Black Corporation: Joseon-Chapter 342

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Chapter 342

Returning to Sagres from Lisbon, Henry summoned his subordinate, José.

“You called for me?”

“Have you found out where the missing craftsmen went?”

To Henry’s question, José answered with a serious face.

“We have. It’s Valencia.”


At José’s answer, Henry slammed his fist on the desk in anger.

“Those damn Aragonese!”


At this time, the relationship between Portugal and Spain – more accurately, the united kingdom of Castile and Aragon – was not good.

Starting as the Roman province of Hispania, after Rome’s fall, the Visigothic Kingdom took its place. However, the nobles’ antagonism brought down the kingdom and allowed the invasion of Islamic forces.

Even as the Iberian Peninsula was being occupied by Islamic forces, the Visigothic nobles were at each other’s throats.

Even during the Reconquista process that began after being ruled by Islamic forces, the antagonism between them did not cease.

From the beginning, it was unlikely for Portugal, Castile, and Aragon to work together.

Although they were settled in the same Iberian Peninsula and believed in the same Catholicism, the situation was different from the start, to the extent that the Reconquista was called “Reconquista” by Castile and “Reconquista” by Portugal.

In the end, Afonso I declared independence during the Reconquista.

Unlike Castile and Aragon, which were gradually moving towards integration, Portugal had declared independence, which was why relations were not good.


Henry, who had slammed his fist on the desk in anger, tried to calm himself down while taking deep breaths.

Standing up abruptly and pacing back and forth to cool his anger, Henry assessed the situation.

“The situation has become difficult…”

“Indeed. The immediate problem is the supply of sailors.”

Aragon had long boasted a powerful naval force. As a result, it was a country that produced many excellent sailors.

Although relations between countries were not good, they were not mortal enemies like the Islamic forces. Therefore, a considerable number of Aragonese sailors had come to work in Portugal.

However, the united kingdom of Castile and Aragon had begun to show movements to advance towards western Africa. It was natural that there would be problems with sailor recruitment soon, if not immediately.

As José pointed out the problem of sailor recruitment, Henry nodded and gave an order.

“Call Iago.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”

A moment later, Iago, Henry’s finance manager, came running at the summons.

After hearing the situation from Henry, Iago stroked his beard and spoke.

“It’s certainly a problem. A considerable number of craftsmen have gone over to their side, and the recruitment of sailors will also be an issue.”

“Is there any way we can change the situation to our advantage?”


Still stroking his beard in thought, Iago looked at Henry.

“As you know, Your Highness, exploration voyages require a vast amount of capital. Although Castile and Aragon are larger and more powerful than our Portugal, they don’t have that level of capital yet.”

At Iago’s words, Henry’s eyes began to sparkle.

“So it’s those Genoese bastards after all?”

“It’s the most likely possibility. Those Castilian and Aragonese fools are hopeless when it comes to money calculations.”

“That’s right.”

Henry nodded at Iago’s words.


During the Reconquista, Portugal had been considerably more conciliatory towards Jews and Muslims compared to the united kingdom of Castile and Aragon (hereafter referred to as Espania). Unlike Espania, where it was unconditional expulsion or death, in Portugal, they could reside if they nominally converted to Catholicism.

As a result, with the annihilation of the capable economic class and the destruction of economic infrastructure, Espania had to entrust its economic management to Genoese merchants.

This was turning the relationship between Espania and Genoa into one of mutual symbiosis.


“Shall we strike at Genoa?”

Henry looked at Iago and proposed attacking Genoa. At Henry’s words, Iago shook his head.

“The losses would outweigh the gains. It’s better for us to find allies to unite with.”

“Allies to unite with… Venice?”

At Henry’s words, Iago nodded and added more.

“It would be even better if we could bring in Florence as well.”


After pondering for a moment at Iago’s words, Henry soon made a decision.

“Prepare people to send to Venice and Florence.”

“Yes, Your Highness.”


Florence. The Medici estate.

“My lord. Prince Henry has sent a messenger.”

“Show him in.”

A moment later, the messenger sent by Henry entered the room and paid his respects to Cosimo.

“It is an honor to meet the great Cosimo di Giovanni de’ Medici.”

“You must be tired from your long journey.”

Cosimo responded lightly and went straight to the point.

“So~ What message has Prince Henry sent? I think it’s because of Espania, isn’t it?”

“Yes. He wishes to have an urgent discussion with you about that matter.”

The messenger took out a letter written by Henry from his breast and held it out.

Cosimo received the letter through a servant standing between them, broke the seal, and began to read the contents carefully.

Although it was filled with all sorts of flowery phrases, the content of the letter was simple.

-Invest in me!


Putting down the letter, Cosimo quietly calculated the profits and losses.

