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642 The Duel

โ€œYou?โ€ he asked. ฦ’๐‘Ÿ๐™še๐”€๐—ฒ๐’ƒn๐’๐˜ท๐—ฒฦ–.c๐—ผ๐š–

Prince Li Hua nodded.

โ€œPardon me, Your Majesty, of course, Servant is the one who is going to propose the Viceroy, after having successfully defeated Your Majesty the Crown Prince in our duel. So when can we start, Your Highness?โ€ said Prince Li Hua in a highly confidence tone.

Luo Xiang slightly raised his eyes, although he didnโ€™t show it and remained calm, however, Prince Li Huaโ€™s inner strength was not something he was used to dealing with, it was very different.

Shin Ya and Bei Yau looked at each other, donโ€™t know what it was but the energy that Prince Li Hua had was clearly intimidating them. Even Shin Ya saw a bright white aura emerging from Prince Li Huaโ€™s body, was it true, that it was the energy of the White Tiger? However, he is only human.

Luo Xiang pulled his lips together, smirking slightly.

โ€œHehe, Prince Li, then I wonโ€™t hesitate, please,โ€ said the Crown Prince pointing towards the arena in the middle of the field specifically for matches.

Luo Xiang rolled up his sleeves about to get off his place, but Bai Yingโ€™s hand held him.

โ€œYour Highnessโ€


His eyes stared deeply at the Crown Prince, he was clearly a bit worried about the Crown Princeโ€™s opponent at that time.

โ€œYing Ying, you donโ€™t think this guy can beat me, do you?โ€

Bai Ying swallowed his saliva whole. Even though that person looked very ordinary but he could feel a very strong energy pressure from him. It might not be such an evil energy, but it could still suffocate him a bit.

Xiao Hong and Chen Ming drew closer. Chen Ming looked at the Crown Prince sharply.

โ€œHey, rotten Crown Prince, why donโ€™t you discuss this matter first before challenging him to a duel? My brotherโ€™s future is at stake, do you think youโ€™re that great?โ€

Luo Xiang looked at Chen Ming, then looked at the man standing below them. Prince Li Hua smiled confidently. The man indeed listens to all of their argument and think so highly about himself now.

โ€œDo you think that man can beat me?โ€

Bai Ying had yet to let go of the hold on the Crown Princeโ€™s sleeves.

โ€œYour Majestyโ€

In the end, the match was held in the middle of the field.

At first, the Crown Prince only blew a light wind towards Prince Li Hua, but it seemed like it was absolutely nothing for Prince Li Hua who dodged with a body as light as flying. And it didnโ€™t take long for the field, which was still in shape, to finally fall apart.

โ€œOh this is very dangerousโ€ some of the guests started panicking as the effects of the attack almost hit them.

Bai Ying looked at Shin Ya who immediately knew what he had to do.

The palace adviser, also the shaman Xin Hua, opened his palm and raised a yellow halo from the ground. In contrast to before, after receiving energy from the King of Realms, Shin Yaโ€™s inner strength was now developing very rapidly. It didnโ€™t take much effort for him to light up the enormous protective circle that delimited the arena for fights with the guests.

โ€œWhatโ€™s this? This is a very great protective energy, I can see the colour,โ€ said one of the guests who widened his eyes at the yellow energy that was getting higher and higher until it formed a wall.

Me Ma immediately evacuated the Princess from the area.

โ€œPlease Princessโ€

Even though the old woman was still very excited and wanted to see how the results of the duel could not be followed by the naked eye.

โ€œOh, Me Ma they are very great, this old grandmother has not watched such an exciting match like this for a long time, letโ€™s just sit here and sit quietly. The protective energy of advisor Shin can protect everyone.โ€

Me Ma looked around, indeed all the effects of the twoโ€™s inner energy did not come out from within the circle, the young woman just saw how formidable Shin Yaโ€™s protective circle which was very famous, this was truly extraordinary. But this is still too dangerous.

โ€œPlease My Princes, we have to evacuate everyone from hereโ€

Wu Lan turned to Old advisor Pai who also didnโ€™t know what he have to do than to go to a safe place at that time.

โ€œCome, Princess, we have to get out of here,โ€ said Old advisor Pai.

