Death… And Me-Chapter 51: Aptitude Difference

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During the fighting lessons the next day.

Rean looked at Inna Malaka in a corner practicing her Staff while all the other kids practiced against each other.

"Why did you leave Malaka alone?"

Roan sighed.

"I didn't. It's just that no one is Inna's match at all, so the other kids began to be afraid of challenging her."

Rean couldn't help but laugh.

"So they are not afraid of just us anymore. Hahahaha!"


Roan immediately slapped Rean's backhead.

"Stop with your bullshit and go."

Rean looked at him, puzzled.

"Go where?"

"Isn't that obvious, Inna Malaka will be your opponent. You need practice with your sword, after all."

Rean, of course, found it weird.

"Are you that lazy that you can't even send me the thoughts for training?"

Roan snorted, though.

"You only spent a single weak practicing my Death Sword Style. As for Inna Malaka, she has been using the Staff for almost three weeks. Considering that both of you knew nothing about your weapons before, she should prove to be a good sparring partner. Trust me, that little girl is a monster. Anyway, stop complaining and go ahead."

Rean sighed and then stepped forward. He had already agreed to not complain about how Roan taught Sword Skills since their level is obviously different.

Inna was happy to see that someone finally came to train with her. She really liked the Staff, so she had put a lot of effort into it. Rean also took out one of the wooden swords and prepared himself.

The fight quickly started, and at first, Rean wasn't having much difficulty holding against the girl. But as the battle continued, Inna Malaka improved with it. Roan had only fought against her with another staff, while the other kids just couldn't compare to Rean in swordsmanship. Simply put, Inna Malaka wasn't used to fight against swords.

Rean couldn't help but find it fun as well. Inna is just a kid, but her potential is in full display right in front of him.

Roan, on the other hand, saw their battle with another eye.

'As I thought. Rean was only an ordinary man back on Earth, he didn't really have any talent, and his learning speed was average. But seeing his improvement in the forest and here, it is evident that it isn't the case anymore. I couldn't confirm it at first since my skills with weapons can't go any further at the moment. Still, taking him as an example, I guess both our aptitudes are far above any ordinary kid. It is not just because we have our past memories; our learning capability is just much higher than it was.'

That was correct. As Inna Malaka improved her Staff against Rean, Rean's Sword Skills also improved to against her. It was just that Rean thought it to be because of Roan's teaching and not the difference in his talent.

'Well, those two still have a very long road ahead of them before they can be called masters with those weapons.'

In the end, Rean was able to defeat Inna Malaka, who couldn't help but sulk a bit. A kid is a kid, after all. Which kid would feel happy after losing? The last thing on Malaka's mind was how much she improved. She only cared for the results at the moment.

Seeing that, Rean couldn't help but laugh.

"Hahaha! You are already doing great. Still, it is too earlier to fight against me. I only used the same strength as you in this fight. If I had fought you with my Energy Gathering Realm, this battle would have finished in the first exchange."

Rean wasn't trying to bully her. He could see her fighting spirit, so he only said those words to make her put even more effort into her training. In fact, Rean had to admit that as long as he keeps his body strength at the same level as Inna, she is really a good sparring partner.

Roan then came forward.

"Alright. Inna, you go and continue practicing those movements I told you. Your arms still can't endure long fights, so you need to train them. Don't forget to put effort into your cultivation as well. As for Rean, it is time to teach you sword skills as well."

Rean nodded and stepped on the arena with Roan. The improvement would be a lot better if Roan simply fought against Rean while changing thoughts.

All the kids gathered around when they saw Rean and Roan. After all, they consider those two as the strongest.

Still, not too surprisingly, Roan completely trashed Rean while using a sword. It was to the point that Rean's entire body was in pain. Sure enough, teaching is one thing, but liking Rean is entirely different. Since Roan had a chance to make him suffer a little, he definitely wouldn't let it pass.

"Yo-you! Can't you hold back a little?"

Roan nodded.

"Sure. One week of desserts."

Rean's mouth twitched.

"Forget it."

After they returned home, Rean and Roan entered the Soul Gem Dimension. They came this time to check those Ape Bones that cost 10 Destiny Energy.

[Ape Bones - 10 Destiny Points.]

"We accept."

Suddenly, Rean and Roan's bodies started to shine. Or to be more precise, their bones did. The two couldn't help but fall on the ground in pain. During the Body Transformation Realm, Bones Enhancement Stage, the changes to the bones would occur gradually. But this time, it is all happening at once, so there was no helping it.

Roan and Roan contorted on the ground for thirst minutes before finally stopping. Even after the change finished, they didn't have any energy to stand anymore.

"Holy shit! If I knew that it would be this painful, I would have never bought this thing."

Roan shook his head, though.

"Stopping spurting nonsense. Compared to the advantages we get, a little pain means nothing much."

Only one hour later did the Twins gather enough energy to stand up again. As they did, they could feel how much easier it became for them to move their bodies. It simply couldn't compare to what it was before.

"Impressive. I would say that our body strength has improved at least 20%. Sister Orb, you said that this Ape Bones could be considered the next level after the Bones Enhancement Stage. Does that mean that the people outside can also train these Ape Bones?"

[Correct. However, compiling an Ape Bones manual would require a high number of Destiny Points and level three Authority Level.]

"How many Destiny Points would we need?"


"Isn't it too expensive?"

[There is an alternative option.]

Rean and Roan's eyes lit up.

[Increasing brotherly affection level.]

Rean and Roan almost cursed her after hearing that. Of course, they still remember very well how strong Sister Orb is.

"Cough, cough. There is no need for us to spread such a technique. Let's leave the others with their own efforts."

Roan nodded vigorously.

"Self-improvement is very important. Besides, they don't need to save the Universe as we do."

Only at moments like this, would Rean and Roan be of the same mind.

Read My system allows me to copy talents