Chaos Effect-Chapter 99 - 97

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Chapter 99: Chapter 97

"Hey gramps!" Joey called out as Yugi and his friends walked into the card shop, their backpacks slung over their shoulders, school uniform jackets already unbuttoned (though in Joey's case his always was). "How was business today?"

"Well enough," the old man said, putting down his broom. "Managed to sell a few rarer cards." He shot Joey a dry look. "And stop calling me gramps! I'm not THAT old."

Joey chuckled at that. "Sure sure, I know pops." He went over and began to look at the selection of comic books that the card shop had in stock.

"Which cards did you manage to sell, Mr. Muto?" Tea asked.

"The Perfectly Evolved Great Moth set. That new Intercontinental champion came by and bought them. Very polite... even gave me a tip after I told him he didn't have to."

"That's great!" Yugi proclaimed; he knew that getting people like Weevil Underwood to shop at his store would really help his father boost his business.

"Hmmm... never seen you before," his dad said, looking past them to the very rear of the group.

Remembering his manners Yugi gestured behind him towards the tall brown-haired teen, a young dark haired boy was holding the other teen's hand. "Dad, this is my friend Seto and his brother Mokuba. Seto, this is my dad."

"Nice to meet you," Seto said, giving a slight bow.

"Glad to meet you as well. Yugi talked about the help you gave him at that tournament." Yugi's dad ambled over to the counter even as Yugi blushed.

"You talked about me?" Seto teased, a playful smirk dancing on his lips.

"Not that much," Yugi said, head pressed down against his shoulders, even as Bakura laughed, clapping him on the shoulder before joining Tristan in looking over the new model sets that Yugi's father had gotten in.

"Now... Yugi tells me that you use the Blue Eyes White Dragon."

"Yeah," Seto said. "Our dad got all three of us a Blue Eyes." Mokuba bobbed his head up and down rapidly.

"That was very kind of him." Mr. Muto ambled over to the counter where the register sat and bent down, rummaging a bit before he pulled out a lock box and carefully opened it with a key from around his neck. "So I thought you might like to see the final one in existence."

Seto walked forward, eyes wide as he stared at the ultra rare card. "Where did you get that?" he asked in amazement.

"Its an interesting story, if you have the time. Happened in Egypt..."

As Seto talked with Mr. Muto, lifting his brother up so he could sit on the counter and see the card, Tea pulled Yugi aside, a playful smirk on her lips. "You know, if I were the jealous type I'd think you were talking far too much about Seto and not enough about me."

"Its not like that!" Yugi protested only for Tea to press a finger to his lips.

"I know... its just cute that you think like that." She leaned down and gave him a kiss. "That said... I think everyone is going to be distracted for a while..."

Yugi looked about before smiling and allowing Tea to lead him upstairs.


The room we had selected for...


Well, there was no way around it.

The room we had selected for torturing Ishizu was small and away from everyone else. The staff on the blimp might work for Seto but they understood I had just as much power as him and when I'd told them all to leave us and report nothing they had been quick to obey my commands. I didn't know how Seto would react to any of this... on one hand he'd believe that Ishizu's 'crime' wasn't a crime at all because he remained firm in his belief that all the talk of magic was fake and false so there wasn't anything Ishizu could have actually done.

'On the other hand she did threaten Mokuba before and took Seto's Egyptian God Card so he might be willing to look the other way... or suggest ways to truly make her hurt.' I shook my head at that, dismissing that thought. 'No... Seto is many things but he isn't a torturer. That isn't his style. Despite everything people might think about him... he's still a good man.'

I looked down at Ishizu, who stared up at me in defiance, and squeezed the handle of Gleipnir, causing her to go ramrod still as the cord cut into her flesh.

'But I think my chance to remain a good man has long past,' I thought darkly.

"We are going to give you only one chance, Ishizu," The Pharaoh declared coldly, glaring at the woman. "Release Yugi now and you will be freed."

That made the Egyptian woman laugh. "You act as if you are speaking the truth, my Pharaoh. But we both know that what you claim will never come to pass. Even if I held a desire to free Yugi... I would never be allowed to escape unmolested. These ones-" she nodded towards me, Renard, and Yuri, "-desire their pound of flesh. They are savages like that."

"Said the woman that brainwashed a mentally unbalanced woman into think she was Seto's lost love?" Yuri retorted. When Ishizu stared at her Yuri arched an eyebrow. "I still have contacts in the Domino Police Department. I know all about Susan Marison. She put three women in the ICU and that was before you decided to fiddle with her brain. Everyone she hurts is on your head."

"What a surprise that you remain in touch with the corrupt police force of Domino City. Of course, considering your father was the one that nearly killed Endymion... and not out of the noble goal of stopping him before he destroyed the world but rather out of a misguided attempt to win the approval of his masters... I suppose I shouldn't be surprised at all." Ishizu flashed a mocking little smile at that but Yuri didn't rise to the bait; after all, Yuri was used to interrogating thugs and criminals. Seeing that the other woman wasn't willing to play along Ishizu sighed, smile dropping. "What she chooses to do with the visions I gave her are her choice... I have no control over her."