Xiao Hongโ€™s pair of eyes widened with a bright red light. He could clearly see how the Crown Princeโ€™s agile movements attacked Prince Li Hua who could float with his profound strength. He could see white and gold energy mixed in the air, the two profound energies were extremely powerful and could destroy anything around them.

Xiao Hong was about to spread his wings when Bai Yingโ€™s voice stopped him.

โ€œHong, you and Bei Yau better get everyone out of here, after all, His Highness the Crown Prince and Prince Li Huaโ€™s strength has already exceeded their limits,โ€ said Bai Ying.

Xiao Hong turned to Bei Yau who was standing not far beside Bai Ying so he could hear him quite clearly. While Chen Ming stayed by Bai Yingโ€™s side, Xiao Hong and Bei Yau along with Su Lang immediately carried out his orders.

โ€œReady Your Highness.โ€

The golden-coloured lightning and thick white smoke charged at each other in the air. Luo Xiang several times waved his hand shadow hand at Prince Li Hua to knock him off his stance, but that man was very shrewd. With a movement as fast as even a little faster than the Crown Prince, he was able to dodge and even throw away the attack that had hit Luo Xiangโ€™s shoulder. He almost fell several times when the man threw away his attacks. Luo Xiang subconsciously swallowed his saliva. The man clearly had very strong inner strength, and it looked like he was holding himself back from attacking him with all his might.

Luo Xiangโ€™s eyes flashed goldenly. His hair fluttered from the force of the wind that came out of his body, he had already spent half of his strength but could not knock the person down. This was beyond his expectations.

Crown Prince Bi Yeng who was standing where he was was pushed away, in the end, he was also asked to step back by the guards.

โ€œYour Highness, please.โ€

Bi Yeng didnโ€™t want to leave, but the energy rush from the two people fighting was getting more and more unbearable for him. He himself didnโ€™t expect Prince Li Hua to be that great.

Elder Yi appeared from the direction of the street. The young but old man waved his white fan after briefly missing an extraordinary event there.

โ€œWow, this is really amazing, when else can I see such a powerful inner force fighting so passionately, itโ€™s very interestingโ€

Luo Xiang opened his two palms, gathering energy into the golden ball he just made this big. At the same time, Prince Li Hua also collected many sharp objects around his body. The soldiers standing near the arena were shocked as the weapons in their hands were pulled towards the battlefield.

โ€œHey what happened?โ€

Luo Xiangโ€™s eyes flashed. That man was indeed not an ordinary person, his face was shining and he could see the shape of a white tigerโ€™s face emerging from the pressure of his inner strength. Luo Xiang smiled.

โ€œHey, finally, you appeared.โ€

After saying that, suddenly thick yellow energy appeared blocking Prince Li Hua and the Crown Prince.

Prince Li Hua widened his eyes. He immediately backed away but in no time, far faster than he was moving the thick yellow energy formed a circle and encircled him within it.


The sound of the wind howling was very loud. Prince Li Huaโ€™s internal energy that should be around his body seemed to be sucked in and pushed his body until it hit the wall of the energy ball which made him unable to go anywhere.

โ€œWhat happened?โ€ he cried, in an instant, the Crown Princeโ€™s inner strength gradually decreased until it disappeared. Prince Li Hua tried to hit the energy ball and destroy it with his strength, but his attack just hit himself causing a tigerโ€™s roar that screamed in pain.

Crown Prince smiled. He threw his hands cleaning the part of his clothes that had been dirty with dust. When the field was empty, only Chen Ming, Xiao Hong, Bei Yau, Shin Ya, Elder Yi and Su Lang were left. It was then that Bai Ying finally got down from his seat and locked Prince Li Hua inside the protective circle he had perfected, so strong even the guardian of four eyes like Er Wang wouldnโ€™t be able to get out of there easily.

Luo Xiang held Bai Yingโ€™s hand come approaches the pulsing sphere.

โ€œHey, Lord of White Tiger, I wonder how a human like you can have the strength and aura of a White tiger, thatโ€™s really great,โ€ Luo Xiang said.

Prince Li Hua saw Bai Ying approaching and took off his mask. That perfect face was completely unblemished by any injuries, and all of this was definitely part of their plan. The man smiled.

โ€œHehe, really similar, both your faces and character, really very similar, I almost couldnโ€™t believe my own eyes at that time, as if you guys are exactly the same person,โ€ said Prince Li Hua who didnโ€™t take his eyes off Bai Ying.