Black Corporation: Joseon-Chapter 344

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Chapter 344

“What do you mean by someone who is Korean but not Korean?”

The captain of the Inner Palace Guard, unable to grasp the meaning of the 2nd Division Chief’s words, asked for a more detailed explanation.

“Jo Han-tae and Jang Seok-il once had a drinking session at a gisaeng house. The gisaengs who attended said that this Jang Seok-il fellow was quite peculiar.”


“They said he looks Korean, dresses Korean, and speaks Korean, but there’s something subtly unfamiliar about him.”

Upon hearing the 2nd Division Chief’s explanation, the captain of the Inner Palace Guard stroked his beard, deep in thought.

“Subtly unfamiliar…”

After pondering for a moment, the captain of the Inner Palace Guard ordered the 2nd Division Chief.

“As you said, we need a thorough investigation. Do it properly.”

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“Yes, sir. I understand.”

The captain of the Inner Palace Guard then turned to the other bureau chiefs and commanded.

“Take a good look at the Western Sea Trading Company as well.”

“Yes, sir.”

“And remember, those approaching the craftsmen in Area 51 might not be the only ones. Keep a close eye on the situation.”

“Understood, sir.”


After the meeting, the captain of the Inner Palace Guard returned to the palace and reported the situation to King Sejong.

“Someone who is Korean but not Korean…”

Having received the report, King Sejong muttered while stroking his beard with a serious expression. He then turned to the captain of the Inner Palace Guard.

“Who do you think it could be?”

“The most likely possibility is that they are either individuals who fled to Ming or Japan during the turmoil at the end of the previous dynasty or during the founding of our kingdom, or their descendants.”

King Sejong nodded at the Captain’s response.

From the time when the previous dynasty began showing signs of collapse, a considerable number of people had left Joseon, either voluntarily or involuntarily. The Captain was suggesting that these individuals could be one of those people or their descendants.

King Sejong carefully analyzed the Captain’s reasoning.

‘Japan, huh…’


Since the time of the previous king, they had been cultivating relationships with Japanese lords to resolve the issues with Japanese pirates. According to the information obtained through this process, Japan’s land was larger than Joseon’s, and its population was greater. However, despite having an Emperor and a shogunate, the political situation was chaotic. Their technology, except for the Japanese sword and a few other things, was also quite backward.

By opening trade offices with the Ouchi clan and the shogunate, King Sejong and the court were able to obtain more detailed information more quickly and easily.

According to the information acquired, the financial power of Japanese merchants was larger than imagined. Moreover, as the current ruling Muromachi shogunate focused on overseas trade, the number of merchant forces venturing into foreign trade was increasing.

Japanese trading companies were emerging one by one, reaching not only the Ryukyu Kingdom but also as far as Siam (Thailand).

Synthesizing the information coming through the trade offices, it appeared that Japan’s economic power, including commerce, was in a state of growth.


After reviewing the situation in Japan, King Sejong soon had to cross Japan off the list of suspects.

‘If we only consider commerce, they’re certainly suspicious, but when it comes to technology, it’s impossible.’

Although they were constantly trying to get their hands on craftsmen from Ming and Joseon whenever possible, Japan’s overall technological level was inferior. Even if they somehow managed to take the craftsmen from Area 51, they lacked the ability to digest that technology.

Having removed Japan from the list of suspects, King Sejong’s face grew even more gloomy.

‘Then, in the end, is it Ming?’

The merchants of Ming were certainly capable.

They had economic power several times that of Joseon, and a long history of foreign trade dating back to the Yuan Dynasty.

Moreover, although their technological prowess had fallen behind Joseon’s, which had rapidly developed through the Reformation—or more accurately, the Crown Prince’s crazy actions—it was still competitive enough.

If they were to take the craftsmen from Area 51, the commercial sector of Ming had a sufficient foundation to absorb their skills.

‘It’s not just the merchants…’

The Ming imperial family and court couldn’t be ruled out as suspects either. They were just as competitive as the Ming commercial sector.