"Except you gave her those visions," Yuri retorted. "You don't get to give a gun to a child and then wash your hands when they shoot someone."

"And yet you are all children when it comes to the matters I deal with," Ishizu responded. "You have no idea what is coming... you scream and stomp your feet about your trivial little issues never thinking of the danger racing towards us."

"Enough of this," the Pharaoh said coldly.

"Yes, enough of this," Ishizu echoed. "It is as I said... they will not let me leave without harm, Pharaoh. But let them try and hurt me... I know I am just. Yugi Muto made you weak... I have made you stronger."

"Then Ishizu..." the Pharaoh growled and to my shock his eyes began to glow with golden light, same as my own when I tapped into the power of the Millennium Key, " should be very afraid that I am directing all that strength right at you."

"I am strong as well, my Pharaoh. And will accept your apologizes when the time comes." She looked at all of us. "Now then, Endymion... show me your worse."

I nodded, my eyes glowing as well as I began to call upon the Shadow Realm. 'I burned Rare Hunters to death two days ago... what's another body on my pile of sins and regrets?'


I turned towards Renard, who was removing his jacket.

"It is not for the Captain to handle filth such as you," he stated as he unbuttoned the sleeves of his dress shirt, rolling them up to reveal his muscular arms. People didn't realize just how powerfully built Renard was; he hide it was with his long coat and his loose fitting shirts. But on the times he'd joined me working out I'd gotten a glimpse of just how powerful he truly was. I knew that I had a bit of a self imagine complex, seeing myself as weak even though I'd been told by plenty of people that I was built like a lumberjack, but Renard truly did live up to that image.

He ran a callused hand over his forearm, giving us all a good look at his many tattoos. There was a complex cross made of several serpents twisted together on his left arm. Below that was a knife plunged into an apple with a single bite. Next to it a staff and a broken tablet. A simple ruby fox head on his right. Below that though was an angelic white wing with a black demon wing. And both arms had several strange dots and lines on them, scattered all over. I'd seen them before and never pressed him on them; they were his business. But the way Renard was rubbing his arms made it clear that there was some meaning to them...

...and Ishizu knew it.

"Ah," Renard said with little emotion, "you are familiar with these then."

"We have heard of your kind even in Egypt... monster."

"Good," Renard said as he grabbed a folding chair and turned it so it was facing Ishizu, taking a seat on it and staring right into her eyes. "Then I won't have to waste time explaining it to you. Captain... take the Pharaoh and Yuri out of the room. I want ten minutes alone."

"...right," I said. "Gleipnir?"

"Leave it on for now... I will ask if I wish for it removed."

I nodded and practically pushed the Pharaoh and Yuri out of the door, shutting it behind me. "So... either of you-"

"Yeah," Yuri said. "I know what those tattoos mean. Never said a word because I understood he wouldn't want to talk about them."

The Pharaoh frowned. "What do they mean?"

I shook my head. "Its his story to tell, not our's."

Yuri frowned. "He wouldn't have left me with you two if he didn't want you to know. He knew I recognized those symbols... I think a part of him is tired of hiding them, wondering if you'll ever ask but knowing you're too polite to do so." She sighed. "Its... a heavy burden."


"So... you are the one they leave to do their dirty work," Ishizu said with a smirk as Renard moved about the room, looking it over, staring at everything other than the captive. He didn't believe for a second she was as calm and collected as she was trying to portray herself to be... not if she recognized his tattoos and understood exactly what they meant

"The Cross," Yuri told us, "is the symbol of ?erpii Crucii; they are one of the most feared organized criminal groups in Eastern Europe. It is said that any crime that happens in a major city MUST come through them. You do not wearthe Serpii Crucii without their permission. There is only one way Renard was allowed to have that tatoo."

He continued to move about the small room, poking at the table, looking at the walls, lightly scuffing his foot against the ground.

"I suppose though that is what you are used to," Ishizu said, still desperately trying to get under Renard's skin. It was rather pathetic, in his own opinion, speaking of her desperation. He had seen plenty of people try and fake bravado and confidence when in her exact same situation; she wasn't exactly doing anything new or interesting. Just the same word games and mental tricks to try and take control of the situation. "You have tried to build a life for yourself here, being Endymion's lap dog, but in the end you will always fall back on this." She leaned forward as best she could, Gleipnir's Cord making it difficult. "Does it not bug you that they were so quick to allow you to do this? None of them even thought for a second that they should protest. They accepted... rather quickly, didn't they? Because they are happy to have you do their grunt work while they keep their hands clean. Because that, Volpe, is how they see you: little more than a tool to be set at a problem."

"And you are a problem, aren't you?" Renard said at last. "A rather annoying one. One that... seems gleeful in being a problem."

"The apple with the knife driven through it denotes what he did for the Serpii Crucii."

"And that was?" the Pharaoh asked.

"There is no real word in Japanese or English for it... the best translation is 'Original Sin'."

