But for a Slime-Chapter 269 - 058.8 - The Perfect Core
<continued - 8/9>
"Are we now clear to enter, captain?"
"Ah, yes. Please. You may enter, master Joe."
Kilniara and Zilnek looked at Joe in shock and great admiration before heading into the dungeon, Zilnek actually bowing and giving his thanks while Kilniara bounced up to him and gave him a big hug. The only one who didn't really act that was Garnedell.
Garnedell stayed behind with Joe, and Joe realized he wanted to talk, so they both slowed as they spiraled down, falling back until the two siblings were beyond line of sight. Garendell quickly leaned in close.
"A slime core, Joe."
"Yeah, I know," Joe let out a defeated sigh.
"Is it…" Garnedell trailed off, asking but actually quite certain.
"I… I think it is. Let's keep this quiet, yeah?"
Garendell quickly nodded but also broke out in an excited smile, "You… are amazing, master. Truly."
"Garendell! You're slipping back. Please, just Joe."
Garnedell turned to him and narrowed his eyes, looking up at him with a seriousness that Joe was unused to, "Sometimes, master, it is important to show respect and honor. In this, for this moment, I wish to call you master because of … how much you truly inspire me and give me hope."
Joe took Garnedell's statement and then began to slowly nod his head, "OK. I can accept that. That's… OK. I understand. But! It better be very, very rare!" Joe ended with firmness.
Garnedell smiled brightly at that, a hint of laughter, "As rare as you are willing to be normal."
Joe smirked at that and shook his head, "Alright, smarty pants. Let's get down there."
"Smarty … pants?"
"It just means some people try to be quick witted or smart above what their intelligence is usually capable of. Some do it and are not smart, but just rude and impolite."
"Well, I was certainly polite, and…"
"You were pushing it," Joe interjected with an arched eyebrow.
"Yet still polite. And what I said was not above my intelligence as I said it."
"Yet you said it in a snarky way."
"This does not lessen the intelligence."
"Is it intelligent to antagonize a person who has seven digits to your two?"
Garnedell opened his mouth to rebut as soon as Joe began, but as Joe continued, he quickly shut his mouth and looked away in chagrin, "Right… so maybe you have a point there."
Joe laughed loudly, shaking his head, "But still, well done. I was only joking in return. I enjoyed it. Thank you. Let's catch up to the others."
Garnedell looked back up at him, then smiled brightly as well, "It is… good to have a master like you, Joe," Garnedell emphasized his name at the end with a soft smile.
Joe grinned back, this time truly grateful, "And you, Garnedell."
Their slow descent quickly sped up at that point and they came out into the safe zone to find the room absolutely crowded, requiring them to push their way through. Groups littered the floor of the goblin area and hardly a single space was available for anyone. The only space that was really available was the corner opposite where they usually were. This corner was a bit further from the entrance into the second floor than their normal corner, and Joe quickly realized why it hadn't been taken; a safe retreat is much closer.
The two had to push their way through and finally made the front, finding Zilnek and Kilniara further on down the crowd. Joe didn't try to push his way to them and simply stepped out past the safe zone, waving to the siblings to catch their attention.
Soon, the other three were with them and they were threading their way through the crowd to the still remaining far corner. When they got there, they settled in but noticed it was a bit more crowded and less useful as a camp. But… a lot more mobs… maybe this place is a better idea from now on?
Current Job
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Joe McConnell
Physical Resistances
Magical Resistances
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Magic Defense
Spell Caster
Joe had the other three sit in the corner for a few rounds before he brought them out, spending about twenty minutes fighting four goblins before he felt comfortable enough to let the other three back out. The fights proved a bit tricky for the first two as the second goblin had joined in the fight before he'd killed the first, so he ended up having a two on one fight for a bit. But after he'd cleared those first two out, the fights settled down and he didn't have any more trouble with getting attacked by more than one. With the first kill, he was able to evaluate his next job.
Huh… interesting… heavy in the mental areas but… that magic defense… wow! Why is it so high in comparison to the magic? Wouldn't it be more… Joe shrugged and closed his status and turned back to the others quickly. He checked the area and while he found the area cleared pretty well and basically prepared for their fights, he did clear out a bit more just to be safe.
When the goblins were coming one by one, Joe sent Garnedell out with Kilniara first and had Zilnek join him in fighting. Zilnek proved unusually exuberant today and they went through their goblins quickly enough and a few more than Joe was expecting before Zilnek became exhausted as Joe expected.
Joe sent Zilnek to the corner to rest but was surprised when Kilniara slipped to his side, joining him in killing the goblin he was on. After the goblin died, Joe glanced back to see both Garnedell and Zilnek resting and Joe was glad that Garnedell was smart enough to retreat until Zilnek was ready.
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He almost turned to Kilniara but she slipped in under his arm, cuddling into his side. Joe turned to face towards the goblins before glancing down at her, "What do we have here?"
