Civil Servant in Romance Fantasy-Chapter 231: The Capital’s Crazy Executive Manager (3)

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Chapter 231: The Capital’s Crazy Executive Manager (3)

The Crown Prince’s emergency summons—I'd already lost count of how often this had happened this semester. It was even starting to feel familiar, almost comforting.

I really shouldn't be getting used to this.

I quickly deleted the horrible message with a bitter feeling. It was too dreadful to keep in my communication crystal.

And as soon as I deleted the message, I contacted Marghetta.

There’s no telling how long I'll be held up.

Honestly, I don’t think I’ll be reprimanded for this incident. Since I had been disciplined multiple times, I had a sense of what would lead to a punishment. This situation wasn’t something that I would be disciplined for, even if a superior caught me.

Besides, they didn’t have a good reason to punish me. For making a duke cry, or for walking peacefully through the capital? These weren’t exactly offenses they could officially reprimand me for.

So, it was relieving to know that I’d be able to avoid punishment. But since it wasn’t a disciplinary matter, I had no idea what action they’d take. Who knew when I’d be able to return to the academy once I responded to the Crown Prince’s summons?

I need to avoid what happened last time.

If I became held up for hours, I wouldn’t get back to the academy until afternoon, just like last time when I skipped out on Marghetta without notice.

As time passed, there was a higher chance that the rumors in the capital would reach Marghetta’s ears. If that happened, the calm Marghetta would get upset again.

I needed to avoid that. If I couldn’t go back due to certain circumstances, then I should inform her in advance and explain it in my own words to prevent any misunderstandings. That was the right thing to do.

— Ah, Carl?


It didn’t take long for her to answer. There was a teacup on one side, so she must’ve been having tea after a meal.

— Why are you calling me so early in the morning? Did you miss me that much?

Marghetta, whose eyes had widened in surprise, soon smiled.

It was only natural for her to think that way since I was calling her early in the morning even though she would normally see me in the Vice President’s office by mid-morning.

"Yes, I missed you. It looks like I’ll be late today."

Marghetta tilted her head at my words.

— Did something happen?

"I had to come to the capital yesterday to meet with Her Grace the Mage Duchess. Now, His Highness the Crown Prince has summoned me. I’ll likely be delayed in returning to the academy."

Marghetta flinched visibly at the serious news, her reaction noticeable even through the communication crystal.

It was understandable. I met with the Mage Duchess after she confessed to me, and now I was being summoned by the Crown Prince; considering my past incidents of probation and imprisonment—none of these were trivial matters for her.

"The New Year’s Ball is just around the corner. After that, I need to get the Iron-blooded Duke’s permission for our marriage. It’ll be troublesome if things get chaotic around us."

— Oh, yes. That’s right. The ball is so close now.

Marghetta, who had stiffened, relaxed quickly at my words. Talking about meeting the Iron-blooded Duke to ask for his blessing seemed to ease her worries completely.

For Marghetta, trust and reassurance were paramount. She was happy as long as I ensured those.

"Yes. I’ve also spoken with the Mage Duchess. Mar’s position is secure."

Her eyes widened again.

Telling her that her position was secure meant that she didn't have to give up being first to the Mage Duchess.

“Just loving you doesn't give me the right to claim your first..."

After the last incident, Marghetta had given up the desire to be first. She said that she didn’t care about her position as long as she could be with me. For the sake of my well-being, she prioritized my choice over her desires.

However, people don’t change their feelings so easily. Even if she had given up, it was only natural to want it if it was possible. In that context, my assurance of her being first would make her happy.

— D-Did the Mage Duchess really say that?

Seeing her leaning closer to the communication crystal made me smile. Yes, she was really pleased.

"I’ll explain in detail when we meet in person."

It was a complicated and lengthy story to tell over the communication crystal.

"But please, at least let me watch you from afar. Let me keep my baby in my heart."

How could I briefly explain such heartfelt words from the Mage Duchess?

It was practically a declaration of surrender, a heartfelt statement that also meant I didn't have to worry excessively about her. She wasn't fixated on being the first or on monogamy.

If neither the Mage Duchess nor Marghetta was overly concerned about being first, then there was a fairly good solution.

No, not just fairly good—it was the only solution. It was even more surprising that I hadn’t thought of it earlier.

— Okay, I'll wait.

"Just in case, keep your dorm window open. I might visit even at night."

Marghetta nodded, her face turning red.


After speaking with Marghetta, I contacted the Principal to explain the situation. I mentioned that I had to visit the capital for some business and might be late for club activities due to the Crown Prince’s summons.

For a moment, the Principal’s eyes immediately flashed with questions like, ‘What did this kid do to be summoned by the Crown Prince so often?’ However, he decided to let it go.

“Have you arrived, Executive Manager?”

“I greet Your Highness.”

What mattered now wasn't the Principal's curiosity, but my immediate future.

