Death… And Me-Chapter 59: Being Too Nice

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With all those Spirit Stones available, Rean and Roan had no more obstacles in cultivation. It could be said that the greatest barrier for cultivators in the Tribes is really the lack of Spiritual Energy. Even Juri and Alanda couldn't use that many Spirit Stones, or else their reserves would dry out.

With this restriction lifted, Rean and Roan's cultivation speed exploded. In just one month, they entered the Middle Stage of the Energy Gathering realm. Rean convinced his Father to stop working, so both their parents were basically spending their time cultivating now. Of course, both Turen and Hamarlia only have a simple Gray Color aptitude, the lowest one. Even with unlimited Spirit Stones, their cultivation couldn't compare with the Opril and Diakar, let alone Rean and Roan.

The twins used at least a hundred Spirit Stones per day, which others would think unbelievable. In fact, they could use even more. But Sister Orb warned the two.

[If the cultivation is too fast, it will not be possible to consolidate a proper foundation. You two need to give your bodies and souls time to adapt to the changes in your dantians, so make sure not to use more than a hundred Spirit Stones per day.]

Sister Orb existed to help them achieve the level necessary to reconnect the two halves of the Universe. Obviously, she wouldn't permit their cultivation to go astray.

During the time that Rean and Roan weren't using Spirit Stones, they would practice other things. Basically, Roan would be teaching Rean, Inna, and Rivio how to use their weapons. Other times Roan would train by himself while using Spiritual Energy in his attacks. Only later did Rean find out that Roan was creating his own skills as well.

"It is not only for me that I'm doing it, but for the two of us."

Rean felt a chill on his back when he heard that.

"That's creepy, please don't say that."

Roan's mouth twitched.

"Fuck you! Do you really think I would do that willing? If you are weak and die, I will probably die too. So I have no other choice other than make you strong as well, idiot! I want nothing more than cut your head right now, but I'm doing my best to hold back. Besides, you are the one who got us the Spirit Stones, so it can also be considered a payment."

Rean let out a sigh of relief.

"For a second, I thought you wanted to act like brothers for real."

"You are being the creepy one this time. Shoo, shoo, don't bother me while I'm in the middle of creating something new."

Rean curiously watched as Roan moved his sword. Suddenly, he made a slash against the dummy in front of him, and it passed through. For a moment, Rean though that that the dummy was cut in half. But it was then that a sword with a Dark Spiritual Energy passed through it again.


Rean immediately understood. The first sword was nothing more than an illusion, only the second was real. But that wasn't all, Rean could feel that what Roan used to make that Illusion was his Light Element!

Rean quickly concentrated on the Black and White thread and could feel that the Light and Dark elements were in the middle of exchanging sides.

"His using my light element!"

Rean then gathered Spiritual Energy on his hand and tried to use Roan's Dark element. Sure enough, the same way that Roan can use his Light Element, Rean can use Roan's Dark one.

It was the first time that Rean noticed that he could do it without having to ask for Roan to do the exchange with him.

Roan noticed Rean's shook and then explained.

"I believe this is the Effect of our Light and Dark Cultivation Techniques. They seemed to have been made with the threads connecting our souls as the base. After we advanced into the Middle Stage of the Energy Gathering Realm, I noticed that this exchange became constant. Since the Light Element is coming anyway, I might as well make good use of it."

Rean couldn't help but ask.

"Why didn't you tell me before?"

"Because you didn't ask. Hahaha!"

Rean felt like crying but had no tears.

"Forget it. If I think too much about it, I will only hurt myself. By the way, were you waiting to finish creating this Sword Technique before telling me about this natural exchange?"

Roan didn't deny.

"We are already cultivating doing this exchange willingly, so telling you would make no difference. Since the technique was not ready, I just waited. After all, what good would be there for you to know this anyway?"

Rean couldn't help but feel indignant.

"I might have created an attack technique as well, you know?"

"Hahahahaha! You? An attack technique? You don't even know how to use a sword properly, how exactly would you create something while using my Dark Element? First of all, have you created any light-based one? Any at all?"

Rean sulked but couldn't answer. That was right. Other than practice the Sword like Roan told him and cultivation, he really hadn't tried to do anything else. Let alone tried to create a technique using his Light Element.

Roan, of course, laughed even more at his silence.

"Hahaha! You are really an idiot. Weapons and attack techniques are my fields. Since I'm already this way, why would you try to copy me and create something similar? Just leave it to me. Your domain should be somewhere else, especially for a Light Element user like you, don't you think?"

Rean was taken aback by those words. Indeed, compared to Roan, Rean wasn't a good fighter. Although he is much better and learns much faster than the majority, he had to admit that it is a waste of time trying to beat Roan in that field. Rean understood that Roan was giving him a hint, and a very obvious one at that.

"Hehe. You are right, Roan. I'll leave those attacking techniques up to you, just teach me them for free another time."

"Yea, yea. Shoo, shoo, go away already."

With a smile on his face, Rean quickly left Roan alone.

Roan just chuckled, though.

'I'm being too nice for my own good.'