Chaos Devourer System-Chapter 482: Zeras Finally Getting Married!!!?

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Chapter 482: Zeras Finally Getting Married!!!?

Chapter 482: Zeras Finally Getting Married!!!?

“WHAT THE!!?” Everyone in the room screamed out in shock as Zeras finally stood up straight from the ground. Standing at a height of 1.9 meters tall, he towered over almost everyone present on the ship.

“GASPS…” The gasp came from none other than Princess Senna, while the eyes of the aliens widened in shock as they stared at Zeras. They had never seen such an alien before in their lives, but what was even more shocking was how devastatingly handsome he was. He was the most handsome male they had ever seen in their lives.

Princess Senna simply stood rooted to where she was, her face growing pink with every passing second, but at the same time, her heart almost burst out of her chest as she looked at those red veins present in the alien’s eyes. From it, she could sense the purest killing intent she had ever seen, even worse than the beasts that her father used to force her to fight in the training ground.

“I…I… BUHHAAA..” Suddenly she sat on the ground, as she burst into massive tears that quickly covered the entire spaceship, and immediately, the two cats broke off their communication as Fluffy hurriedly jumped onto Zeras’ shoulder, trying to avoid the tears, while the fat cat scrambled for help, trying to run to its owner. But unfortunately, she was the one responsible for opening up the dam, and in the next second, it ran with its fastest speed, as it jumped on Zeras’ cloth and watched the tears wetting Zeras’ shoes with peace of mind.

“Hmm, it seems they also hate the water huh?” Zeras mused to himself as he picked up the cat clinging to his clothes and into his arms, although his clothes now had three claw marks present on its surface.

“Korama, he…he…he hates me. BUHAHAHAHA….” Princess Senna cried out as she jumped onto the elderly figure’s legs, a helpless expression appearing on the man’s face.

“Here… Here is your cat…” The gentle voice echoed out to her, as Princess Senna’s cries halted, and she turned to look at the man. But this time, the most beautiful smile she had ever seen lay on his face, as she held out her cat to her, and she stretched out her hand and took Jack in her arms.

“I’m not trying to take him away from you. Your cat just needs someone to talk to, someone that looks like me, and he found one…” Zeras explained as Princess Fluffy waved its tiny claws at Princess Senna, sticking its tongue out playfully at her.

“Does that mean, you… you’re not mad at me?” Princess Senna asked, looking at her feet, a couple of tears still flowing down as a smile appeared on Zeras’ face as he crouched to one knee, wiping her tears away with a finger.

“I’m not any longer. You have been very good to Jack. That makes you a good leader…” He said as Princess Senna’s eyes dried completely and immediately, a big smile bloomed on her face.

“Uncle Korama…” She suddenly called out as she dropped Jack onto the ground with a bang, causing the cat to roll its eyes at Zeras.

“What is it, my lady?” The man asked respectfully, still unable to believe how her princess changed so quickly.

The source of this c𝓸ntent is frёeweɓηovel.coɱ.

“Can I bring him home?” She asked, pointing to Zeras as everybody’s expression, including Zeras’, turned strange.

“Um, of course, my lady, we can give him an invitation. But may I ask why, my princess?” Korama asked her.

“Because I want to marry him!” COUGH COUGH COUGH The sound of intense coughing could be heard from Korama who felt his blood flow in reverse for a second, and struggled with all he could to make it flow back to normal.

Everyone on the spaceship currently had their mouths wide open in shock as they looked at the small princess in shock, and even Zeras had a dazed expression on his face.

“Hey system, is it really that bad…” Zeras couldn’t help but ask the system.

[I think, the host might have truly outdid the charm stat a bit!] The system replied as Zeras’ heart dropped in his chest.

“What do you say, Uncle Korama, can I not marry him…” Princess Senna asked as Korama looked at the princess and then turned to Zeras before turning to look around, and he could see right now that all the spaceships around the place had already stopped and were currently staring at them.

“The mighty Princess Senna of the Godly Tyromio clan proposing to a man in public. What a beautiful and rare sight…” The words echoed out from a blue-haired young alien present on another spaceship which was just as big as the one the Tyriomo used. Daring to talk to the princess in such a way, one could immediately tell the young man too was in an equal position.

Giggles could be heard from those of equal status as Korama’s expression grew wary, but he dared not answer to his princess or he’ll be screwed by her hot-blooded father who could order for Zeras’ entire race to be slaughtered and he himself be brought here as a servant of the palace.

“Um, well, my lady. You must know marriage is a big thing and must be properly settled and well thought of. You don’t want to make the young man sad, do you? What about we give him an invitation. To give him the time to think about it. He would come home once he agrees. What do you think, my lady?” Uncle Korama asked, he himself wanting to find a hole to dig in, as the sound of giggles could be heard from the crowd.

“Hmm, ok. But I can only wait for three days…” Princess Senna said as a helpless smile appeared on her face, and he walked towards Zeras and with his head almost turning flaming red from embarrassment.

He passed a golden-colored card to him. “Your presence is very much awaited, Mister…” He said, and immediately he grabbed the princess, wanting to zoom off back into their spaceship.

“Wait Uncle Korama, you didn’t even ask for his name!”