Blessed by Night-Chapter 244: Tender Reunion*

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Briefly, Malachi used one of his tails to wrap a Bianca's neck.

He whispered something into her ear through the mouth of the serpt, and watched a sinister grin form on her face that almost wasn't indicative of her character.

Save for wh one, particular subject was concerned.

Bianca moved a in the water, and tiptoed toward Joanne who was still sitting on the edge of the spring, looking pt up and slightly uncomfortable.

She was continuously looking back and forth betwe Anna and Malachi, and the nearest wall.

Was she glad that she and her daughter had both found a man to make them happy and fulfill their needs? Yes.

Did she want to watch her daughter get her needs fulfilled? Not really, no.

It seemed like she was going to be relegated to only standing a awkwardly wh Bianca suddly inched closer to her with a smile that she could not quite read.

"Are you alright, Jo? You look kind of pale."

"I'm… alright?"

Bianca smiled casually as she boldly took Joanne's hands into her own.

"We don't have to just sit here, you know..? If you're fine with me, th…"

Anna's eyes immediately flashed op and she pulled her lips away from Malachi's neck in an instant.

"Hey! Don't you dare try to have sex with my mom!"

"I already have our fiancé's permission~!"

"God damnit, babe, why?!!"

"You're focused on wrong things, love." Malachi traced his lips along Anna's clavicle and gtly nipped her right on the side of her neck.

His fangs pierced her skin with practically no resistance and her eyes rolled back into her head as she bit her lip to suppress a really loud moan.

Joanne may have looked pale wh Bianca first approached her, but now her face was so red that it looked like she was part apple.

"U-Umm, Bianca, I don't think I can-"

"It's okay, Jo. I just want to help you not feel so awkward and give you something else to focus on."

"Y-You all.. do this thing quite a lot, don't you?"

"Well, yea. Mal seems to like it, and it's a nice way to occupy ourselves before he can get to us. After all, we love each other too… it's nice to express that."

Joanne's head swiveled back and forth betwe Sei, Anna, and Bianca.

She turned her neck in such a fast manner that she nearly gave herself whiplash accidtally.

Today, she felt like she'd learned something that she shouldn't have, and she would never be able to see her daughter's cute interactions with the older wom in the group the same.

"So..?" Bianca asked again.

"S-So what?"

"Are you fine with me?" Bianca passively used her natural charm and cute face to worm her way past Joanne's defses and travel straight to her heart.

Her last reservations disappeared wh she took a glance at Malachi and found him watching her ever closely, almost like he was waiting to see what she would do next.

"I-I've never.."

"It's alright, just relax, okay?"

Taking the liberty of leading, Bianca swapped her grip on Joanne's hands for her face.

Gtly pulling her closer, she placed her lips upon Joanne's in a lingering innoct peck.

Though Joanne seemed uncomfortable at first, she gradually became less tse and seemed not to be feeling as awkward as before.

However, she nearly leapt out of her skin wh she felt Bianca's hands go from her face to her breasts after only a few momts.

"H-Hey, ar't you moving too fast?!"



Boldly taking one of Joanne's perky breasts into her mouth, Bianca deftly sucked on the small pink bud like she was expecting milk to come out.

This seemed to be the trigger that she needed to op up, as she was having a hard time dying how good she felt.

While Joanne had her horizons fully expanded, Malachi finally had his atttion yanked back towards his own partners.

In a more shallow part of the spring, Malachi was resting on a smooth black rock, joying the feeling of Sei's warm throat wrapped a his member lovingly.

Sei was also being besieged by Anna without rest, as the tattooed young woman left a trail of kisses and bites down her spine.

Her hands wer't exactly idle either, as she diligtly fingered mature beauty from behind and brought her close to a small orgasm.


Just before Anna could give her that last necessary push, Sei removed her head from Malachi's lap, and straddled him instead.

If something was going to push her over the edge, she would rather have it be the man she was going to marry instead of Anna's fingers.

But as her body loomed over the thick and impressive member pointed at her trance, a bit of fear crept into her psyche.

