Dawning Skye-Chapter 539

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539 Ceremony Of Honor(Part Two)

Skyeโ€™s face paled as she stared as Mei; โ€œWhat?! What are ya talkinโ€™ about?! Were na you and Hang just talkinโ€™ about-โ€

Mei cut Skye off with a sob, then said; โ€œWe did, but that is the problem! When I became pregnant with Rukia, the doctors werenโ€™t even sure that I would carry her to full term, which I didnโ€™t..โ€

โ€œShe was so tiny when she was born, and she had to be put in an incubator- do you know what that is?โ€ f๐”ฏee๐˜ธ๐˜ฆ๐š‹๐’oัต๐žl.c๐’๐“‚

When Skye nodded in the positive, Mei continued speaking Alconian in a hushed tone; โ€œShe was there for three months. I stayed by her side after I was well enough to get up. Her birth nearly killed me then.. That was the first time I saw Hang worried over me..โ€

โ€œSo he does care about ya?โ€ Skye asked, trying to get a sense of their relationship.

โ€œYes, he does.. But not enough to go against our familiesโ€™ wishes. Which means not enough to save my life..โ€

The bleak expression that covered Meiโ€™s face wrenched Skyeโ€™s heart. She wanted to console Mei, but they both knew all too well how most women were regarded in their world: property to be bartered away to the highest bidder. It was a grim reality, but theirs all the same.

Mei cried for several minutes before she calmed herself, and spoke clearly; โ€œHang and I have known each other for most of our lives, but my family was not the only one who wanted to marry into the Zhao clan. Senator Tokuga has a granddaughter that is two years my junior, and wished to marry Hang herself.. But my family out-bid them on the dowery.โ€

Mei shifted uncomfortably like there was more to it, but she continued on; โ€œI did my duty, and conceived Rukia shortly after-โ€


โ€œWas he unkind to you?โ€ Skye asked as sensitively as possible, even though the question itself was insensitive.

Meiโ€™s eyes shot open as her hands went up in a defensive position; โ€œNo, no! Hang was very gentle with me. And much to my shame, I actually found myself enjoying his attentions for a time..โ€

Seeing utter confusion cross Skyeโ€™s face at her self-deprecation, Mei elaborated; โ€œIt is strange to you because your heart belongs to your husband.. But mine belongs to another.โ€

Skye was about to ask who, but as if she were reading her mind, Mei added; โ€œAnd I cannot divulge who, even to you. I cannot risk their position just to ease my own mind. Even now, we are speaking in your tongue so any servants eavesdropping wonโ€™t understand us.โ€

As her body began to shake, the tears that had temporarily stopped began to flow anew as Mei said; โ€œI donโ€™t want to die, Skye.. I want to see Rukia grow, and become the beautiful woman that I know she will be. I want to see my Father retired and finally enjoying life. I want to be with..โ€

Meiโ€™s face scrunched like she was in unbearable pain before adding; โ€œI want to see Something outside of this city! Thereโ€™s so much more, but I-I canโ€™t.. I c-canโ€™t..โ€

Mei sobbed so hard that her entire body looked like it was going to crumble. Skye braced her before she could fall to the floor, and helped steady her against the wall. She tried to soothe Mei by rubbing her back, but she trembled as her raw emotions were exposed.

Like a bare nerve had been struck, Mei flinched as Skye placed her hand on top of her head. She released some of her Shaman magic, and stimulated the endorphins to release. Moments later, Mei sighed as she felt a small amount of relief wash over her exhausted body.

Skye hated to see her the one person she saw as a sister in such agony.. โ€˜Thereโ€™s little I can do fer her now, but I can at least lift her spirits a wee bit..โ€™

โ€œHave ya really never been outside of the city? Youโ€™ve visited Alcon before,โ€ Skye commented, trying to figure out why Mei had been so secluded.

Wiping her tears away with her sleeve, Mei replied; โ€œThat, and a trip to the northernmost part of Sai are the only times that I have ventured outside of the city. And I did not really leave the stagecoach, except to relieve myself the entire trip.โ€

Skyeโ€™s heart ached for her chosen sister. She couldnโ€™t imagine not being able to roam the countryside on Thothโ€™s back, or visit the neighboring domains whenever she felt like it. When she was a child, she had been limited, but when sheโ€™d turned fourteen, her father had given her more freedoms.

โ€˜Have I really been treated so differently? I was cloistered as a bairn, but as soon as me bleedinโ€™ started, Father let me out whenever the mood struck me.. Tidas was usually wit me: is that why he let me go?โ€™

Pushing her self-centered thoughts aside, Skye refocused on Mei. She was about to suggest a ride on Zazzy, when the door suddenly flew open..