I pondered a lot in front of the Crown Prince’s palace. This wasn't a predetermined punishment but rather a session where the outcome depended on the Crown Prince's mood.

Should I start by showing my repentance with a deep bow, or should I roll in while doing flips? I was ready to crawl if a guard told me to crawl to the office.

In the end, I walked in normally.

“I seem to see you often these days, Executive Manager. It brightens my days amidst my busy schedule.”

= I'm busy as hell, but thanks for causing trouble just when I was starting to forget, you bastard.

I bowed my head to the Crown Prince, who began with a subtle insult.

It was unfair, but I had to bow. Honestly, it was the Mage Duchess who went around crying and holding my hand, and I just went to the Magic Tower to squash the rumors. Still, I had my part in it.

"And I'm glad to see the pillars of the Empire intertwining closely."

“Thank you, Your Highness.”

I bowed even deeper. It was clear that he was irritated by the incident involving the Mage Duchess.

With the New Year’s Ball, which all noble titles attended, less than a month away, the Crown Prince who was busy with preparations surely didn't welcome the commotion in the capital.

“Please have a seat. I’ve kept you standing too long.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

Thankfully, the verbal lashing was brief; or maybe he intended to continue after I sat.

“That aside, I am curious to see which family the Executive Manager’s first wife will come from.”

Seated at the head of the table, the Crown Prince spoke with a slight smile.

Unfortunately, it wasn’t brief. He was just getting started.

The directness of his question made me gulp. The first wife was the one who would stand beside me first.

There is a way.

A way to avoid conflict, a way to move past the obsession with being first.

I had reached that truth. I had untied the Gordian knot and stood Columbus's egg upright. The series of shocks had led me to open the door to this truth.

"All of them."

“Alright, I—”

The Crown Prince's hand, holding a glass, paused.


I looked down at the glass I was holding.

Was I drunk already? Was there still vodka in it that I hadn’t finished?

It’s water.

But it was indeed water. A tasteless, odorless liquid. It was definitely water.

I thought that maybe the vodka I drank earlier was still clouding my mind, but that wasn’t it, either. I had been working fine until just before the Executive Manager arrived.

In the end, I had to verify it directly.

“...All of them?”

I asked the Executive Manager to clarify. Did I hear that correctly?

“Yes, all of them.”

It was true. I had heard this crazy statement correctly.

“A wife is a lifelong family member. Even if I can’t love them equally, it's not right to set a hierarchy.”

I held back the urge to ask why someone who knew this would choose polygamy. Without the Mage Duchess's interference, the Executive Manager would have only married Lady Marghetta.

“Everyone desires the title of 'first.' Even if compromises are made, it can become a lifelong regret.”

I nodded involuntarily, but something felt off. The Executive Manager usually got straight to the point, but now he was unusually verbose, like someone trying to justify himself.

“The titles of first or second ultimately come down to the order of marriage, don’t they?”

“Typically, yes.”

I decided to humor him, curious about where he was going with this.

“In that case, I will marry them all simultaneously.”


That's nonsense.

I was too stunned to speak.

“If the order of marriage determines who is first, then everyone becomes first if I marry them at the same time.”

The Executive Manager, seeing my silence, continued with his outrageous reasoning. It was a mad idea, and he was actually trying to justify it.

I stared at him in disbelief.

Is he serious?

No, it must be a joke. However, the Executive Manager didn’t joke about things like these. Then, was he the kind of person to spout such nonsense? No, that wasn’t it, either.

I struggled to wrap my head around it and looked at the Executive Manager again. Then, our eyes met.


It hit me then.

He’s lost it.

Yes, he had gone mad. The Executive Manager had finally cracked under the pressure of endless incidents.

From the battlefield at 17 to politics at 19, he endured four years of hardship and patience.

And now, he was caught between two ducal families because of an unexpected confession from the Mage Duchess.

Unable to bear the weight, the Executive Manager had broken down internally.


I felt a solemn sadness. I even blamed myself, wondering if we had pushed him too hard.

“What do you think, Your Highness? There would be no issues with this solution, right?”

He finished confidently after rambling on.

Sure, there were no issues—in your dreams.

“Yes, it's quite something.”

However, I couldn’t bring myself to argue. More accurately, I didn’t want to.

Looking at the Executive Manager, all thoughts of mocking or questioning him disappeared. Now, I just wanted to comfort this poor, broken man.


I nodded vaguely and sent the Executive Manager away.

“…I see.”

Then, I rushed to the Emperor to explain the Executive Manager's state. I told him that the Executive Manager wasn't in a good mental state but assured him of his loyalty.

“The Executive Manager has worked tirelessly.”

“Yes, indeed.”

“…We should make time during the New Year’s Ball. I will personally commend him.”

My father decided to arrange a meeting to gauge the Executive Manager's condition.

It seemed that he wanted to comfort the loyal subject who had quietly lost his mind.