"Have you ever been to a dominatrix?" Renard asked as he continued to circle the room, though now his attention was on things like Ishizu's clothing 'The Cord is a handy little thing... but it also prevents me from doing much with it unless the Captain is here.' It removed about 10 different options from his 'toolbox' but he had done more with less.

Ishizu's face screwed up into a scowl. "Do you think I have time for such sinful things? I protect the secrets of the Pharaoh! Ensure the darkness your master seeks to bring into the world never comes to pass! I have no need the pleasures of the flesh."

"Strange," Renard admitted, "you behave very much-"

"Like one of those whores?" she exclaimed in disgust. "You dare compare me to one of those vile, disgusting women! Who sell their flesh to whatever man can give them enough coin?"

Renard though scoffed. "You sound like you are in Game of Thrones. Coin? Please... you can't claim you are one with the ancient ways and then run around as an ambassador to Cairo in a private jet. Or do you believe your gods lift it up so it might fly about?" Ishizu narrowed her eyes in outrage at his blasphemy but Renard merely continued on, not letting her have a moment to counter his comments. "As for your low opinion of whores... one would think you'd be very comfortable around them, seeing as you have so much in common with them."

"I-? Have anything in common with them? You-"

"You have both sold yourself to a man of power, have you not? You stated yourself that you would do anything for the Pharaoh."

"I would."

"You would give your body to him? Sell your flesh to him?"

"I offer it up freely to him, if that was his desire. Though-" she sniffed, "-he is beyond such mortal things."

"But you are not," Renard said. "Your brother is not right about many things... and I have a feeling before this tournament is done I will need to deal with him as well... but he is right that you crave him. You long to stand not behind the Pharaoh but beside him." He tilted his head. "You desire him. Hunger for him even."

"You do not know what you are talking about. If there is one that hungers for their master it is you, Renard Volpe. Tell me... how many times have you dreamt of being with your 'beloved Captain'."

Renard merely stared her down, face a calm mask.

"The staff and the tablet at telling."

"What do you mean?" Edwin asked.

"They don't say much, those that have it, but you only get that tattoo if you left Serpii Crucii in good standing and with the blessing of the High Command. And... you don't get that easily. Ten Tasks... possible but ones that will require you to push yourself to your very limit... are required. And it is said they ask for them so that if you ever attempted to betray them and reveal their secrets... they would be able to inform the world of what you did. It's said that a person that bares that mark would be hunted by even the most kindly of men should their actions be revealed."

"Did I strike a nerve?" she taunted, a foul little smile twisting her visage.

"Rather that it is telling that you try to use love as a weapon. And while it doesn't matter who I care for, and how, I shouldn't be surprised that it would be a weapon. You don't understand love."

"Compared to you?" she shot back. "Someone who only thinks of the carnal pleasures?"

Renard though merely continued to stare her down. "She would hate you."

"Who?" Ishizu asked. "What lover at you thinking of?"

"I never slept with your mother."

Ishizu glared at him. "Do not suggest such foul things about my mother!"

"Why? You are the one that claimed we had 'carnal pleasures'." He said the word with such mockery that even Ishizu, in her deluded state, had to wince. "She would hate you. Hate what you are now. How you have forgotten all she cared for. You and your brother... you took all the warnings your father should have been and instead took them to be suggestions and guidelines on how to become. A cruel and vile-"

"Quiet," Ishizu hissed.

"-disgusting little man who dreamed so big but could only lash out at the small and weak. And when your brother finally killed him... he cowered and wept. Like a bitch."

"I said quiet!"

"But that isn't why I brought up dominatrixes," Renard replied, ignoring her demands. "That was for a different reason. You've never been to a dominatrix, I can tell so I won't bother to ask. But most people who go to dominatrixes... they go for the thrill. The desire to be made obedient. They are people of power who enjoy the sensation of being the powerless. To have someone stronger than them for once give the commands. It... pleases them. I've known dominatrixes... they nice people outside of work. No different than you and me. They like to tell stories... oh they are careful about what they say, understand that they can't reveal secrets... but things slip out.

"There is one kind of person that they have to deal with, on occasion. These people don't desire to be dominated. The opposite. Their thrill is trying to make the dominatrix break. To become the submissive. Even as they are tied to a rack or handcuffed to a bed they will do everything they can to belittle and mock the dominatrix. To take control of the situation. That is their thrill: to be able to move from a position of weakness to one of utter strength."

He leaned in close.

Read 𝓁atest chapters at fгeewёbnoѵel.cσm Only.

"So I know that is exactly what you are attempting to do with your little comments. And it isn't working."

Renard pulled back before reaching into the pocket of his jacket and retrieving a small case, holding it as he moved to stand behind her.

"Whatever you do... know that you will receive it a thousand fold. The Egyptian Government-"

"Will never learn of this," Renard said. "You live too far in the past. You envision torture as being whipped or burnt or throttled..."

"The wings and the fox... I don't know what those mean. I have a feeling those are special to Renard. But the dots and lines..."

"What about them?" the Pharaoh asked.

"Those mark what injuries he has forced onto someone. And... how many he's killed."