โ€œThere you are! Iโ€™ve been searching for you since I was told that youโ€™d come back. Why are you in a storage closet?โ€ Tidas asked, then glanced at Mei; โ€œAnd whatโ€™s wrong with Mei?!โ€

Skye shook her head; โ€œDinna worry about it, love. What do ya need me fer?โ€

Tidas gave her an exasperated expression that transitioned into worry as he replied; โ€œTo come with me to dress for dinner, but if Mei needs you, I can stall the Senators.โ€

Mei stood up straight and gave Tidas a weak smile; โ€œNo, Iโ€™m fine, but thank you for your consideration. We can talk later.. Hang will be angry if I delay much longer.โ€ fre๐‘’๐˜ธ๐šŽ๐š‹nเซฆัตโ„ฏl.c๐’๐˜ฎ

Tidas quirked an eyebrow at her, which was Skyeโ€™s sign to take him and go. If Tidas took Meiโ€™s words the wrong way, it could start real problems between the two kingdoms. She needed to explain the situation before he did or said something to Hang that he couldnโ€™t take back.

The marbled walls reflected the fading rays of the sun across the floor while the scones that lined the upper wall cast orange against the encroaching darkness. It was if the remainder of the sunset was locked within the hall, giving them a brilliant show of colors as the walked back to their room. Voices echoed throughout the halls as the two Alconian diplomats entered their room.

Skye sighed as she looked around. She hadnโ€™t had the time to appreciate the architecture before, but the light streaming in made the room look like it was inside a rainbow. The glass wasnโ€™t clear, to help retain heat during the winter. So the tinted shade strewn tiny streaks of different hues all over.

Skye smiled wide at the sight, but Tidas grinned at the sight of her. Walking into the middle of almost a complete rainbow, Skye stretched out her arms, and turned back to her husband as she said; โ€œDo ya think Genie knew the glass would do this?โ€

Tidas chuckled, his grin growing as he walked up to her, and wrapped his arms around her; โ€œI seriously doubt it. Genieโ€™s not the romantic type..โ€

Feeling him go oddly tense, Skye looked into Tidasโ€™ face with a quizzical expression. An indistinguishable emotion traversed his features before he replied; โ€œHow would you know if heโ€™s romantic or not?โ€

Skye shrugged, not registering his words as anything other than that, and said; โ€œI dunno. I just figured that an assassin canna be too adept at that sorta thing.โ€

It was a moment before Tidas nodded, and relaxed his hold slightly. Skye had sensed his tension, but didnโ€™t understand where it had come from.. โ€˜He didna just question what I think he questioned, did he? Na.. Tidas kens better. Genieโ€™s like a brother ta me..โ€™

As the thought crossed her mind, Peggy bustled in through the door without knocking at all. Unperturbed by their embrace, she huffed loudly as her balled-up fists went to her hips. The classic warning that she was pissed..

โ€œThanks fer leavinโ€™ me without a bloody word! Do ya have Any idea how awkward it was wit all of those Senators around?! They knew I was Alconian! So that automatically made me connected ta you! I was Swarmed! And ya Know how bad me Saianese is!โ€

โ€œWhy are you so flustered?โ€ Tidas asked, hoping to incite her ire long into a tangent long enough for him to slip away, and into the bathroom to change.

Focusing on Skye, Peggy narrowed her eyes as if she had been the one to ask the asinine question; โ€œI have experience enough ta know when Ima beinโ€™ insulted by nobles! Alconians, Saianese: the title doesna matter as much as the entitlement!โ€

Skye sighed heavily as she spoke; โ€œIma so sorry fer leavinโ€™ ya ta the wolves, Peg. But I didna do it on purpose! Tidas, I need ya ta hear this as well. Mei might get pissed at me fer tellinโ€™ ye two, but I need yer council on the matter..โ€

Peggy had instantly leaned in, ready to hear every syllable. But Tidas flashed a weary face before he commented; โ€œI really should dress.. How about I just listen in as I dress in the bathroom? Will that be alright?โ€

Tidas rushed off to the bathroom as Skye began to explain the conversation between herself and Mei in the storage closet. Peggy paled slightly at the mention of Meiโ€™s death. She may have only spent limited time with her, but Peggy truly did consider Mei to be part of their odd little family.

As Skye spoke, she carefully unpacked the dress that Ryu Fang had given to her with Peggy. They paused mid-conversation to admire the dress, giving Tidas time to finish up in the bathroom. Peggy had made it a point to find a matching undershirt for him while Skye had been talking with the shopkeepers.

The deep red color brought out the tan undertones of his skin, and it made his green eyes shine like emeralds against a blanket of rubies. As Skye admired her husband in his well-fitted suit, his jaw nearly dropped when he saw his wife in the dress..

Thinking that it would be similar to a hanfu, Tidas was shocked to see her in a skin-tight cheongsam. The thin fabric clung to her every curve, and her breasts popped out slightly on the sides. With her golden curls brushing against her shoulders, Tidas thought that his wife looked like a model from ancient times.

He looked her up and down like a hound eyeing a steak. Swallowing hard, Tidas spoke in the quietest, softest voice that he could manage; โ€œDo we Really have to leave the room now? Canโ€™t just Peggy step out for an hour or two?โ€

Skyeโ€™s cheeks flushed lightly as a smile stretched across her face, and she whispered back; โ€œWe canna do that, but I suppose we could leave the party a wee bit early..โ€

As they shared a sensuous look between them, Peggy sighed as she nearly yelled; โ€œYe can make googly eyes at each other later! Move yer arses! Weโ€™re Beyond late fer the banquet, and you two idjits are the guests of honor!โ€