Chaos Devourer System-Chapter 462: Meeting With The Supreme Commander Of The EIA

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Chapter 462: Meeting With The Supreme Commander Of The EIA

Chapter 462: Meeting With The Supreme Commander Of The EIA

At the highest Skyscraper present on the EIA Main Base, five figures could be seen in the large hall, filled with rows of seats and tables even though only six of them were currently being used.

Amongst the six people, there was Commander Sigrid, Commander Leviron, Mr. Atherston, The Death Angel, Commander Sylvenia, and another man dressed in dark clothing and with extremely long dark hair that reached down to his waist.

There was currently an ongoing discussion among the six of them, tingling laughter ringing out occasionally as each took a sip of their glass cups but that was soon disrupted when a figure suddenly appeared in the hall.

A young man with snow white hair and in green colored shirts and pants.

“And if it isn’t the Beloved Devil of Earth…” The words tinged with slight playfulness echoed out to Zeras who raised an eyebrow.

“And where did you get that crap name from?” Zeras with a raised eyebrow as he stood up from his reclined position on the wall.

“That’s the name that the various patriarchs of the nine families are currently calling you, and also the name that everyone will be calling you three days from now. We’ll be throwing a big party for the one who saved humanity…” Commander Sigrid said as Zeras rolled his eyes.

“Whatever. Anyway, I came here to ask for Vornek, you don’t happen to know where he is, do you?” Zeras asked Commander Leviron whose eyes shone a melancholic light.

“Eight years ago. Vornek has returned to his planet. And also 5 years ago. The dragon planet faced a strange plague. We have completely lost communication with the dragons for almost three years now. It happened just when we also faced the threat of the Giarans.” Commander Sigrid said as Zera’s eyes narrowed to points.

“What plague?” Zeras asked with furrowed eyebrows.

“We have no idea, we were also in a war situation when we received the letter for help from them, but humanity already had its arms swarmed with enough trouble. How could we have time to support the dragons?

Besides, the dragons are actually stronger than us, if they couldn’t solve the plague, then we’ll no doubt be useless therein…”

“Tch, cowards…” Zeras replied as he brushed away their excuses from his mind.

“Give me the coordinates of the dragon races. I’ll be leaving for there right now…” Zeras said as Commander Sylvenia brought out a new device from her pockets quickly tapped on the second phone and then passed it to Zeras.

“That’s their location…” She said as Zeras took the phone and stared intently at the map present on it.

“Hmmm, it’s pretty far away from Earth too…” He muttered to himself as he looked at the distance which was truly incredibly far. But distance wasn’t going to stop him from saving the planet of the only person who stood by him when they world seemed to have completely turned against him.

He was about to stand up when the voice of Commander Sigrid rang in his ears.

“Actually Zeras. This is the Patriarch of the Voidspace Family, Atherston Voidspace…” Commander Sigrid said as Zeras looked at the man who raised his cup to him

“I heard he’s the only one who can fight the Ultimate Giarans head-on. And also cast that formation around Earth. You’re pretty strong for a person who is only at the Peak Galaxy Rank stage…” Zeras commented with a nod as the man smiled mockingly.

“Nonsense. I would have been unable to do it if not for the support of the leader of the Supreme Commander of the EIA and the Death Angel…” Atherston said as he looked at the man beside him who had both eyes staring at Zeras intensely since the beginning of the conversation.

“You’re the Supreme Commander of The EIA?” Zeras mused out in slight surprise as he looked at the dark-haired man with a surprised expression on his face.

“Yes…” He replied curtly as Zeras gave a nod of approval to him before standing up his seat and walking off.

If he was still part of the EIA, he might have bowed to the man, but now he was no longer affiliated with them. Their rules can no longer bind him so he had no reason to be overly respectful.

“You know, you won’t survive for long if you go to the dragon planet as you are now, right?” The man suddenly called out as Zeras paused on his feet before turning to look at the man.

“What do you mean?”

“I meant that unlike us, the dragons have True Pseudo-Universe Origin Rank experts among their ranks. And yet they are still struggling with the plague and requesting for our help.

I can sense that you’re very strong but you are only at the Pseudo-Universe Origin Rank too. You won’t be of much help to them…” The man said as Zeras chuckled.

“No matter how strong their enemies are, a new Pseudo-Universe Origin Rank expert suddenly appearing will no doubt disrupt some sort of balance.

That sounds to me, a better option than simply sitting down and doing nothing because of fear…” Zeras said out loud as he turned to the man.

“Please, Mind your words, Zeras…” The order came from Commander Sigrid whose expressions and now changed and become replaced by focus.

It was just like Zeras had said. He was no longer part of the EIA. Disrespecting the EIA Supreme Commander would make the EIA turn their blades on his neck.

But the man raised his hand into the air, causing the entire room to grow silent and then he walked towards Zeras step by step arriving just two meters before him. freё

“We are not sitting down in fear, young man. It’s just that unlike you who have hot blood flowing through you, we’re a little more calmer and could properly assess the situation…”

“That only sounds to me more like what a coward would say. When the dragons are with you and flourishing, you would love them like a brother, telling yourself you have partnered with a reliable ally.

But when they face a problem, you’ll assess the situation and find an excuse to sit down and do nothing.

You said the dragons faced their plague five years ago? That’s two years before the Giarans struck, but you did nothing and watched and now you tell me that you couldn’t help them because you had your own Important matters, which you’re implying to me is the Giaran’s Invasion.

What do you take me for, a fool?”

The sourc𝗲 of this content is frёeωebɳ