Blessed by Night-Chapter 236: The Red Angel

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" Oh and my love~"


"Did I mistake you for a sign from god~?"

"Kill this fucking meat!"

"Or are you really here to cast me off?"

"They're too fast, shit!"

"Or maybe just to turn me onn~?"

"Stop singing, bitch!"

A green skinned abomination the size of a truck barreled towards Anna with a giant hammer that appeared to be made of sidewalk in it's grasp.

Her eyes narrowed with visible irritation.

"I wasn't even that loud… stop ear hustling."

Taking one hand out of her pocket, Anna smacked away the cement weapon like it was made of styrofoam.

Unsurprisingly, it shattered into thousands of pieces underneath her massive strength and left the half orc without a weapon.

With as little movement as possible, she punched the orc in the stomach so hard that his body went flying like a kite with it's strings cut.

He sailed right into one of the burning bonfires in the room, and several thick pieces of wood pierced his chest as he was slow roasted over the open flame.

"Shit… he made me miss my part."

Anna pulled her phone back out of her pocket and restarted the song she was listening to back at the halfway point.

But not long afterward, she grew dissatisfied with the sound quality of her earbuds and plucked them out with a grimace.

"The noise cancellation on these is kinda ass… I wonder if.."

Briefly, Anna went to the group chat with her fiancé and 'sisters'.

- freё

You : Babe do you have my headphones in your storage space?

Soft Mommy Sei : Anna dear… really?

Bestie B : Lol.

My Poundtown Monster<3 : Ain't you in the middle of a raid? Should you be worried about music rn?

Mama Jojo <3 : Annalise, please be careful and focus!

You : I'm being responsible guys, don't worry. You got 'em tho babe?

My Poundtown Monster <3 : Yea, I'll send them to you if you change my name in your phone first.

Anna : No ??

My Poundtown Monster <3 : …You're lucky I love you.

Thick Ass Nadine : Guys I'm horny! Send me nudes!

Soft Mommy Sei : We are in the field right now, we don't have the time or the privacy for that..

Bestie B : Attachment: 1 Video.

My Poundtown Monster <3 : Attachment: 1 Image.

You : Attachment: 2 Images.

Stellaluna : I was just coming to tell you all that our daughter finally started to try solid food… you're all so perverted.

Thick Ass Nadine : So you won't send me anything? ??

Stellaluna : …

Stellaluna : Attachment: 1 Image.


Anna looked down at her shadow and smiled when she saw her favorite pair of headphones appear at her feet.

Picking them up, she prepared to put them on when her senses started to go haywire.

Her eyes scanned the hellish battlefield and she found one of her squad members in battle against the large, green skinned woman who looked like an orc and a troll had a baby.

Anna's wings unfurled from her back and she practically glided through the air to stop a catastrophe from unfolding.

Aela was mere seconds away from crushing the head of one of Anna's unit with her foot when a dangerously powerful kick to the head nearly made her do a backflip.

Anna landed right beside her fallen subordinate and extended her hand to help her get back onto her feet.

"Are you good to stand?"

"Y-Yeah… sorry, boss."

"No worries. Catch your breath and regroup a bit."

The young girl got to her feet relatively quickly and gave Anna a respectful nod before taking a moment to recouperate.

"I haven't bled since before I evolved. I had almost forgotten what it was like..!"

By now, the abomination called Aela had picked herself up from the ground with a bloody nose and a rather wild look in her eyes.

She casually wiped away the blood dripping down her face and cracked the bridge of her nose back into place.

"Hell of a kick, girl! Memory of this day will live on in memorial forever after I eat your legs to celebrate!"

"You all really aren't human anymore... Crazy."

"Spare me that sentimental shit! What glory did we receive from staying the same? When the world fell we had no strength, no community, and no guidance.

But now… we have all that we could have ever needed and nothing that we don't. We are free! Unrestrained! Mighty!

We eat what we want, fuck what we want and we bite the heads off anything that gets in our way. This is nature bitch!"

Anna scoffed audibly as she let her overcoat fall to the floor.

"And he's worried he's the monster because his skin is black… unbelievable."

Aela ran full force at Anna while roaring at the top of her lungs excitedly.

However, her zeal would only last for around two more seconds before she received a hard right hand into her jaw that completely knocked out all of her teeth on the bottom row.

Time seemed to travel in slow motion as she received a hard knee to the stomach that sent her doubling over before she was forcefully grabbed by the back of her head and slammed face first into the ground.

Again and again…

And again…

The puddle of blood had begun to reach Anna's prized Doc Martens, but she couldn't have cared less.

"Get your hands off our tribe leader!"

Anna very briefly stopped brutalizing Aela and looked over her shoulder to see who was calling her.

Her squad had done a remarkably quick job of clearing out the enemies assembled in under the twenty minute timeframe, but there were around four abominations left who had huddled together in the corner of the room in a last ditch effort of preservation.

The assembled abominations had gotten hold of the few humans they were using for fun instead of food.

Four women around the ages of 18-20, and two boys that only looked to be age seventeen at most.

The meaty hands of the abominations were wrapped around their vulnerable necks as if they were looking for the slightest reason to snap them.

"Cute… real cute! Glad you bitches had your fun but playtime is over!"

"All of you put your hands up and back away from us! If you so much as sneeze we are going to ruin all of this fucking meat!"

Anna sprouted her wings again as she let Aela's head drop to the floor.

"Bitch what did I just say?!"

A single, hard flap of her wings displaced dozens of her bright red feathers and sent them flying around the room.

Like they were guided projectiles, the feathers sailed right into the bodies of the abominations.

Interestingly enough, the fabric of the feathers became as hard and unbreakable as diamond against the skin of the abominations, but when it came to their human captives it was as if they were normal feathers that you could find inside of a throw pillow.

Twelve minutes and forty six seconds after initial contact, the raid was over without a single injury or casualty.

Anna finally put her wings away and picked her jacket back up before shrugging it on.

"Good work everyone. See if you can find some blankets or something to cover our new friends up. Get them settled then I want to be searching this place in three minutes."

"Yes boss!"

Anna slipped her headphones on and fully enjoyed their more immersive feeling.

She contemplated going over to the hostages to exchange some sort of reassuring words with them, but she was just so terrible with those things that she wondered if she would have done more harm than good.

The man she loved was such a people person and he was good at making others feel safe and hopeful with only a few words.

She learned a lot of things from him the longer that they were together, but she never did learn how to act all warm and friendly with others like that.

It was a miracle that she could do it with the people she had waiting for her back at home.

'All of this shit… it just makes me miss you so much more than it should.'

Quietly, she listened to the rest of her song with a faraway look like she was in her own little world.

But unbeknownst to her, she was receiving quite a few looks behind her back.

Ones of admiration, gratitude, and even a faint air of mysticism hidden within.