Cold Husband, Don't Seduce Me-Chapter 1481

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"In this world, we are only seeing through a dream. It is soft, but it rises, falls, grows, and falls. Thus, there is no need to be nostalgic, there is no need to care about it."

When Mu Ying and Gu Qingyou asked Qin Qian about Tan Yan leaving, Qin Qian answered them like this.

Mu Ying and Gu Qingyou instantly went silent.

After a long while, Qin Qian then continued, "You guys don't have to worry about me. I'm fine, I've always been clear about what I'm doing."

Mu Ying bit her lips lightly, then said, "Although I am very regretful that all of you would end up like this, since this was a decision you made after careful consideration, I will support you."

Qin Qian smiled at Mu Ying. However, there will be many things that will trouble you in the future. "

Mu Ying's eyes were dyed red. It's okay, I'm only angry if you don't bother me. "

Gu Qingyou held onto Qin Qian's hand. I also support your decision, it's just that, from start to finish, I feel that the person in the bottom of Tan Yan's heart is you, and perhaps, he also hasn't seen herself clearly yet. "

"Jingyou, I don't want to comfort myself like this any longer. I have to face reality." Qin Qian smiled and replied, but her smile made people's heart ache.

"I don't know how to explain it, but I don't think you and Tan Yan will end up like this." Gu Qingyou said in a slightly sandy voice.

Mu Ying took over, "Even Tan Yan has left, doesn't that mean it's over? If Tan Yan's love is shallow, why would he leave? "

Gu Qingyou shook her head and then said, "I just feel that it won't end like this ?? Tan Yan, he will not leave me. "

Mu Ying took a deep breath and slowed down her pace, "What I feel now is that Tan Yan is basically just a trash."

Mu Ying recalled the conversation she had with Tan Yan, and at that moment, she was extremely regretful.

Tan Yan had promised her that he would protect Qin Qian well, but in the end, he still lost to his ??

If she knew that Tan Yan was such a heartless person, she would have gone against him first!

Gu Qingyou patted Mu Ying's shoulder lightly. Alright, let us let Drifting Water have a good rest! "

Mu Ying nodded, and did not say anymore.

"No matter what, I would like to thank you all for coming all the way here to visit me ?? I am already very lucky to have such good friends in my life. " Qin Qian looked at her two friends and said contentedly.

Mu Ying then held onto Gu Qingyou's hand, and a calm smile appeared on her face. Yes, anyway, you still have us... We'll be with you all our lives. " Mu Ying tried her best to control his voice, but it was still hoarse.

Qin Qian held both of their hands, a calm expression on her face, and smiled. "Yes, I still have you, mother, and two children ??"

Ze Lun never thought that Tan Yan would leave him. He had always thought that after experiencing a life and death calamity, it was inevitable for them to make peace.

Although there was still a hurdle in the bottom of Qin Qian's heart that was difficult to overcome, Tan Yan would definitely persuade him. He had never thought that this would still be the result.

On the way to the airport, after hesitating for a while, Ze Lun couldn't help but ask the handsome man who was sitting in the back seat and resting with his eyes closed, "Boss Tan, are you really going to let go of Madam?"

Ze Lun knew that Tan Yan was still awake.

As expected, after waiting for a few seconds, Ze Lun heard Tan Yan's cold voice say, "You seem to be especially concerned about me and shallow things."

"Uh, I ??" Ze Lun gulped down the saliva that suddenly gushed out of his throat. Boss Tan, I just feel that Madam is a very good girl. "

After saying that, Ze Lun took a glance at Tan Yan through the rearview mirror. He realized that Tan Yan had not opened his eyes, and thus did not see the panic in his heart just now.

Actually, the reason he cared so much about the relationship between his boss and his boss was because ??

He was deeply attracted to the Lady Boss.

Yes, from the moment he first met Qin Qian, his heart had been racing for her ??

He had never met such a girl who could love a person without any regrets ??

Despite knowing that he only had two years to spend with the other party, he was still able to pass the time like a poem or a painting. He didn't care about what he would end up getting.

In the girl's eyes, he was her own world.

He really admired girls like this, especially girls who were beautiful and intelligent.

Of course, he had never had any presumptuous thoughts about her. He knew that in her heart, there would always be that one person.

He just hoped that... I hope this girl can have her happiness...

He felt that a girl as pure and beautiful as her should have a happy ending.

It was rare for Tan Yan to be angry, but at this moment, he was clearly unhappy, and his voice was much colder than usual, "You don't need to worry about light things."

Ze Lun realized that Tan Yan was unhappy and replied seriously, "Yes."

The carriage quickly regained its original silence, but Ze Lun actually felt a sense of joy from the bottom of his heart.

Yes, he felt Tan Yan's concern for him ??

This meant that the story between Tan Yan and himself was still unfolding ??

With a sigh of relief, he knew that his boss had made other arrangements.

He hoped that this kind and beautiful girl, whom he could never express his gratitude to, would eventually capture the happiness she wanted.

The weather in Provence had changed just like that. On a clear and cloudless morning, heavy rain began to fall at night.

However, Qin Qian, who was inside the room, was exceptionally calm as she watched the rain and listened to the sound of the rain.

It seemed to her that the rain had come just in time, as if it had come to wash her mind, to soothe the sadness in her heart.

"Shallow ??" f𝗿e𝙚𝘸e𝐛𝚗𝐨𝙫𝚎𝙡.c𝒐𝐦

Hearing her mother's voice, Qin Qian turned around. "Mom."

Shu Lan placed the pot full of her own porridge on the bedside table, and then covered Qin Qian with her blanket. It's raining and the weather has turned cold, so you should cover up. "

Qin Qian smiled calmly, "I'm not cold... I'm in a very good condition right now, and I'm going to go to the nursery myself to look after the baby. "

Hearing that, Shu Lan frowned, "You've only just gotten a little better and you want to get out of bed ?? Can't you wait twenty-four hours for the doctor to let the baby out of the thermos and we'll bring her in for you to see? "

Qin Qian shook her head strongly. "Mom, I can't wait. I want to hug her every single moment right now ??"

"Shu Lan sighed softly, as if she couldn't do anything to Qin Qian. "You, ah, aren't willing to care about yourself. You only care about others ??"

Realizing that his mother's words were a double entendre, Qin Qian closed her eyes tiredly. "Mom, don't say anymore ??"

Shu Lan couldn't suppress the sorrow in her heart and blurted out, "After you left, Tan Yan did not go look for An Ran at all, this means that he did not plan to reunite with An Ran. Why did you force him to reunite with An Ran, and bring yourself into such a state?"