“Haah~. How frustrating…”

After analyzing various situations, King Sejong expressed his frustration.

Having somewhat relieved his frustration with a long sigh, King Sejong asked the captain of the Inner Palace Guard.

“You said the Secret Police would investigate this more thoroughly, right?”

“Yes, I ordered them to do so.”

“Tell them to find out as quickly and as thoroughly as possible, and report back. We’ll decide on all responses after that.”

“I receive your command!”

“Also, pay attention to the surveillance and protection of the craftsmen in Area 15, no, Area 51. How far has the organization of the Secret Royal Guard[1] that I ordered to be formed within the Royal Guards progressed?”

Although he had created the Secret Police, King Sejong was concerned about its predecessor and the potential for tyranny through information monopoly. So, he organized a secret unit within the Royal Guards. It was the birth of a special force named ‘Secret Royal Guard,’ meaning ‘secretly guarding the foundation of the royal family and the country.’


“I decided to create something called the Secret Royal Guard.”

At King Sejong’s words, Hyang’s mouth opened automatically.

“Emergency Response Committee?”

“Where did that come from?”

“Ah, it’s nothing. It just came out unconsciously.”

“It’s similar but different.”

After explaining the meaning of Secret Royal Guard to Hyang, King Sejong gave him an order.

“You will make weapons for this Secret Royal Guard to use.”

“Wouldn’t the firearms and swords currently used by the Royal Guards be sufficient?”

“We need more covert weapons.”

“How should I handle the funding?”

“It will come from the Royal Treasury.”

At King Sejong’s answer, Hyang immediately bowed his head.

‘He’s made up his mind.’

“I’ll proceed as quickly as possible.”

After finishing the conversation and leaving Gangnyeongjeon Hall, Hyang muttered quietly.

“Should I go the 007 route, or more towards the Dev Group…”

Meanwhile, inside Gangnyeongjeon Hall, King Sejong, staring at the door, mulled over what had just happened.

‘He asked about the cost without even asking what I wanted. That bastard! It means he’s already made some plans to some extent!’

“I really need to set aside a day to shake that guy down thoroughly… The problem is that if he’s gone, Area 15, no, Area 51 won’t function properly…”

Grumbling about the guy who seemed to have a dozen or so snakes in his belly, King Sejong soon complained about something else.

“By the way, why did they name it Area 51… I keep calling it Area 15. Suddenly attaching the number 51…”

King Sejong was grumbling about the name of Area 51, which became confusing whenever he let his guard down a little.


In response to King Sejong’s question about the progress of the ‘Secret Royal Guard,’ the captain of the Inner Palace Guard bowed his head and answered.

“We’ve mostly finished selecting the personnel. As you instructed, we’ve kept the size at about 30 people.”

“I assume you’ve chosen those who can keep their mouths shut?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

Nodding at the Captain’s answer, King Sejong gave additional orders.

“First, assign them to Area 15, no, Area 51. I’ll draft an order for the Secret Police. Tell them to work alongside the Secret Police for now and absorb their knowledge and skills.”

“Understood, Your Majesty.”

“However, tell them it’s additional support from the Royal Guards due to insufficient personnel. Keep the identity of the Secret Royal Guard concealed.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”


Having given these orders to the captain of the Inner Palace Guard, King Sejong let out a long sigh.

“Whew~. They say a tree with many branches doesn’t sway in the wind, but…”

Sighing deeply at the situation where any slight relaxation could lead to fatal consequences, King Sejong suddenly stood up from his seat.

“Ah, screw it! At times like this, focusing on research is the best!”

It might have been a side effect, but one of the butterfly effects brought about by Hyang was King Sejong’s night work.

Whether stimulated by Hyang’s enthusiasm or due to the strengthened absolute royal authority, King Sejong’s research on Hangul began much earlier than expected.

Even in the history before Hyang’s intervention, King Sejong was praised as “intelligent and fond of learning and contemplation.” This King Sejong quickly began the work of creating Joseon’s own writing system.