"But I have learned... how to break someone... without leaving a mark."

He opened the case.

Two minutes later... Ishizu began to scream.


"HAHAHAHA!" Marik cackled, throwing back his head and letting loose a roar of laughter. "I knew you were a fool, sister! But I didn't think you were such a fool as this!"

He didn't mind at all that she had captured Yugi Muto... quite the opposite, it was a brilliant move. Even if why he was pleased with her actions and the reason she had sought out to do what she did were for two completely different reasons. Ishizu had banished Little Yugi to the depths of the Millennium Puzzle out of the belief that it would aid the Pharaoh, making him stronger. But Marik knew it was quite the opposite... Yugi Muto made the Pharaoh stronger, not weaker. The Pharaoh needed the boy to ground him, for when he wasn't there the Pharaoh made mistakes. Became too focused on the win. He had seen as much during the man's battle with Kaiba at Duelist Kingdom. Marik had delighted in watching Yugi and Kaiba duel on the ramparts of Pegasus' overly grand castle... and had enjoyed the Pharaoh tossing aside his 'vaulted morals' in the name of a quick victory. It had only been Little Yugi stopping him that had ensured Kaiba lived.

'And while it cost him the duel Little Yugi was quite right. Had the Pharaoh killed Kaiba he would have lost all the resources that the man was able to bring to bear. The Pharaoh never considered that... just as he fails to look ahead and see the threat that I pose!'

Because that was the problem that all of them were failing to see. Marik was waiting for them, preparing. He was fine tuning his deck using the collection of cards he had brought with him onto the blimp. The rare cards collected from fools that had lost to his Rare Hunters. The fakes that he had gotten made when he couldn't manage to actually claim a one-of-a-kind card. And of course the deck that Moon of the Greek Pantheon had given him and the Spirit of the Millennium Ring.

'That was the most important tool of all!' Marik thought once more with a laugh. 'The power to create any card I need in order to defeat the Pharaoh!'

It was... very tempting... to simply create a card that would allow him to instantly win the duel. Just to see the Pharaoh's face when he played it. Draw this card and you instantly win, claim the powers of the Pharaoh as he collapses on the ground in pain and grief.

'No,' he thought to himself with a shake of his head. 'That would be far too easy... and I will not have it be said I won because of a single cheep card. I don't want to merely defeat the Pharaoh... I want him to know that I utterly destroyed him! That through my skill and my strength I was able to defeat him in this card game and claim all he cares for! To have him be able to only submit to my might! THAT is what I desire!'

So no... he wouldn't use Moon's cards to instantly win.

But... that didn't mean he couldn't use them to create the perfect combo that would leave the Pharaoh utterly prone and defenseless at his feet.

'Assuming my foolish sister's actions haven't done that already!'


"So, what are your plans today Yugi?"

The young man looked up from his eggs and frowned. "I thought we were going to work on cleaning up the game shop." He wondered if his dad was pulling a fast one on him... sometimes he liked to do that, trying to trick Yugi into admitting he'd forgotten they'd do something. A promise made that had blanked in his mind. It wasn't malicious it was just his dad's way of getting a bit of a laugh.

"Well... I know that's what I said last week." His dad leaned back in his chair, fingers pulling at his overalls. "The shop is pretty dusty and I wanted to organize the back stock of comic books..."

"Right..." Yugi said slowly, wondering where this was all going.

"But then I thought... well, the creator of Duel Monsters is going to be revealing some new cards today at a big event at the civic center. And since that would technically be work related, since I'll be selling them..."

Yugi's eyes lit up at that. "Dad... you..."

His father pulled out an envelope with the Industrial Illusions symbol embossed on it. "I have enough for all your friends to come to, if they wish."

"I... I... this is great!" Yugi leapt from his chair and ran over to give his dad a hug. "Thank you!"

"You're more than welcome," he said. "Now finish your breakfast before it gets cold."

"Let me just call Tea first, make sure she can come. She mentioned she might have to help Yuri... with..." Yugi paused, staring at his dad as he began to put the pieces together. "Yuri asking Tea last minute to help her out..."

"Yuri is helping to organize the security for the event. She already got Tea a ticket. I imagine she's letting her know-"

Yugi's phone rang.

"Answer it!" his dad told him with a deep laugh. "But then breakfast!"

"Right!" Yugi said as he answered the phone, ducking away so he could answer the call in private. "You get the news, Tea?"

"I did Yugi!" Tea exclaimed. "I can't believe your grandpa and my sister got us these tickets! I didn't even know they were doing an event like this!"

"I guess Industrial Illusions was keeping it a secret. Still, first time getting to see new cards!"

Tea laughed. "And you aren't at all excited to see Maximillion Pegasus?"

"Well... maybe... but it isn't like he's going to shake my hand and invite me up on stage for a duel!"

"You never know," Tea teased. "Yugi... Yugi?"

"Yeah, I'm here."

"Yugi, can you hear me?"

"I can."


The phone cut out.

Yugi frowned, staring at it before shrugging and going back to his seat to eat.