‘According to information sent by spies, Henry has also sent people to Venice. Venice would be a pretty good choice since they build ships well. Especially since everyone from the Doge to the council members would grind their teeth at the mention of Genoa, it would be even better. Plus, they’re probably thinking of sending or bringing back a large number of glassmakers to Joseon. The question is whether Henry can safely find a new sea route. And while he’s still alive. If not, we might not even recover the principal of our investment.’

The reason Cosimo was hesitating was that Joseon goods were already steadily coming in through Alexandria.


After the Joseon people themselves found Alexandria, ships regularly traveled between Joseon and Alexandria.

With ships coming and going at intervals of 6-8 months, merchants thought they would be able to obtain goods made in the “Land of Flowers” cheaply.

However, all the merchants’ expectations were off the mark.

Although ships were coming and going regularly, demand still far exceeded supply.

In simple terms, goods from Joseon were steadily coming in, but nobles who had not yet obtained Joseon-made items – especially high-priced crystal products – were swarming both in Islamic territories and Europe.

Not only crystal products but other glass products and porcelain products also emptied the nobles’ wallets with their superior quality. No, it wasn’t just the nobles’ wallets. Because even the mid-to-low-priced products were of quite good quality, there was steady demand.

Looking at the current situation, not only the Italian city-states but even middle-class households in cities belonging to the Hanseatic League had at least one or two decent Joseon products.

It was a situation where if you didn’t have at least one or two Joseon-made items in your home or on your person, you were treated like a country bumpkin.

Especially for a man who wanted to be stylish, a chailgyeong was essential, and for women, it was fashionable to wear an (ear-muff) in winter and a jeonmo (a triangular cone hat) in other seasons.

Of course, as Joseon products became fashionable, many imitations circulated. However, due to the quality guarantee that made Joseon known as the ‘Land of Flowers’, those who used imitations were treated even worse than those who had nothing.

To keep up with this trend, Venetian glassmakers produced Joseon-style glassware, and some people imported porcelain products from Ming. However, all these imported products were recognized as one grade below Joseon products.

This was because they lacked the quality guarantee that was always attached to Joseon products. Even Venice had its own quality assurance from the craftsmen’s guild, but it was falling behind because it wasn’t state-certified.


‘With goods steadily coming in through Alexandria like this, would a detour that will certainly take more time be profitable?’

As he continued to ponder, Cosimo looked at the map and muttered softly.

“I see…”

‘Alexandria will become a powder keg.’

Alexandria was where goods from Joseon were first released. Only after goods were released in Alexandria could they spread to Islamic territories or Europe.

As a result, Alexandria was enjoying an enormous boom. It was said that every time Joseon goods came in and out, rivers of gold flowed through the streets of Alexandria.

This Alexandria was a mouthwatering city for anyone to see. Even the Mamluk Sultanate, which currently ruled Alexandria, knew this and was strengthening its defenses, but the Ottoman Empire in the east was regaining its strength.

Even a three-year-old child would know that the Ottoman Empire wouldn’t just sit back and watch Alexandria.

‘Of course, such a thing probably won’t happen within 10-20 years, but you never know. It’s too late to look for a solution after things have already happened.’

Thinking about the recent political situation in the eastern Mediterranean and the Middle East, Cosimo slowly began to lean towards accepting Henry’s proposal.

After pondering for a long time, Cosimo said to the messenger.

“It’s difficult to give an answer right away. I’ll send a messenger as soon as a decision is made. Tell the Prince that I deeply appreciate his good proposal.”

“I understand.”

After sending the messenger away, Medici immediately summoned the merchants of his family.

The merchants debated over Henry’s proposal. After quite a long time of heated arguments, Cosimo finally concluded.

“We accept Henry’s proposal!”


As Cosimo accepted Henry’s proposal, Henry’s movements also accelerated.

The state-owned shipyards in Venice began building carracks to explore the west coast of Africa.

The carracks built this way were manned by sailors hired in Venice, and they headed towards Henry with funds supported by Cosimo.

Thus, Henry’s exploration began to progress at a faster pace than in the history before Hyang’s intervention.


If Portugal was stimulated by Espania’s movements and showed radical steps, the opposite was also true.

“Those Portuguese bastards are moving faster than expected!”

“We need to move quickly too!”

A ship-building competition had broken out between Portugal and Espania.

And the movements of these two countries caused a chain reaction.

“Now is not the time to waste time on negotiations!”

“It’s time to end negotiations for the sake of negotiation!”

This chapter is updat𝓮d by freē

England and France began to speed up negotiations on ending the war.

They too had eyes and ears, and thinking heads, so they couldn’t miss the value of the sea route to Joseon.

Meanwhile, another movement began to appear in the Middle East.

“It’s not like we have to go by ship, right?”

“That’s right!”

People began to dream of reviving the “Silk Road” that had disappeared into history.


While they were moving so busily in the west, far from Joseon, there were also people moving busily within Joseon.