Kilniara looked up at him, a bit confused until she saw his bright smile and offered a tentative smile of her own, "It's me?"
Joe arched an eye in surprise and realized the statement as culturally laden and she wouldn't get it, "Ah, sorry. It's a weird joke amongst my people. It is … kind of surprise and joy of at suddenly finding someone or something or being joined by someone in an unexpected way. I'm happy that you are here, just a bit surprised."
Kilniara's smile brightened immediately, radiating through the whole first floor and Joe smiled back, simply staring for a bit, stunned. He basked in her joy of him and his own smile grew in response to hers.
"So… then… happy… happy now?"
Joe grinned brightly, "Much more relieved… but a lot more to tell you, too. So…"
Kilniara nodded, "I have my own secrets as well. They will come in time, just as I trust yours will as well."
Joe's relieve came a bit at that and he nodded. Hopefully… she doesn't freak about living outside a Cradle a bit like Garnedell did, so… He shook his musings off and then nodded.
"Thank you. With time."
Her smile grew brighter, "With time."
Joe's smile remained then dimmed a bit and he began, "Kilniara?"
She quirked an eyebrow at that, "A secret already?"
Joe chuckled, "No. But, maybe a request?"
She nodded.
"Could we change your job to commoner, like I said before?"
Kilniara immediately stiffened, and she frowned, "Joe… I do not… Why do you want this so much?"
Joe sighed, a small sad smile replacing his happy one, "Because it is the best for all of you."
"But Garnedell…"
Joe nodded as she trailed off, "Yeah… he does not wish to."
"You will not force me?"
Joe barked a laugh, "Of course not."
Kilniara relaxed at that, considering it very carefully before frowning and shaking her head, "Commoner is too… it is the lowest of the low."
Joe sighed, "It is, but all others come from it."
Kilniara shuddered but said nothing.
Joe frowned then nodded, "Then… how about a combat job?"
Kinliara's eyes widened in surprised excitement, "A combat job?!"
"If it is… is it a good one?"
Joe paused at that, then continued, "It is one that seems especially suited for the Acokzau, at least."
"An Acokzau combat job?"
Kilniara seemed excited about the prospect but remained thoughtful before looking up with a grin, "OK!"
"Then … tomorrow?'
Joe smiled back, "Good! Then… tomorrow... Hmm… Or the next time I head to the temple, would you mind joining me?
"Ok, Joe," she nodded back easily enough.
Joe smiled back, then considered carefully as he continued, "But if you want to find your full potential, you will have to become commoner for a time."
Kilniara's happiness immediately evaporated and her only reply was a rather pained smile. Joe's answering smile slowly turned bitter himself and he looked away until finally he took a deep sigh and fully turned away.
Joe didn't know how long they stood there but the interrupting growl of an angry goblin shattered the moment. Embarrassingly, Kilniara reacted first and quickly tried to turn to the goblin and Joe was slow to respond. Despite his late response, his greater training had him swinging his spear around and into position even as he turned with head and eye's already tracking towards the sound as rapidly as possible.
His strike was off but in much closer position for a response and as soon as he caught a glimpse of the goblin, his hand twisted slightly to bring his spear into a very poor parry against the goblin just desperately batting the goblin's weapon away. Kilinara was much better off, faced and ready for the goblin. But Joe soon was ready as well and the fight turned much easier with that and the goblin was quickly dispatched before he turned to Kilniara.
"Sorry about that," Joe replied with a bit of embarrassment, "Should have been better prepared."
Kilniara smiled back, "So even the great master can make mistakes!"
Joe quirked an eyebrow, "I can always miss my next swing and smack your rear!"
Kilniara looked at Joe with some shock but noticed his humor and quickly adjusted herself, her smile returning quickly and she turned, twerking her rear out at him, "Go ahead."
Joe felt his own shock slide through him before being quickly replaced by a joy of his own as he realized she was giving as good as she got, "Right… good to know. Think I'd rather use my hands, though."
Kilniara's joy didn't disappear, her smile only growing brighter but her cheeks turned a brilliant red and she couldn't think of anything to say. Her gaze dropped, embarrassment dragging her gaze down but it didn't stay down long since she glanced back up with smoky eyes directly into his own. The heat from this morning instantly returned and Joe naturally felt his own heat spike in response and he leaned forward to whisper in her ear.
"Stop thinking about this morning! We have monsters to fight."
Kilniara didn't reply but didn't retreat either, nuzzling her nose into his neck and even wrapping arms around him, refusing to let go. Joe's shield arm replied unconsciously, awkwardly wrapping around her. He held her only for a moment before stepping back but did take a moment to steal her lips on his retreat.
"We really need to focus. Sorry. If we can't, you'll have to spend the rest of the day with Garnedell."
<continued - 8/9>