Ishizu panted as she was shoved down to the ground.

She struggled to reign herself in. She hadn't wanted to give Renard the satisfaction of seeing her in pain. To let him know that his methods were working. She'd tried to resist... for about a minute. And then she hadn't been able to do anything but scream.

"Hmmm," Renard said slowly from somewhere behind her, Ishizu trying to turn but being unable to without the room spinning. "I'll admit I am a bit impressed. Normally with this concoction the person vomits by now. You have a strong stomach."

Ishizu clenched her teeth together and forced her lips to remain closed. His mere words had caused her traitorous stomach to lurch and heave.

'I will not give him the delight in seeing me brought down!' she thought in anger. So instead Ishizu turned inward, towards her Millennium Necklace. While the cable that Endymion had used to tie her up made movement impossible it did nothing to block the power of her Millennium Item and thus that was her salvation. 'I will use it to escape this torture,' she thought. Not literally... she knew that whatever Endymion's magic was it had secured her too tightly and she couldn't find a way to break out of it.

But... the mind and the body weren't the same thing.

She focused on the vision that had guided her, the one that she had seen when she'd first taken up the Millennium Necklace out of despair. She remembered that terrible night so well... how dark it had been not just in the tombs but her very soul... and the light that had come in the end.

"Marik... what have you done?" Ishizu demanded as she entered the room, staring at her little brother. The Eye of Ra was upon his forehead, burning and gleaming, and he was wearing the cream colored robes that all of them donned... but those were the only bits of light that could be found in the scene before her. Her brother was... darkness. Darkness given mortal form. His eyes glowed with gold and black and he smirked at her with a smile that could cut through stone.

"Merely what should have been done," he said, his voice oddly... distorted.

"Why do you hold the Millennium Rod?" Ishizu demanded. "You know that is for father and father alone!"

"The dead have no need for such things," her brother proclaimed. He glanced to his right and Ishizu followed his gaze down...

...her heart stopped.

"Father?" she whispered. She took one step... then two... and then she was falling to her knees, crawling towards her father's prone form.

What she found was monstrous.

His chest was a mass of red, his robes torn to shreds. Fabric had been driven into the many wounds upon his chest thanks to her brother's frantic attacks. Ishizu trembled as she reached up with a shaking hand towards his face, the jaw slack and eyes wide as if even in death he was screaming out in horror at what Marik had done.

With a sob Ishizu pressed her forehead to her father's still chest and wept.

She didn't know how long she had sat there but when she finally lifted her head the action hurt thanks to the dried blood pulling on the skin of her forehead. The torches had gone down too, smoking and letting off embers but little else. Her father's body was cold and stiff under her fingers... and frankly she was cold and stiff as well. For one long moment she wondered if she were dead too... she felt like she was dead. Dead and hollowed out, as if when her father had died the gods had reached within her and taken all that made her be her, leaving only a husk that thought it was still Ishizu Ishtar.

But no... as she rose she realized someone had left the entrance to her home open and that the cold night air was seeping in, bringing on the chill. She moved to close the hatch only to trip and fall, her legs betraying her. She felt as if a million little ants were biting into her flesh and she rubbed her legs, trying to return the circulation to them. And as she did so all she could do was break down sobbing again.

"Worthless," someone whispered in the dark. Her father. Her mother. Herself. She couldn't tell. Maybe all three. Or maybe those that had come before, the ancestors of the Ishtar family. "Worthless."

She didn't know what to do!

Crawling on her hands and knees like an infant she moved away from her father's body. She want to leave him yet at the same time all she wanted was to be next to him. To have him tell her what she must dio. She wept as she did so, her tears falling to the sandy stone tiles that made up the floor.

What could she do-

A gleam of gold caught her eye.

Slowly... ever so slowly... Ishizu made her way towards her father's chair. It had always looked so impressive when he'd sat in it. 'This is the throne of a king!' she had thought, convinced that it was the seat of the Pharaoh, given to her family to protect. But now in the darkness she saw... just a chair. A stone chair.

But that wasn't what drew her gaze.

Her father and Marik must have struggled because at some point the chair had been knocked about, causing it to bang into the large wooden cabinet that sat behind it. The doors, that her father had taken to polishing every day until they shined like mirrors, had been left swinging open and within she saw a single golden item.

The Millennium Necklace.

Ishizu knew that her family held the Millennium Necklace. It was their duty to protect it, after all. But she had never seen it... her father had kept it tucked away, hidden from their eyes.

But now that she saw it... she couldn't stop herself from crawling towards it. Her fingers trembled just as they had when she'd reached out to her father's corpse but now it wasn't terror and grief that made her shake.

Carefully, oh so carefully, she managed to touch the item... then grasp it. She brought it down before pressing her aching forehead to the floor.

"Oh mighty Osiris. Great Ra. Noble Horus. Show me the way."

And with that... she lifted her head and placed the Millennium Necklace around her throat.

At once she saw it.

Marik and Odion, dressed in dark purple robes, a mockery of the garb of the Tomb Keepers, leading a horde of the lost and the damned as they swept over the lands.