It had only be two short weeks, but she already couldn't believe this thing had ever fit inside of her.

"Need help?" Malachi smiled as he slipped his hands underneath Sei's soft ass and took control of her body weight.

She wrapped her arms a him tightly and kissed him with such desperation that it was like they'd be separated for a year again.

With clear need in his eyes, Malachi pressed himself against her trance and petrated her depths, almost immediately becoming swept away by the pleasure in the process.

Mal of course loved all of his wom equally and would never place one of them above the others, but there was something about laying with his first woman that always served to make his head spin.

After such a long time apart, it understandably took Sei a momt to get reacclimated to her fiancé's size, but she greedily accepted him all the way to the base.

Suddly, a pair of hands found their way on to Mal's shoulders and gtly pulled him onto his back.

For a momt, he thought he saw a flash of pink hair on the rock overlooking the cliff before Anna sat on his face comfortably like it was her rightful place.

"How does it feel?" She asked Sei with a slightly drunk smile.

The woman in question displayed no trace of her earlier sadness as she bounced herself atop Malachi's member with her hands covering her mouth.

"B-Big... it's be a while so it hurts a little bit, but I feel so good..!"

At that momt Anna felt Malachi's forked tongue roughly lick at her folds before pushing his tongue inside to scrape against her depths.

Suppressing a moan, Anna released an erotic exhale as she grabbed Sei by the face and kissed her rather roughly.

Anna and Malachi have oft be told they have a tdcy as a couple to think with the same mind.

If anyone were looking for concrete evidce of this, they need not look any further than the momt where both of them instinctively reached out for one of Sei's breasts.

At the same time and with the same level of intsity, they gave her nipples a hard pull that inadverttly caused her to release a loud scream into Anna's mouth.

A miniature seizure overtook Sei's tire body as she had her first hard orgasm in over two weeks, and she lost the ability to hold herself upright.

Malachi's thighs and stomach had become slick with her own nectar as she relieved herself uncontrollably.

Falling into Anna's arms, she only was able to bask in the glow of this pleasant ssation for a few short momts before Malachi grew impatit.

After all, he still hadn't gott to cum yet.

Enlarging two of his tails, he wrapped them a Sei's waist and underneath her thighs.

She was temporarily lifted off of Anna before he bounced her up and down of his own volition.

Ensuring that he wasn't too rough with her, he thrusted inside of her depths at a pace that the both of them could be satisfied by; while not growing negligt of Anna's needs either.

He could hear her breathing getting heavier and heavier, and she had unconsciously begun to dig her black nails into his chest.

"A-Almost.. I-I can't... FUCK!"

Anna threw her head back and let out a rather loud, lustful scream that traveled far beyond what she'd meant for it to.

After hearing Anna's high pitched scream, Malachi felt like he was about to erupt.

Pulling Sei down for one final thrust, he pressed himself against her cervix and filled her insides to the point of overflow.

A grunt escaped his lips as he felt Sei tremble on top of him and scream out again; signaling her second orgasm only minutes apart from her first.

Breathing heavily, the two wom collapsed on top of Mal and basked in the feeling of being back together once again.

The night was still young and they were in no way done expressing themselves, but for now at least they felt a need to revel in the mome-


Immediately, Malachi and the girls sat up, and turned their heads to the side to find the source of the familiar screaming.

At some point, Joanne and Bianca had gott surprisingly close to the group, almost ough to touch them.

Anna's mother was resting on her back, with Bianca's head betwe her legs.

Both of them were staring up at the rock overlooking their spring, where a medley of familiar faces were watching with bloody noses.

Most surprising of all, Keres and Nyx were in attdance.

The goddess of the night seemed rather proud, while the always hard-to-read Keres remained somewhat stone faced.

Although she did raise her hand up and wave at Malachi; prest circumstances not bothering her in the slightest.

"Hello brother. We missed you."

"Ah... missed you too, Sis."

Honestly... he couldn't help but feel like they had done this to themselves.