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Chapter 3: She is He

Luo Xiang gets a closer look at BaiYing, closer so he can see his face, he knows a girl from the Hua family because he meets them several times without them noticing it, and the girl in front of him was definitely not her. ๐™›๐™ง๐™š๐’†๐˜ธ๐šŽ๐™—๐’oฮฝ๐™š๐˜ญ.๐œ๐’m

BaiYing swallow his saliva, what was this Crown Prince in front of him thinking of? Does he think of other weird and perverted ideas about him? BaiYing pulls his clothes tightly and subconsciously retreats as that man approached.

โ€œY-Your Highness, what do you want?โ€

Luo Xiang takes a careful look at BaiYing, frowned his forehead, and strokes his chin.

โ€œNo, youโ€™re not BaiYen, tell me who you are exactly?โ€™

Oh No, BaiYing screams in his heart, his big round eyes widened, has he been getting caught? This fast? What was he done wrong?

Or Is it because last night that guy touches his body and canโ€™t find anything particularly important, breast! BaiYing stuttered, what should he do now?


He could lose his head if heโ€™s been getting caught now, not just him but his parents too, donโ€™t mention his older sister whoโ€™s gone and nowhere to be found, what heโ€™s going to do now??

BaiYing swallows hard, looking at Luo Xiang who now appears like some kind of red evil with a longhorn in his head and his eyes glared at him.

When the cold sweat almost dripped through his temples, the voice from outside distracted Crown Princeโ€™s attention,

โ€œThe Queen has arrived!โ€ Guards exclaimed.

Oh, Thank God, Bai Ying shout in his heart.

Crown Prince straightens his back, why that person has to come by this early? And why always trespass his places? Just messing out with his mood, he needs to talk with her about the boundaries.

Didnโ€™t take long for Queen and her entourage to come to Luo Xiang and BaiYing.

Queen YinHua, a very beautiful and elegant woman even in her fifties, sheโ€™s amazingly smart, sometimes because of her act as sheโ€™s too calm in front of Luo Xiang, he thinks the Queen must be even smarter than her appearance.

โ€œGreeting Queen Mother, you come so early today?โ€ Luo Xiang greets with a big smile on his face.

The Queen arrives with her maid, a fat old lady behind her, not much expression on her face as if someone stole her belonging and she always looks mad, sheโ€™s known as ChaiMa, an old fierce woman who only listens to Queenโ€™s commands.

Behind her, stood three beautiful ladies none other than Luo Xiang concubines and some maids who always followed her everywhere.

Queen laugh while covering her mouth with her high-quality silk handkerchief.

โ€œOh hehehe Xiangโ€™er, mother happens to have morning walks, stretch the legs and think about gathering all of your beautiful concubines for a class, which come again last night. Oh youโ€™re so pretty Yenโ€™erโ€

BaiYing lowered his knee to greet the Queen, he didnโ€™t expect to see the Queen so early today.

Lucky he always prepares his chest patch, so she wonโ€™t suspect anything weird, itโ€™s going to be troublesome if he gets caught by the Queen, BaiYing is so worried but he has to show his very calm face in front of everybody there, no matter what.

Queen pointed at three beautiful women who standing behind her, who else if itโ€™s not LuoXiangโ€™s concubines.

Thereโ€™s Fu Lan, Lui Fan, and Ye Mu, three beautiful ladies who come from respected families near the palace, delicate and pretty ladies whoโ€™ve now become BaiYing seniors in the palace.

Theyโ€™re so amazingly beautiful, white flawless skin, slender waist, not so big boob but attractive with their sexy shaped clothes, seductive smiles, and eyes. BaiYing unconsciously sees them with his mouth wide open because of the charm of those pretty ladies, he thinks heโ€™s so lucky.

โ€œYenโ€™er, let Mother introduce you, these are your elder sisters, from now on you guys going to meet almost every day, em Aunt ChaiMa donโ€™t forget to teach them the Palace rules starting from tomorrow, just adjusted it to the Crown Prince schedule, donโ€™t cause him to be lonely, isnโ€™t it Xiangโ€™er?โ€

ChaiMa lowered her knee.

