Chaos Devourer System-Chapter 478: Encounter With Pirates 2

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Chapter 478: Encounter With Pirates 2

Chapter 478: Encounter With Pirates 2

The warning to run had barely come when the anchor smashed against the deck of the spaceships.

The pirates’ efforts to quickly set up a defense barrier were futile. They weren’t given the luxurious time for that before the anchor smashed against their spaceship, almost tilting it completely to the side.


A gigantic mushroom of flames burst out from the spaceship’s top, blowing some pirates into the void of space.

This 𝓬ontent is taken from freeweɓnovel.cѳm.

Some unlucky ones among them disappeared into the small black hole that formed from the collision, much to the horror of the Giarans currently looking at the scene.

But what was even more surprising to those on the deck was the strange lightning mixed in with the fire.

Immediately, they lost absolute control of the spaceships, completely numbing and paralyzing them. Unceremoniously, the spaceship was tossed to the side, descending downwards amidst the flames and lightning, dealing damage to the spaceships.

With shock in their eyes, they watched as the uncrossable mountain in front of them was sent skidding to the side amidst the shrill screams of pirates who tried all they could to regain control of their spaceships.

“WE WON’T FORGET THIS GIARANS, WE WON’T!!!!!!” The roar rang out from the distance, its source from none other than the mini-giants that ordered for the anchor to be dropped.

“Huuuuuuuu…” Another smoke puffed out of Zera’s lips as he playfully poked at Fluffy’s stomach.

The small cat finally regained itself and started another round of battle with Zera’s fingers. Zera had a playful smile on his face, his listless eyes gaining some color.

The Giaran’s spaceships never paused in the first place, and they all kept moving forward without stopping at all. fɾeeweɓnѳveɭ.com

“Do they sell cigarettes in the upper realm?” Zeras suddenly asked Sylvia, who finally brought herself out of her shock.

“Um, why?” She asked dazedly.

“I’ve almost exhausted my pack. Just three left. I need to refill,” Zeras said with listless eyes as Sylvia simply looked at him blankly.

It was like she was talking to a completely different person, and he wasn’t the person who just crashed an entire pirate spaceship without even moving a single inch from where he stood.

He could see Zeras didn’t even feel anything from that at all. His eyes were as listless as ever, the only thing giving him some light, none other than Fluffy, who was currently engaged in a world war with his fingers.

“I’m sure D’arvey would have some with him. He knows well where you can get some more,” Sylvia said as Zeras gave a nod before continuing to smoke as he looked at the void of space with those empty eyes of his.

But his brows couldn’t help but furrow as he looked at the world of abyssal darkness in front of them.

“This is the barrier that divides the upper realm and the lower realm. It is called the Great Void Barricade,” Sylvia explained as the fleet of spaceships entered into the void. After five minutes of traveling through the pitch darkness, they finally exited it, and what came before Zeras’s view was an unbelievable picture.

The first was that strange energy present in the air. It looked similar to Mana, but it was like the most concentrated and purest that should ever exist.

It filled every inch of space, and he couldn’t help but raise an eyebrow when he looked at Fluffy and saw all the lights on its fur suddenly brightening up.

“Meow?” The sound of surprise escaped its small mouth as it looked at itself, turning repeatedly on Zera’s lap.

“The Mana Concentration of the higher realm is fifty times the mana concentration of the lower realms from where it is from. That is why it is reacting such,” Sylvia explained as Zeras chuckled mockingly.

“Fifty times Mana concentration. How would anyone not grow stronger faster if they cultivated in an area with fifty times mana concentration?”

They weren’t the only ones traveling in this space filled with hundreds of other spaceships, and surprisingly, the Giaran’s mothership, which was the definition of hugeness, was like a car compared to a tractor. There were even bigger ginormous spaceships around the place with very strange races present in them. Their chests puffed out, and their noses seemed to be trying to reach the farthest depth of space.

“I guess pride is a universal concept,” Zeras mused silently.

“We’re back. We’re finally back. HAHAHAHAHA….” Zeras could hear the screams of joy that rang out from the mouths of the Giarans present in the spaceship. After spending years in the lower realm with devastating conditions, they finally returned with very little damage. And most importantly, they got their target and fulfilled the mission. The mission was a completed one, and they would no doubt be finely paid by the higher-ups for their very well-completed mission.

“Welcome, Zeras. To the Upper realms!” The dignified voice rang out, and the sound of two people walking forward towards them echoed out, one with a big smile on his face and the other with a grumpy expression.

“So tell me, how do you find it, pretty cool huh?” D’arvey said as he tapped on Zera’s shoulder, causing him to put the cigarette pack in his pocket before standing up to his feet.

“The mana concentration is higher than ever. And the same could be said for the people’s pride,” Zeras said with not much change in his expression.

“HAHAHAHAHAH…” The boisterous laughter came from none other than D’arvey.

“You have become more direct than ever. I like that,” D’arvey said with pride as Roaryie snorted.

“Hmph, and that’ll only get him killed faster,” he said, but Zeras had long learned of how Roaryie works and knew the best thing was to just ignore him.

“And why are they all looking at me like that?” Zeras asked as the ultimate Giarans turned to look at the spaceship and noticed that all eyes right now from those present in the spaceship were currently on Zeras.

“It’s your fault, Zeras.”