Conquering His Cold Heart-Chapter 585 - : An investigation brought to a close (end of volume 8)

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"Haaaaa finally this ordeal is over." Maya loudly announced as she saw Ladius and her team leave the dungeon core room, giving Frost a little stink eye as she did. Her young master was truly irritating to watch during the past 24 hours. His eyes glued to the holographic screen, blocking out nearly all outside information just in case he missed something.

And then there was the incessant tapping of his feet against the floor. Tap, tap, tap, tap, the sound reverberated in her head over and over nearly driving her mad. Thankfully she along with Nanna, Loki and Daki weren't confined to the private space thus allowing them some much needed reprieve.

Their noble prince-like figure really didn't suit the image of a worrywart, it ruined his good looks and usual confident demeanour.

Frost waited until Ladius, and her team were at least several hundred metres away from the core room before letting go of all the built up tension. He let loose a very deep breath and sunk into the sofa, suddenly feeling overwhelmingly weary despite doing nothing but sitting for the past 24 hours.

Finally however it was over, he could go back to his usual antics and not worry about the potential threat climbing over his heart.

"I think I'm going to lie down for a while, Nanna please supervise the dungeon for a few hours." Completely ignoring Maya's annoyed comments and digs Frost rubbed his eyes and made his way to the bedroom after requesting Nanna's aid.

"Y…Yes sir!" Nanna brightly replied with a wide smile on her lips, whenever Frost gave her a job related to the dungeon her heart would always flutter, she enjoyed being useful and needed. Loki meanwhile clicked his tongue in disappointment for a brief second before trailing after his big sister, looking to offer aid.

Nanna was the older one and by far the most adept at supervising, so it was obvious that she'd be chosen to perform such duties over himself, but it still stung. He wanted to be as reliable as her and be helpful to their master, their family.

Maya who had a complaint stuck in her throat was stunned, she half expected Frost to retort or possibly even apologise but to head straight to bed, perhaps she underestimated how anxious he really felt.

Feeling rather guilty both she and Daki bounded after him into the bedroom, not to cheer him up with carnal activities but to act as emotional support i.e. hug pillows in a manner of speaking. He always seemed to sleep better whenever he had one of them wrapped up in his arms.

Thankfully Nanna had the dungeon and camp fully under control, nothing untoward happened while Frost slept, the usual clientele had already learned not to cause any disturbances within the Niflheim base camp lest they wished to draw the ire of the mighty ronsos.

In the earliest days of the camp it wasn't uncommon to see people being manhandled by these large tiger beastkin and tossed out of the camp. Of course there were still the occasional situation but the ronso patrol was sufficient to handle such issues without needing Nanna's intervention. It also helped that the federation of knowledge provided a natural calming effect upon the camp.

No one with a brain wished to draw their ire.

2 days after Frost awoke from his much needed slumber Ladius and her team left the confines of the dungeon with exhaustion as well as fanatism clear in their eyes. To ascend from the bottommost floor to the exit in 2 days was quite the achievement even with the strength of their protection detail.

Apparently Terrance and his team blatantly displayed their aura throughout the lower levels naturally repelling any monsters that dared bar their path or thought about attempting an ambush. It was a tiring effort but allowed them to make great time. fɾēewebnσveℓ.com

"Pfuaaahhhhh finally we're out of the dungeon and back in the Niflheim camp. Time to study the data!!" Ladius hollered in a strangely energetic tone, her eyes flashing with a fierce determination.

"Ummm miss Ladius I think we should rest first." Terrance ever being the voice of reason countered her orders while gesturing towards the rest of the team who had collapsed the moment they left the dungeon. Mina and Suiten even fell straight asleep the moment the tension left their bodies; light snoring could suddenly be heard from the young elk beastwoman.

With such a situation it was clear that Ladius would be the only one capable of doing any work, highly inefficient so as per usual she had to follow Terrance's lead.

