicated, but Alex and Kuina were both proficient in handling puzzles. With their level and intelligence, this level of difficulty was not difficult for them.

Alex noticed that there were traces of movement around these hubs. As expected it seems that she is not the first person to turn on the hub. The circular symbol can be seen in several places around, like…the Sun City? f𝑟e𝒆𝘄𝐞𝚋𝚗oѵ𝐞𝗹.c૦𝑚

The sound of rumbling sounded, interrupting Alex's thoughts. It turned out that Kuina had successfully activated all the hubs, and the erected objects began to glow. They connected to each other, interweaving into a bizarre figure, and the light disappeared in an instant. The landscape below began to change rapidly.

A surge of intense spirit power surged out, mixed with resentment that eroded the soul. It was vast, just like the batch of resentful souls that he encountered at the bottom of the demon's Sea. Back then when facing the vampire duchess and almost died.

The scene below gradually became clear. It was originally a shielding power of space, but now she had deactivated it. They could see an avenue leading to a place similar to a plaza in front. The plaza faintly glowed.




Countless cold lights flew toward Kuina in the air, and the speed was extremely fast.

Black figures flashed below! People had appeared.

Although the cold lights were coming fast, Alex was even faster. He appeared in the air like lightning as he drew his knife, then he swung it in a lightning-fast fashion, the cold lights were dispersed immediately.

Meanwhile, Kuina glanced at the ground, and the flickering black figures felt that their weight suddenly doubled, and their speed suddenly slowed down. In an instant, they lost their mobility in a powerful gravity.

The strength of those black figures was all at the least closer to the Saint realm, some of them were already Saints, and in their small circle they were considered the top, but unfortunately, they had no resistance in front of Kuina, a demigod. The difference was huge. She didn't kill them as she would be questioning them later, they must know something.

They were people below. The people in the plaza in the distance were obviously also alarmed, and several people rushed toward this side. Before they even saw the opponents' figure, they were suppressed by a powerful force and couldn't move. Alex and Kuina had already shifted to the sky above the plaza.

In the center of the plaza was a circular structure similar to an altar, and it was also the source of countless resentment. A figure who looked like a leader was wearing a large black robe, standing in the center of the structure and performing a sacrifice-like ritual.

There were no other people around; no more than 10 people in this place.

The black-robed leader suddenly looked up and saw the two people suspended in the air. Alex and Kuina also saw the plain white mask on the black-robed person's face which only faintly exposed the eyes.

A horrified expression flashed across the black-robed leader's eyes. He had noticed that someone had broken in before, but he still did not stop the ritual.

Unexpectedly, the enemies broke through here so quickly. When the black-robed leader immediately pointed to the ground, the ground near the altar quickly assembled like bumpy building blocks, and columnar objects like cannon towers rose rapidly. They quickly formed a trapping field to bind the two.

Kuina who was keeping her identity secret frowned and was about to unleash her true form and use her eight tails but Alex stopped her and winked at her, she immediately understood and played along.

Meanwhile, the leader of this strange group previously vigilant finally heaved a sigh of relief, he almost removed his mask to wipe away his sweat. He was sure that these two were trapped and would soon turn into their puppets.

''They scared the shit out of me, I almost peed myself thinking that I have failed his mission, that man is scary but that person, that White-haired bitch is even scarier as she is the one backing him and as the Lord's current favorite toy she can do whatever she wants and so are her followers. Shit! Better continue with the refining.'' The man cursed, he mumbled this sentence silently, normally nobody beside him should have been able to hear this but Alex and Kuina heard him clear and loudly.

And upon hearing this, Alex couldn't help but feel a little amused as the corners of his mouth perked up.

'Finally, something useful.' He mumbled to himself while Kuina was thinking that coming here had been the right thing to do. The right choice.