โ€œYes Your Highnessโ€

Luo Xiang takes a deep breath, the Queenโ€™s mother always wants to stick around to know what heโ€™s doing and found out his plan from his concubines, and sheโ€™s so smart.

Luo Xiang smiles.

โ€œYes mother, thank you for being very thoughtful on Xiangโ€™erโ€

Queen waves her hand.

โ€œAh Xiangโ€™er, you know mother is always happy to do that for you, em, by the way, so last night, how was it?โ€ Queen whispers with her eyes glancing at BaiYing.

BaiYing stuttered, he almost choked his saliva.

โ€œEm last night? Well, just usually, itโ€™s great, I thinkโ€ Luo Xiang answered while taking a glance at BaiYing. BaiYing relieves, at least that pervert knows how to react.


The next day, in the afternoon.

BaiYing is seen sneaking out of the Peach pavilion where all concubines gathered for arranging flowers class for that day.

Arranging flowers? Him? What a joke, heโ€™s a very respectfully Young Master, there is no way that BaiYing would sit quietly and learn how to arrange flowers, he better finds other better things to do, such as thinking about how he could run away from this cursed place.

While the Crown Prince is always being busy every day, BaiYing remembered heโ€™s been in the palace for three days but he has only seen His Highness a couple of times, and most of the time that man always surrounded by his subordinates.

That man does ignore his Concubines as peoples said about him, whatever, he doesnโ€™t care, while he always being busy itโ€™s the best time for him to run away, Crown Prince might forget about his disappearance as he looks like he doesnโ€™t care that much.

BaiYing lifted his long dress and walks carefully to sneak below the window where the class was still in progress.

While in the class,

ChaiMa long small and sharp eyes glance around the room, as she didnโ€™t know when one of the class attendance is missing. There is no way she didnโ€™t know there were only four of them and now itโ€™s three. ChaiMa murmured and add a note below BaiYen names on it, that little naughty concubine will scold by the Queen for running away from the class.

At the Crown Prince workroom at Eagle Pavilion, a big building across Peach pavilion.

CiaoTi, Crown Princeโ€™s advisor coming, as usual, to pass the daily reports for the Crown Prince related to his charge as Crown Prince, heโ€™s so busy and hasnโ€™t left his workroom since this morning.

While CiaoTi vague voice explained the content of the reports, Luo Xiang frowned on his forehead and thought hard, with his eyes far-seeing front of him where the beautiful scenery of the pavilion garden,

โ€œHemmh, if heโ€™s not BaiYen, then who is she? BaiLie only has one daughter and one son, BaiYen and BaiYing, hold on, BaiYing?โ€ Luo Xiang thinking inside his head, widened his eyes, that is, he must be BaiYing, how come he didnโ€™t notice him before?

Luo Xiang raises up from his chair fast.

โ€œThatโ€™s it! That naughty kidโ€

CiaoTi almost jumps off startled, seeing His Highness suddenly getting excited.

โ€œEh Y-Your Highnessโ€

Just when Luo Xiang is too much-excited someone he thought of appearing. He must be too thinking of HuaBaiYing so his eyes might trick him, because that boy now appears not far in front of him, ducking below the window and sneaking like there is no one going to look at him, without second thought Luo Xiang gets out from his desk and headed to the door, CiaoTi following him.

โ€œYour Highness, how about the reports?โ€

Luo Xiang standing in front of his workroom door, shout to BaiYing who sneaking in front of him.

โ€œHua Bai Ying!โ€

BaiYing turned his head up, someone calling out his name loudly.

โ€œYeah?โ€ he answered. ๐Ÿr๐’†โ„ฏ๐˜„๐‘’๐’ƒ๐š—๐’๐˜ƒe๐—น.c๐˜ฐ๐ฆ
