Catastrophe Card King-Chapter 405 - 152 - The Two Slaughtered Through a Floor of Monsters_3

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Chapter 405: Chapter 152 – The Two Slaughtered Through a Floor of Monsters_3

Translator: 549690339

Seeing this, Seven Brown was also infected by the crazy atmosphere. He wasn’t afraid, but rather his eyes sparkled with excitement.

If he can do it, so can l!

With the ammo box click-clicking beside him, the Fire God Cannon on his battle armor began to rotate again.

Leonard Churchill had said before that now it was an A-rank difficulty, there was no need to worry about ammunition consumption anymore.

First, survive the ordeal.

As long as we can live and clear the level, any losses can be regained!



The loud gunshots were deafening in the huge first floor of the research center.

The six men with a hawk nose, who had previously teamed up with Leonard

Churchill, were still alive.

Listening to the sudden eruption of battle, they were also scared out of their wits.

The scenario difficulty had somehow suddenly increased to A-rank, so they had long been scared enough to hide in the cabins.

Hearing the exaggerated sound of the fighting, they guessed that the two people who had just left were fighting the monsters.

“Should… should we help them?” someone asked.

“Help? How can we help? Do you think the expert who can slay a B-rank Catastrophe with one punch needs our help, or do you think the female mechanic whose firepower equals all of ours needs it?

“Damn it, I originally thought that Captain Kelson, known as the Iron Hand, was pretty reliable, and I just followed him. But who would have guessed we would bump into cannon fodder…”

“Ranting now is pointless. We can only pray that those two can kill more monsters. If they die, we’re undoubtedly next.”

“But who exactly are those two, anyway… is this uproar really caused by only two people?”

As the fight became more and more intense, fear shrouded the group.

They didn’t even dare to hope to complete this level of scenario anymore.

If they could survive another five days, it would be more than enough.

However, soon, they saw monsters appear in their field of vision.

Despair spread instantly.

On the first floor of the research institute.

Leonard Churchill, transformed into a Werewolf, was moving through the monster crowd as if he was the only one in the area.

His combat power when he wasn’t transformed was already comparable to that of a first-tier A-rank catastrophe.

If he did transform, his fundamental attributes wouldn’t be inferior to the majority of the third order card masters.

His exaggerated agility made him move like a ghost among the monsters, making it hard for them to target him.

And the consideration of his terrific power was shocking; it was like cutting melons and vegetables. freeweɓnovel.cøm

With every swipe of his sharp wolf claws, nearly all the low-tier monsters could be sliced in two.

Even if he encountered a catastrophe-level monster, with the Plague Doctor’s Scalpel floating beside him, it would be hard for the monster to withstand two rounds.

If there was a deadlock, Leonard Churchill did not intend to entangle himself, and would simply kill the lower-tier monsters first.

The firepower suppression from Seven Brown not far away backed him up.

Not only was she wearing mechanical battle armor herself, several heavy machine gun positions were also placed around her.

Mechanics weren’t considered much of a threat to high order card masters.

But for third-tier and below, as long as the ammo was sufficient, they were as formidable as war gods!

Dozens of long guns and short cannons firing at the same time, burst-fire, indiscriminate shooting.

Her firepower alone was as good as dozens of people.

just considering the ability to clear small monsters, Seven Brown was even tens of times stronger than Leonard Churchill.

And the monsters in this research institute originally all had the “Undying Feature”.

Normally, even if ordinary firearms could break through their defenses, they would find it very difficult to kill them. ƒrēewebnoѵёl.cσm

It was as if after sweeping them with firearms, there might be a large number of monster limbs left, and they would still come over like zombies.

But now.

A strange scene was unfolding.

Once these monsters were shot, even if their heads weren’t blown off, their life force would quickly fade.

That bizarre undying feature seemed to have no effect at this moment.

If someone could see the extraordinary traits overflowing from the creatures’ bodies, they would find that in this vast space, it was not only the bodies of the dead monsters, but also the wounds of the injured monsters, from which faint multicolour, silk-like uncontrolled extraordinary traits were converging in one direction.

They all converged on Leonard Churchill.

The Lv3 Demon’s Feast had already covered a radius of a hundred square meters of the corpses, and the devouring efficiency was several times that at the first level.

While fighting, the Enlightenment was also madly flashing on the screen.

[You used the Feast Devour, Physique +0.02J

[You used the Feast Devour, Strength +0.01J

[You used the Feast Devour, Tenacity +0.007J

fYou used…]

Although most of these Mutation Monsters were low-level, and the attributes they provided were very weak,

There were thousands of them.

This caused Leonard Churchill’s attributes to visibly increase.

It was as if there was an invisible field around him forming a vortex, sucking out the traits from the bodies of the pierced monsters.

As the time went on, the cooperation between the two became more and more tacit.

Leonard Churchill was responsible for dealing with the catastrophe-level monsters that posed a threat to the mechanical turrets.

While Seven Brown suppressed the numerous riffraff monsters rushing out of several corridors with all kinds of firepower

One was super strong in physical defense, and the other was protected by an armor suit. No matter how many monsters there were, it didn’t matter at all. Both of them also had sufficient supply of potions, killing while continuously drinking potions.

It was in this brutal fight that lasted for nearly half an hour.

The monsters were getting fewer and fewer and the gunshots gradually subsided.

The huge corridor was filled with bullet casings and piled up corpses.

The number of monsters in the Alternate Dimension was limited.

Finally, when Leonard Churchill killed the last second-tier C-rank catastrophe on the spot, the fight ended.

There were still some monsters squirming on the ground, struggling and not completely dead, but there were no more creatures coming out of the corridors. Almost all of the monsters on the first floor of the research institute had been killed.

Seeing her teammate slowly transforming back into human form, Seven Brown also let go of the trigger.