Daddy! Come Home for Dinner!-Chapter 49 - : Confronting Head-on

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Chapter 49: Chapter 49: Confronting Head-on

Translator: 549690339

Cindy saw it and went to the Cooking Competition registration page. After logging in, the backend displayed her registration status.

Cindy screenshot the page and covered her personal information with a mosaic before posting it on Facebook.

Cain Velman: โ€œAlready registered for the Pingla Cup Cooking Competition. Am I fake? Let the strength speak for itself.โ€

Peggy Lewis immediately came out to cheer for Cindy: โ€œThatโ€™s right! Go Cindy! Some people have been bouncing with joy these past few days, they know how many fake supporters they have! Cindy doesnโ€™t speak because sheโ€™s uncertain; she just doesnโ€™t care!โ€

Knight Melanie Ice: โ€œWow, Cindy actually signed up for the Pingla Cup Cooking

Competition. I must go watch it live!โ€

Lonesome: โ€œI heard that after auditions, there will be a live broadcast on both the Internet and TV. I canโ€™t go to Belfard. Iโ€™ll watch the live broadcast at home.โ€

โ€œCain Velman just registered; we donโ€™t know if she can advance yet. Sheโ€™s talking tough now, but what if sheโ€™s embarrassed later on.โ€

โ€œA food blogger, an amateur cook who just takes videos and edits them so they look good. We canโ€™t say for sure about the taste. I wouldnโ€™t want her to participate in this major competition and get embarrassed.โ€

โ€œBesides, every competition has professional students from the Pingla Culinary Academy participating. Which time hasnโ€™t the Academyโ€™s students swept the field? Cain Velman better not go just to be cannon fodder.โ€

Peggy Lewis couldnโ€™t stand this and directly hit back: โ€œYou havenโ€™t even tasted Cain Velmanโ€™s cuisine! What are you blindly talking about? If Cain Velman advances, thatโ€™s when youโ€™ll be embarrassed!โ€

Cindyโ€™s face grew cold; she didnโ€™t have a good temper.

She posted again: โ€œNo matter how my culinary skills are, I dare to sign up for this major competition. Does Zoe Silverstone dare to?โ€

Anyone who understood the situation knew it was Zoe Silverstone who provoked it.

But without conclusive evidence, no one could say anything. free webnov

Nobody thought that Cindy would be so blunt and directly mention Zoe Silverstoneโ€™s name.

If it were anyone else, they would only hint at it vaguely, never directly naming like Cindy did.

Didnโ€™t Zoe Silverstone also first find her online trolls to slander Cain Velman and then pretend to step on Cain Velman, elevating herself?

Zoe Silverstone never directly stepped on Cain Velman; the netizens did it for her.

Zoe Silverstone just didnโ€™t deny it.

But Cain Velman actually confronted her directly!

Peggy Lewis found it extremely satisfying: โ€œHahahaha! Our Cindy is so bold! Zoe Silverstone, if you have the guts, confront her directly! You sneaking around, donโ€™t you find yourself disgusting? Cindy dares to register for the competition, do you?โ€

Cain Velmanโ€™s fans saw that she was so bold, not showing any signs of insecurity as some people said.

So, the fans gained confidence too.

Violet Davis: โ€œYeah, Zoe Silverstone, if you have the guts, go sign up and actually compete with our Cindy. Videos can be faked, but the judges canโ€™t be faked, right?โ€

Dazed-Goofball: โ€œHahahaha, our Cindy is so bold!โ€

Kacey Harris 1300: โ€œTo those who said Cindy is insecure, face slap? Our Cindy is not insecure; sheโ€™s preparing a big move for you!โ€

Cindy looked at the screen, really looking forward to Zoe Silverstone signing up.

She stopped paying attention to the rest.

Switching to Whatsapp, she just received a new message from Peggy Lewis.

She initially thought Peggy would ask about the Cooking Competition registration, but she didnโ€™t expect Peggy to say: โ€œCindy, whatโ€™s going on with you and Adrian Zhekova?โ€

Cindy: โ€œโ€ฆWhat do you mean whatโ€™s going on?โ€

Peggy Lewis: โ€œDonโ€™t pretend you donโ€™t know. I originally wanted to see you this afternoon, but I saw you, Adrian Zhekova, and Morgan Zhekova together at the Convenience Store in front of your Residential Area. You guys looked like a family of three..โ€

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