The Dark One, the Great Enemy Zorc, making a puppet of a young man and having him strike down Shadi... and yet even in death Shadi served.

A man consumed by grief turning his single golden eye upon the greatest monsters the Pharaoh could command: The Egyptian God Monsters.

A lonely boy solving a puzzle... and freeing the Nameless Pharaoh from his slumber.

A rich man standing in a city, the White Dragon looming over him as he declared there would be a tournament.

The Pharaoh battling against his foes, defeating each and growing stronger.

Ishizu and the Rich Man battling, her wearing the Millennium Necklace as she struck him down and claimed his most powerful card.

Marik standing against her as the two battled, the Pharaoh watching on as Ishizu drove back the shadows and won.

Marik bowing, accepting his defeat, returning to her side as they all turned to defeat Zorc.

And with that... the darkness didn't seem so deep. So consuming. It felt like-

Ishizu let out a strangled cry as Renard grabbing her shoulder and pushed her up, ripping her from the vision.

"Its an interesting little formula," Renard stated almost casually, Ishizu panting as she tried to focus her eyes. "You see, I've learned that when you torture someone it always leaves evidence. Marks on the body. Blood on the walls. And that can be so difficult to deal with. A lot of time and energy spent prepping a room, cleaning in up afterwards. And if you release the person you were talking to they have all those injuries that back up their story. Can make them a martyr or a cause to rally behind."

Ishizu's neck strained, veins bulging and eyes going wide when he touched her stomach.

"So... I sought out some people, did some research... and came up with this." He held up a syringe. "It was designed to help older people who had nerve damage. No sensation in the bottom of their feet, for example. It tells the nerves to begin firing at the slightest touch. But like with all things what can cure... can also kill." He tapped the needle with his finger. "Combine it with the right drugs and it tells all the nerves in your body to go into overdrive. Every single touch is sensory explosions. Me reaching out and tapping your shoulder-"

It was like a thunderbolt from the heavens struck her and Ishizu lost the battle, screaming in agony.

The door creaked.

Ishizu forced her eyes open.

Solomon Muto stared at the scene before him before walking calmly over to Renard, whispering in his ear.

Seeing her chance Ishizu mustered her strength. "The deal... the deal you wanted," she gasped out. "I'll release your grandson if you kill Endymion and his pet!" She looked at Renard who raised an eyebrow. She didn't actually believe that Solomon would be able to kill Renard... but having the man kill Yugi's grandpa? Oh... that would work out well to turn Endymion's allies against little Yugi's friends. They would fight and feud and she would be there to assist the Pharaoh, to explain how she had been right but didn't hold it against him that it had taken so long for him to see. That he needed to just-

Solomon Muto rolled up his sleeves... and revealed he bore the same Serpent Cross tattoo as Renard.

"M? voi ocupa de ea," he said, cracking his knuckles.


"Would you look at this place?!" Joey exclaimed, looking about with wide eyes as the group entered the convention center. "I feel like I should be dressed up like James Bond! All tux and tails and all that!"

Seto chuckled at that. "You aren't missing that much when it comes to those parties. Honestly they are rather boring."

Industrial Illusions had done well to set up for the event, having a full lunch banquet for everyone to enjoy. Some light music was playing, nothing to really distract from the conversations that were going around. And there was just so much to see in terms of Duel Monsters. Standees that showed the different monsters. Mock ups of upcoming set boxes. Large posters explaining the next archtypes that would be coming out with the new set. It was all a feast for the senses and Yugi found himself drowning in it yet also loving it completely.

The gang broke off to go explore, remembering to be respectful since it wasn't just duelists there but media personnel and shop owners who were looking over things. Thankfully his time with his dad and Duke had taught Yugi a ton about dealing with such people and he was able to make polite conversation with a lot of different folk.

"So," a blonde woman wearing a tasteful pantsuit said as she saw him looking over the designs for one of the new decks that would be coming out, "what do you think of that archtype?"

"It looks so cool!" Yugi admitted. "You'd have to know how to use it properly, since it doesn't behave like most decks in the game, but if you understood it you could catch a lot of people off guard!"

"I'm glad you like it," the woman said. "Its based on dreams. How they can affect us, how we can affect them, but only with strength and willpower to do so. The dreamers of the day... are dangerous men."

"For they may act their dreams with open eyes... to make it possible." Yugi frowned. 'Where have I heard that before...'

The woman smiled and, to Yugi's surprise, placed a hand on his shoulder. "And sometimes the hardest thing we must do... is wake up."

Before Yugi could question her move she moved away from him, walking up to the stage... and right to Maximillion Pegasus, the creator of Duel Monsters and owner of Industrial Illusions.

"No... way..." Yugi whispered as he realized he'd been talking to Pegasus' WIFE.

"Thank you all very much for joining us!" Pegasus said with a smile, drawing everyone's attention onto him. "Thank you all. I am pleased to reveal the next set for Duel Monsters: Chaos Effect. This series is filled with all manner of unique and interesting cards that will take your duels far beyond what you have ever experienced. Now... I could have the boring presentation where I explain a few cards and show off some art work... but I think it would be far more entertaining to show you all what you will be finding in the upcoming booster. And thus," he held out his hand to his wife, "my darling Cecelia and I will be having a duel."