'Seems I need to instil some stamina in my subordinates before our next foray.' Determined to not be held back in the future Ladius envisioned harsh training for Carl, Mina and Suiten once this job was complete. With such a lack in energy how could they ever rise in rank as investigators in the federation.

After another 3 days Frost was sitting across from Ladius at one the camp's most highly rated restaurants as she harped on and on about her findings and about how fascinated she was with his dungeon.

"The way the mana flows through the entire system is completely sublime and the makeup and natural mysticism of the heart is baffling. I've never experienced such purity even in monster lairs dozens of floors deep." Never ending praise was being spewed out along with concepts that went completely over Frost's head but even so he couldn't help but slightly blush from embarrassment.

Ladius was technically describing his insides.

"Alright I think that's enough Ladius, if I hear any more I'm likely to become self-conscious." He quickly covered her mouth with his hands to stop her from speaking.


"Ugh did you just lick my hand?" He quickly removed his hands from Ladius' mouth, a wet mark sitting in the middle of his left palm.

"Hehehehe so that's how a dungeon tastes." Ladius not feeling even the slightest bit of shame giggled in a creepy manner as her eyes dancing with untoward thoughts.

"….You're really weird you know that right?"

"Yep, it's what makes me so interesting hehehehe." She was used to being called weird, strange and other less savoury adjectives, such insults were like raindrops, plentiful but harmless.

"...Can't argue with that I guess but please enough with the artful descriptions, it's too embarrassing." Frost had to admit that Ladius' weirdness did make her interesting, especially as a conversation partner.

"Fiiiinnnnneeee I'll stifle my fanaticism slightly." Ladius reluctantly agreed with a taunting smile, finding teasing Frost to be most enjoyable.

"Thank you, now we can get down to business." Their pleasant chat now crossed over into a proper discussion.

"Considering that you've delved to the very bottom of my dungeon and even examined the core I believe your investigation has now come to an end?"

"Correct Lord Frost our study of the dungeon and its heart has been completed and therefore the need for us to be based within your camp has come to a close. My team and I have studied the data we gained at length and have finished compiling a report for our superiors.

We'll thus likely be leaving within the next few days depending on how desperate the keepers are for our findings." Ladius winked as she said that last part, hinting that the keepers were well and truly desperate, she and her team may even get the order to move out tomorrow if they're unlucky.

"I see, well as your host I'm certainly sorry to see you go but I'm very happy you were able to accomplish your mission without incident." Frost's feelings on the matter were actually split. Having Ladius and her team delving into his secrets especially his core was exhausting and worrisome therefore he couldn't wait for them to leave.

However Ladius herself was both a font of knowledge and great conversation partner, he'd be remised in letting her go plus the thousands of DP her protection team supplied on a daily basis was very, very hard to ignore.

"On behalf of the federation I thank you for being so cooperative Lord Frost, the experience has certainly been most enjoyable and one my team and I will certainly not forget." Ladius salute and bowed in the fashion of the federation as she gave thanks thus bringing their cooperation to a close at least for the initial purpose of studying the dungeon.

The two of them then enjoyed a fond meal before Frost requested a favour.

"There's something I'd like your help with or rather the federation's."

"Oh, count me intrigued." Ladius sipped at her cocktail and gestured for Frost to continue. They had exchanged a lot during their little dates, so Frost knew of the heavy restrictions imposed by the federation. They were a strictly neutral body and therefore did little to aid the desires of others.

"I want to set a precedent among the dungeons, something that would help us a group of individuals down the road as well as prevent unnecessary death among the adventurers delving within."

Ladius nodded her head allowing Frost to continue, so far every seemed to be right up the federation's alley.

"In exchange for this favour I'll grant your team, your protection detail in particular the opportunity to experience a rather unique exchange between dungeons." Frost did his best to hide a cocky smile as he imagined the look on Karrick's face when he sees a group of highly skilled B-rank fighters from the federation's militant forces during their upcoming war.

Of course he probably didn't need their help but if it would lessen his losses and crush his arrogant little brother faster he was willing to use outside help.

"....I'm going to need more details."

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