Chaos Devourer System-Chapter 458: The Bad News

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Chapter 458: The Bad News

Chapter 458: The Bad News


Exhales rang through the hall as the Galaxy rank experts looked at each other in shock. Their ears were unable to believe what just happened. The war which they had suffered so much, and couldn’t rest well in fear of the barrier suddenly broken was so easily resolved by the pretty boy in front of them, with nothing but brains.”

“Hmph, and how do you know they’re not lying? The Giarans are a very deceptive race, and we saw that in the first war?” A Galaxy realm expert among them, a burly man with red hair said loudly as the various experts all turned to Zeras with furrowed eyebrows causing Zeras to clap his forehead in exhaustion.

“It amazes me how intelligent a galaxy rank expert can be sometimes. Oh? It’s all a ploy and they are no longer banging on your door? Oh, it’s all a ploy and they released all the 13,100 human captives and allowed me to bring them back to Earth with none of them missing a limb? If you were the Giarans, would you do that?” Zeras asked sarcastically rolling his eyes at all of them.

“Now with the good news said, let us talk about the bad news…” Zeras said out loud as they all adjusted in their seats and prepared for themselves.

“The first bad news is that you all in this room are 18. By my calculations, you should all be twenty. So, two people are missing. Where are they?” Zeras asked as snorts boomed out from the various patriarchs.

“They are Jason Celestria and Vero Underworld. The two traitors of humanity…” They said as he gave a satisfied nod.

“It is with heavy heart that I tell you that, Jason Celestria is dead, killed by my own hands, and that Varo Underworld will be dying three days from now once I get back on the Giaran’s mothership, also getting killed by my own hands…” Zeras reported as all of their faces instantly changed to one of horror.

“Why is it so surprising? Do you expect to betray humanity and be kept alive? Anyone who betrays humanity shall suffer DEATH! And if I happen to be the one to catch them in the act, it’ll be even worse…”

“Worse than death?” The muscular-looking woman In the hall, the matriarch of the Amazon family said in confusion as Zeras gave a nod.

“Then, that’s not bad news, that’s good news…” Atherston said as the galaxy realm experts in the room all gave a nod.

“Anyway, that’s the bad news. And from within that bad news comes the reason why this is so heavy to say…” Zeras said as they all perked their ears.

“Jason Celestria made a history that has never happened before since the beginning of mankind! He is officially the first human who was able to break past the Galaxy rank realm and reach the Pseudo-Universe origin rank realm. And we just lost him.”

“WHAT!!!” Immediately, the sound of surprise boomed out of everyone’s mouth as they looked in shock at Zeras who looked at them expressionlessly, sinking into their head that what he just said was pure fact!

“Jason broke out of the galaxy rank realm and entered the Pseudo-Universe Origin rank…” They all murmured in shock and Zeras allowed that information to sink in well into their heads. He had aim with this.

“You said Jason broke through the Pseudo-Universe Origin Rank, and yet he is dead, and by your hands too?” A figure clothed completely in a dark robe brimming with dark gases asked him as Zeras furrowed his eyebrows at the person.

There was something different about the figure. With a single look, he could immediately discern she was a female, but she radiated a strange yet familiar energy. And that energy, Zeras recognized to be a law. A law that could only be the law of Death!

“That’s right…”

“If so, what stage of cultivation are you?” The voice which seemed like metal grinding against each other asked as everyone present in the room turned their gazes towards him.

This chapt𝓮r is updat𝒆d by ƒreeωebnovel.ƈom.

“A stage of cultivation enough to defeat all of you without breaking a sweat!” Zeras replied with a grin as they all snorted in disbelief. Unfortunately, Zeras wasn’t willing to elaborate.

“I’m telling you this, so you can all realize that the Galaxy ranks stage is far from being the peak of the cultivation and in this room, I see two people who have fulfilled the requirements for the Pseudo-universe origin rank, yet are still in the galaxy rank, because they thought this is the peak of cultivation.

There is the galaxy rank stage, then the Pseudo-universe Origin rank stage. After that, there is the Universe-origin rank stage, and then there is the Undying realm!” Zeras said completely blowing away the patriarch who all jumped to their feet in shock.

“And if you think that is amazing, then there’s something even more amazing than that that will completely blow you away…” Zeras said with a mysterious smirk causing all of their eyes to flash.

“When you reach the Undying realm stage. You would be able to resurrect the dead! Zeras whispered as they all looked at him dumbly.

“I have no reason to lie. The world of cultivation is boundless, and you guys are only now qualified to enter it. Don’t let the thought of this being the peak enter your mind at all. I understand why you all are focused on domination and outranking the other families. It is because you think you have already accomplished everything possible, but in truth, you have only just started.

Domination to me is a stupid thing for you all to focus your attention on right now, as anyone who is at the Pseudo-universe rank can easily seize what you have spent countless resources on and years trying to dominate. You all are the various patriarchs and matriarchs of your various families; your families depend on you to give them just one thing:

To protect them not give them more land.

And the only way to do your job is by focusing on what you did that got you in this position in the first place.”