"I... actually have a different idea, Max," Cecelia said, causing the man to blink. "Mr. Muto?" Yugi blinked when she gestured at him. "Would you be so kind as to come up here?"

Yugi swallowed as all eyes turned on him, slowly making his way up to the stage. Pegasus seemed amused by the entire thing while his wife merely held out her hand, patting Yugi on the back.

"You'll do fine. Its just a fun duel," she assured him before handing him her deck. His eyes went wide and he stared at her in shock but she merely shook her head, still smiling. "Its fine, Yugi," she repeated. "Have fun."

"Oh...okay," he managed to get out before allowing himself to be directed to a table that Pegasus had already moved to sit at.

"Besides... it might be nice for my husband to have a chance to win for once," Cecelia Pegasus teased, causing her husband to chuckle and the audience to murmur lightly at the joke. As Yugi sat down Cecelia began to address the audience. "Now then, my husband and Yugi will be using two new deck types that will be appearing in the Chaos Effect booster pack. These cards will completely change the way people think about dueling, creating new and interesting strategies for both those using the cards and those forced to deal with them. Chaos Effect is where the lines between reality and fantasy are blurred and it is up to each duelist to determine just what is real."

Yugi turned and realized that Cecelia was looking right... at... him.

"Will you succeed?" she asked softly.

And then, just as suddenly as it had begun, the moment was broken.

"Well now, Yugi-Boy," Pegasus said with a smirk, "I believe it's time to duel..."


Ishizu let out a groan.

"That one I learned in Australia," Solomon said calmly as he looked down at her prone form.

"Do you think she needs another dose?" Renard asked. He'd allowed the old man to take his time with Ishizu, finding new ways to make her cry out. 'People think that he is just a funny little man... but death and danger dance in his veins.'

"Possibly." Solomon nudged her with his foot and she let out a grunt of pain. "Yes... I think so."

Renard watched as Ishizu forced her eyes open. He had to admit he was impressed; she had lasted far longer than most did when under similar stress. "I will... not betray my Pharaoh." She glared at the two. "I do what I must to-"

She froze.

"Why... why haven't you asked me how to free Yugi?" she asked the two. Renard glanced at Solomon and moved to speak but Ishizu kept talking. "All you've done... is torture me. You... haven't asked..."

Her eyes widened.

"They're going after the boy..." she whispered before her eyes glowed golden.

"Fuck," Solomon cursed, kicking her leg but getting no response. "She's using her Item!"

At once Renard pulled out his phone, hitting the speed dial. "Troy!" he shouted at the AI. "Ishizu figured it out! They're about to have company!"


In another room Troy manifested and turned to Yuri and Mai. "Ishizu knows. She most likely left a backdoor for herself within the puzzle."

"Is there anyway to warn them?" Yuri asked.

"No..." Mai said nervously, staring at the prone forms of The Pharaoh, Tea, Tristan, Joey, and Edwin.

~30 Minutes Earlier~

"Well," I said as Yuri finished explaining just what Renard's tattoos meant, "we have to hope he knows how to keep her distracted. Come on!"

"Edwin?" the Pharaoh said, confused. "What is going on?"

"We're getting Yugi back," I replied sharply. I opened the door to another room. The rest of Yugi's friends were already there, looking at me anxiously. But I was more focused on looking over the room. There was a large tables and the floor was pretty comfortable... "Yeah, this will work."

"What are you talking about?" Yuri asked even as I pushed the Pharaoh towards the floor.

"Ishizu locked Yugi in the Millennium Puzzle. He's trapped in there." I summoned the Millennium key. "When Shadi first appeared to me he used the Key to enter my mind. Ishizu is stronger now but I think with all I've done to power up the Key I can blast through any barriers she created. We go inside, we find Yugi, and we get him the hell out of there."

"That is why Renard is dealing with Ishizu," The Pharaoh said, catching on. "He's ensuring she doesn't interfere."

"Damn straight," I said before turning to the others. "Okay, let's make this clear: we have no idea what other traps might be in the Puzzle. Or what Ishizu might have done to tamper with it to make our lives worse. I'm willing to bet this is a case of 'You dream of yourself dying... you die'." I made sure to hold everyone's gaze. "I understand if no one else wants to go."

"No way, Ed," Joey said firmly. "That's my best friend in there. Besides... I ain't lettin' ya risk yourself. You ain't getting' hurt again when I'm around."

"We're going," Tea said. "For Yugi."

"You can't stop us," Tristan added.

I looked at Mai and Yuri. "I need you two to make sure our bodies are protected. Marik is still running around-"

At once Mai's eyes flashed but it wasn't Selene who was in control for once. "He comes near you... he dies." I nodded but then Mai grabbed me and pulled me into a kiss. "You come back to me," she whispered, pressing her forehead against mine."