As a result, the most significant impact was on King Sejong’s aforementioned night work.

As King Sejong became engrossed in character research, the number of women he took to bed sharply decreased.

The situation with Royal Consort Hye of the Yang clan proceeded the same as in the history before Hyang’s intervention, but other concubines, except for Royal Consort Song, did not exist.

Hyang also pondered over this issue.

“Huh? What’s going on here? Why? For what reason?”

Pondering over the change in King Sejong, who was famous for having many concubines and children, Hyang came up with the most plausible hypothesis.

“Has he already started researching Hunminjeongeum[2]? Did he bite on one of the various hints I’ve been dropping?”

Hyang was considering the possibilities, recalling the hints he had been subtly dropping all this time.


Meanwhile, with King Sejong’s official order, the Secret Police began a full-scale investigation.

“No matter how you look at it, he’s not a Korean who has been living in Joseon continuously.”

The Secret Police agents who compiled the reports from the gisaengs who had attended Jo Han-tae and Jang Seok-il’s drinking sessions came to this conclusion.

“Then where do you think he’s from?”

“Judging by his speech patterns and tones, he’s of Ming descent. It’s certain he’s from Ming.”

“Ming, huh…”

At the agents’ report, the 2nd Division Chief stroked his chin and trailed off.

“Ming… Did the Ming merchants send him?”

One of the agents picked up on the 2nd Division Chief’s speculation.

“According to the opinion of the head gisaeng, there’s a very high possibility that he’s a eunuch.”

“A eunuch? Why?”

“She says he uses a lot of perfume with an overwhelmingly strong scent. According to the head gisaeng, the eunuchs who come as envoys from Ming have such an intense scent emanating from their bodies, just like him.” freё

“Hmm… That makes sense.”

The 2nd Division Chief nodded at the agent’s words.

According to rumors, unlike Joseon’s eunuchs, Chinese eunuchs had their entire external genitalia removed. In such cases, they often leaked urine, so they wore diapers made of thick cotton or cotton pants, and used strong-scented perfumes to mask the smell. (Note 1)

Moreover, as the Reformation progressed and Joseon’s national power strengthened, it had decreased significantly, but Joseon used to send female tribute and eunuchs to Ming. If someone who had become a eunuch after going to Ming in this way had come, it all added up.

Having reached a conclusion, the 2nd Division Chief’s face turned serious.

“This is no ordinary problem.”

The fact that someone had approached the craftsmen in Area 51 was not a light matter in itself, but if a eunuch belonging to the Ming imperial household was involved, it was a “very serious” problem.

In the end, the 2nd Division Chief gave an order to his subordinate.

“This is beyond my level to handle. Write up a report.”

“Yes, sir.”


The report thus prepared was immediately sent up to King Sejong through the captain of the Inner Palace Guard.

“This is serious…”

King Sejong muttered in a stiff voice after receiving and reading the report.

It was a matter involving a eunuch, a servant of the Emperor.

Whether this was done with the Emperor’s approval or not was crucial.

As King Sejong pondered solutions with a serious face, one thought occurred to him.

‘The fact that they sent a eunuch secretly means this is unofficial. If we secretly deal with the eunuch, even the Emperor will have nothing to say!’

“Officially, it means nothing happened…”

Having reached a conclusion, King Sejong ordered the captain of the Inner Palace Guard.

“Pass on a license to the Secret Police.”

“A license, you say?”

To the Captain’s question, King Sejong answered briefly.

“Extermination. However, limit the targets to only those who came from Ming.”

At King Sejong’s answer, the captain of the Inner Palace Guard immediately bowed his head.

“I receive your command!”

After dismissing the captain of the Inner Palace Guard, King Sejong called for his Chief Royal Secretary.

“Summon the Crown Prince.”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”


Note 1)

秘臺衛[↵]is a 15th-century manuscript that introduced the Korean script Hangul.[↵]