Chaos Devourer System-Chapter 425: Trapped In A True Domain

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Chapter 425: Trapped In A True Domain

Chapter 425: Trapped In A True Domain

The force was so violent that before it Zeras found himself completely and utterly useless to struggle against it. It was as if his getting swallowed was a natural law of the universe as that every life must eventually come to an end.

Yet he wasn’t given much time to think about his next when he felt the ground beneath his feet once again solidify and he landed with a thump.

Standing to his feet, he could see he was in a vast expanse of unending snow, drifting around the place like a tide. It was like a sheath of white used to cover the entire world as the snow covered the entire place making nothing but a figure of endless white.

In the air-laid an aura of desolation and an ancient feeling, yet Zeras could also smell something different in the air. Something, evil, something familiar.



Sniffing the air, he tried to pick hold of whatever was smelling strange in the air but he got his attention diverted by the golden notification panel that appeared before his gaze…

[Congratulations, Host has successfully completed the quest, Obtain the information about the Celestria Family head patriarch.]

[Rewards have been given]

[Congratulations, the Life and death quest has been completed]

[Rewards have been given]

“Nice…” Zeras mused with a smile before directing his attention to his strange surroundings. It was quiet with nothing at all present yet he felt unnerved. That prideful green eyes couldn’t have sent him here to play around

“Activate Eyes of Chaos…” Zeras ordered in his mind as a green dot appeared in his eyes, and instantly the gaze before him changed.

From the vast expanse of white snow to a burning lava world with very high walls that seemingly will reach the sky and with hundreds of crossbows present at its top. Looking around his feet, laid the corpses of different creatures each nailed to the ground by the green-looking arrows that made Zeras feel a disgust from deep within his soul…

“This aura…” Zeras mused as he got on a knee and pulled out an arrow from the body of an alien creature.

Looking at the arrow, it was seemingly made of wood, yet pulsed with a special green aura. As Zeras sniffed, his body naturally understood.

“This is no doubt life aura. The green color already gave me a familiar feeling. But how come I intensely hate if, even though I’m supposed to love it?” Zeras wondered to himself as he flung the arrow to the ground and stood on his feet.

The scene before him was that of a war, where some tried to invade those high walls with large crossbows on them but were all shot down to their death, their corpse piling from various thousands.

“This is a very strange domain…” Zeras determined and in affirmation, he could hear the sound of metallic quirking emanating from none other than the top of the high green walls.

What appeared in his life of sight, were figures dressed in a runic green Armor that pulsed with a powerful green light as they all rose covering every inch of the high wall and completely covering Zera’s entire vision…




This chapt𝒆r is updated by frёewebηovel.cѳm.

What followed next was the sound of a heroic drum beating as the gigantic wall before Zeras opened up and a group of people walked out.

The perfect word that could describe them was knight, and each of them rose on a metallic-looking tiger-like beast and held the Giaran’s race symbolic lightning spear in their hands.

Above the wall, the crossbows were set up by the armored knight and they all pointed directly towards Zeras, whose face morphed into one of confusion.

[Host has been faced with the signature ability of a Pseudo- Universe Origin Rank expert.]

“Hmm, pseudo-universe origin rank?” Zeras mused as his eyes dawned in realization. That man that he had just exchanged moves with was actually at the Pseudo-universe origin rank. Then that means he was no doubt one of the three ultimately powerful Giaran according to what he had learned from the information he devoured from the computer.

So, in the end, they’re not at the Universe origin rank. They are just half a step closer to it. In that case, it might be more appropriate to call them, Peak Galaxy rank. Zeras thought.

“But how come he’s so…weak!?” Zeras muttered to himself. The Man was at the Peak Galaxy rank and yet Zeras didn’t feel much threat from him at all. His physical strength couldn’t overpower his at all, and neither did Zeras think the man could match him when it comes to speed. So how come he was at the peak galaxy rank stage yet felt as if he was only in the middle or even the early?

[That is because those at the Pseudo-Universe Origin rank, no longer cultivate strength] The system panel suddenly appeared right in front of his face.

“What do you mean no longer cultivate strength? Isn’t cultivation all about improving strength?” Zeras asked with a raised eyebrow. It was a universal rule. The strong preys on the weak and the defining line between both of them is cultivation.

[The Main Reason of Cultivation is Not to grow one’s strength! Host cultivation and willpower are not enough to comprehend this fact. All I’ll say is that when you reach the Galaxy rank, one no longer cultivates their strength. Their physical strength doesn’t necessarily improve anymore. What they now cultivate is the natural laws. To become a Universe-origin rank, one must build an entire universe of their own. And laws make up the universe. When the cultivator had yet to reach the universe’s origin rank and yet to undergo nirvana. Their universe no matter how developed will still be called a domain, but unlike the ordinary Cosmic rank domain. The galaxy rank one is the one with laws at its fundamentals.]

[And right now, the Host is trapped in one such true domain. Or to put it nicely, You’ve been trapped in your opponent’s own world!]