Conquering The Novel-Chapter 237 Match 4: The Battle Royal! [2]

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Meanwhile, Livia sprinted out of the building, her eyes scanning the surrounding area for any sign of opponents. As she had no need to search for weapons, she decided to deal with the rest of the students from Team Blitzeirg who were lurking around this area somewhere.

She knew she had the strength and skill to take them on, and her confidence was well-deserved. As she moved around, she spotted a small shed in the distance and decided to investigate.

As Livia approached the shed, she could hear the sound of footsteps and whispers coming from inside and finally noticed a group of players from Team Blitzierg frantically searching for weapons.

Livia quickly gathered mana in her hand, emitting a bright light as she charged her spell.

"Frost Spearstorm," she muttered, and multiple sharp, icy projectiles rained down on the opponents.

Confused and taken by surprise, the group of three students turned toward the source of the light and were met with a barrage of ice spears raining down on them.



Hit by a spear, one of the students was eliminated immediately. However, the other two students were able to prevent their instant elimination as one of them was able to cast a defensive spell, creating a barrier right on time, saving himself and the student beside him.

[You Have Eliminated A Member Of Team Blitzeirg Academy!]

"Arghh, this monstrous woman!" One of the students groaned as even after using his skill to create a protective barrier, their HP still dropped because of the impact from the raining spears.

"Don't worry, she might run out of mana soon," the student next to him said, holding a machete at the ready.

"...Run out of mana? But it didn't go down by much though?" Livia muttered as she checked her status screen.

"W-What? How is that possible?" one of the students exclaimed in shock.

"D-Don't believe her. She might just be bluffing! Using that much power, she definitely had to have used at least half of her mana," the other student said, trying to reassure his teammates.

However, Livia wasn't bluffing. Her mana usage was precise, with no wastage, and she had a natural talent for controlling it.

Even high-ranking mages couldn't match her level of control, which was why the whole Magic Tower was crazy for her talent and wanted to take her in as their disciple.

"Think what you may, as I don't care about the potatoes that I will be slicing into pieces," Livia declared as a sword made of ice materialized in her hand.

"Hehe, it's good that you two weren't eliminated," she continued, "as I can test my swordsmanship skills on you."

She had picked up using a sword and had been training swordsmanship skills with unfazed determination ever since she learned that Ziona and Ares were having sparring sessions and sharing the same advisor for their sword training.

Livia wanted to train with Ares and share the same advisor in the class just so she wouldn't have to see him alone with Ziona.

Her training had been rigorous, and she had put in hours of practice every day, with her hands bleeding from the unfazed determination fueled by her desire to improve her sword skills and train with Ares.

Now, she could finally put her hard work to the test.

Livia charged forward, her sword of ice gleaming in the light. The two remaining opponents looked at each other, knowing that they were in for a tough fight as their HP was not at full capacity and they did not have their desired weapons with them.

However, to counter Livia, the student with the machete hurriedly rushed towards her, swinging his weapon with all his might. Livia deftly sidestepped and blocked his attack with her ice sword, causing a loud clang to echo across the area.


She followed up with a quick strike of her own, aiming for his arm. The student managed to dodge the attack, but Livia anticipated his move and spun around, aiming to land a solid hit on his back.

However, the defensive mage student cast a spell just in time, creating a barrier around the machete-wielding student and protecting him from Livia's attack.


"Tch!" Livia stepped back, analyzing the situation. She realized that she had to take down the defensive mage first.

Meanwhile, the defensive mage student stood back and started charging a spell, preparing to create a magical barrier to protect himself and his teammate.

Livia was not one to wait around. She concentrated, channeling her mana into her sword, causing it to glow with an icy blue light.

She swung it towards the defensive mage, unleashing a barrage of ice spikes that rained down upon his barrier, chipping away at it until it shattered.


Seizing the opportunity, Livia charged toward the mage, her sword raised high. The defensive mage quickly created another barrier, but Livia struck it with all her might.


The barrier trembled under the impact, but did not break.

The mage breathed a sigh of relief and started to reinforce the barrier, but Livia was quick to act. She used her ice magic to create a slippery patch on the ground, causing the mage to lose his footing and fall.


"W-What?" That were his last words with a confused expression.

As Livia took advantage of the opening and delivered a powerful strike on his chest, shattering his barrier and piercing his heart.

[You Have Eliminated A Member Of Team Blitzeirg Academy!]

The student with the machete was surprised as his teammate was eliminated in just a matter of seconds before he could even react.

However, he swung his machete towards Livia once again, but she easily blocked the attack with her sword. She countered with a swift strike toward the student's midsection, but he was able to jump back in time, avoiding the hit.

Livia pressed her attack, moving quickly and fluidly as she continued to exchange blows with the machete-wielding opponent. He was quick and agile, but Livia was able to anticipate his moves and block his strikes with her ice sword.


Sparks flew as their weapons clashed, and Livia's arms ached from the impact of each strike.

The student tried to deliver a powerful overhead strike, but Livia dodged it and delivered a swift kick to his stomach, causing him to back off.


Livia seized the moment and lunged forward with a powerful thrust, aiming for the student's chest. The student tried to dodge, but Livia's sword grazed his side, causing him to lose some HP.

The student responded by spinning around and delivering a fierce strike, but Livia was able to parry the attack with ease. She followed up with a series of quick slashes, testing the student's defenses.

The student tried to counterattack, but Livia was too fast. She parried his strikes and delivered a powerful kick to his chest, causing him to stumble back. She lunged forward again, her sword glinting in the mana as she aimed for the student's head.

The student tried to dodge, but Livia anticipated his move and feinted to one side, causing the student to expose his flank.



Livia seized the opportunity and delivered a powerful slice to his throat, causing the student to scream in pain blood flowing like a waterfall from his neck.

He tried to stop the blood with his hand, but it was no use as his HP was quickly depleted and he was eliminated from the match before turning into particles.

[You Have Eliminated A Member Of Team Blitzeirg Academy!]


"...So, this is how it feels to use a sword?" Livia muttered to herself with a smile imagining herself practicing sword with Ares.