"I promise," I whispered before looking at the others. "okay... on the floor Pharaoh." He did as I commanded and I took hold of the Key, the others placing their hands on the small of my back. "Here we go."

I focused on the Millennium Key, pressing it against the Pharaoh's head...

...and we all cried out as we fell.

The price of getting what you want is getting what you once wanted.

-The Sandman



Mayor Stockman shot Gio a dark glare.

"I am not someone who appreciates being used and abused," he said.

"Then we are lucky I'm not doing either of those things," the mutant platypus said happily.

"Its bad enough you blackmailed me-"

Gio though cut him off. "Now now now... blackmail is such an ugly word."


"Nothing. I am blackmailing you. I just think its an ugly word." He let out a chuckle as the Mayor of New York glowered at him. "Mayor Stockman, you are looking about this all wrong! I am merely helping you see the big picture."

"You just admitted to blackmailing..." He held up a hand. "I'm done."

"Good, because I don't want to food to get cold." Gio looked at the semis that were being parked next to the gate of Mutant Town. After Old Hob had denonated his Mutagen Bomb a massive number of New Yorkers and tourists had found themselves transformed into mutants. Stockman and the government, in their wisdom, had decided to make a ghetto and try and starve out the problem.

Then Gio had found himself suddenly in the world and as a mutated platypus and decided that he really didn't like that idea at all.

'Turns out that there are a LOT of people interested in mutants... and the government REALLY doesn't want to have them find out that all they need is a bit of our blood to suddenly become anthros themselves.' Gio mentally chuckled. 'God bless the internet and its horniness!'

When he'd pointed this out to Mayor Stockman... after killing his entire corrupt security detail... he'd agreed to keep that knowledge of how to create more mutants a secret so long as Baxter kept the mutants happy. A few outreach programs, the suggestion on how to manipulate the stock market, and a deal with PETA (truly the most evil thing Gio had ever done) and suddenly there was plenty of money to help out Mutant Town.

Of course, because he had to be an ass, Gio demanded the Mayor Stockman show up at every delivery... because he loved making the man his errand boy.

"Alright, so the trucks will be left for decontamination by Friday. And I'll get you're the shopping list in two weeks." He paused. "Oh, and just in case you think for even a second about fucking us over... remember that I've already proven I can get to you. Only... I won't stab you with one of these." He held up his hand and his poison barb popped out of the underside of his wrist. Sure, platypuses were supposed to have them on their hind feet... and he did... but he wasn't going to complain that he got Assassin's Creed blades. "No... I'll just shoot you up with some mutagen. I bet you become a fly. Buzz. Buzz."

Baxter Stockman glared at him before setting down the single bag he'd been forced to bring then turning away without saying another word.

"You know one day he's going to try and kill you," Alopex said, emerging from the shadows.

"It's a game we play. If he tries it then I win... and he knows it."

"...that is a stupid game," Alopex said before looking over the semi trailers. "Good haul."

"Something for everyone. Basics, specialty items... a TON of raw supplies." Gio had realized upon seeing Mutant Town that the citizens needed to learn how to do for themselves until the world stopped being so stupid. And considering how the world was he knew that was going to be close to 'forever'. So trade schools and online classes were started up. Learn how to make your own things so that eventually not only didn't you need the outside world... they needed you. "I got some more yarn for you, by the way."

Alopex lit up at that; the Weasels were asking for Halloween costumes and she was thinking of knitting them outfits. "Thanks Uncle Gio."

"Don't call me that."

"Uncle Gio!" Michelangelo called out, waving his hands about wildly. "Did you get it, did you get it?"

"Don't call me that," he repeated before reaching into the back Stockman had given him. "Black Korean Garlic, just like you wanted."

"Awesome! I was afraid I wouldn't be able to make the burgers properly for this week's episode!"

Gio chuckled at that. When the Turtles had invited him to stay with them, upon realizing he was a new arrival and had no where else to go, he had decided to subtly get them all to begin thinking about things outside of being ninjas. All of the turtles were smart in their own ways, and dedicated too. They just needed a push.

Mikey had been the first, loving the idea of a cooking show on Youtube. Even though at first his video had only gotten 30 hits (and half from himself) he liked exploring new ways to make meals... which also helped him realize that he wasn't merely 'the funny brother' but could help out his family by mastering the kitchen.

Now his Youtube channel has sponsors, a , and he nearly had enough money to buy the equipment needed to open his own resturuant.

That had gotten the other turtles finally going with Gio's ideas and they too were looking to branch out, moving beyond merely being heroes ('Merely' Gio thought) and become so much more.

"Seriously, Uncle Gio, first burger is yours!" Mikey ran off with his precious Black Korean Garlic, leaving Gio rolling his eyes.

"Stop calling me that!"

Alopex merely shook her head. "Face it, a lot of us need some kind of adult in our lives. Calling you father or daddy is creepy... so you're Uncle Gio."

"...wonderful," Gio muttered even as he looked around, smiling as he saw a bunch of mutant children cheer and laugh as they saw the toys he had personally bought for all of them.