Black Corporation: Joseon-Chapter 333

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Chapter 333

As spring arrived in the year of Imja and the weather warmed up, the clothes of those working in the palace became lighter and more colorful.

No, it wasn’t just those working in the palace. Even outside, those with some means began to wear clothes with bright colors as they went about their business.

At this time, Hyang in Eastern Palace was burning with fighting spirit.

“The time has finally come!”


When Hyang first started his serious fandom activities, there was one thing he decided on first.

“No matter what, I’m going to make flush toilets and reform clothing!”

For Hyang, these two things were issues that had to be resolved.

In the 21st century, except when in the military, flush toilets were like air. Life without flush toilets was unimaginable.

The clothing reform issue was also connected to this. The long, flowing Dragon’s Robe worn as the outermost layer was always an obstacle.

Of the two, the flush toilet weighed more heavily, so Hyang used all sorts of clever tricks to create a toilet at the time.

These flush toilets quickly began to take root not only in the palace but also in the homes of nobles and well-off commoners.

Although there was the inconvenience of having to fill the water tank before and after use, it was definitely more comfortable compared to the previous outhouses.

As flush toilets became commonplace, they were upgraded from iron toilets to ceramic ones when pottery kilns were built in Area 51.

In the process of making ceramic toilets, something happened that made Hyang unable to laugh or cry.

“Why are these toilets broken?”

“Even if it’s something that goes into the privy, it’s for use by His Majesty. How could we present such low-quality items that don’t even meet my standards?”

At the head potter’s answer, Hyang examined the broken toilets.

“There’s nothing particularly wrong with them… Is this a cliché?”

Tilting his head, Hyang asked the head potter again.

“Do you break other pottery like this too if you’re not satisfied with it, not just toilets?”

“No, Your Highness. If it comes out of the kiln without cracking, even low-quality items can serve their purpose. So, we use them for the servants or give them as gifts to neighbors.”

“I see…”

Muttering softly, Hyang ordered the head potter.

“Even if it doesn’t fully meet your standards, if it comes out of the kiln without cracking and serves its function, just present it as is.”

“That cannot be! How can we commit such an insolent act for something His Majesty will use!”

“There are no eyes on one’s behind. As long as it’s not too bad, send it to the palace.”


“It’s an order.”

At Hyang’s firm command, the head craftsman had to take a step back.

“I understand, Your Highness.”

As ceramic toilets were placed in all palaces in Hanseong starting with Gyeongbokgung Palace, and in provincial temporary palaces, ceramic toilets began to slowly spread outside the palace walls as well.

Before long, as word spread to Ming and Japan, merchants began to quietly place orders.

As soon as merchants started placing orders, it was natural for the royal workshop to immediately engrave plum blossoms on the toilets.


Unlike the development and distribution of toilets, which received a lot of attention, clothing reform had barely been touched.

There were several reasons why clothing reform hadn’t been done, but the two main reasons were:

One was that people had become accustomed to it. Although the Dragon’s Robe was cumbersome, they solved the problem by taking it off completely when using the toilet. Without the Dragon’s Robe, the baji and jeogori were surprisingly wearable.

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Whenever he thought about clothing, Hyang would mutter habitually:

“It’s wearable, but not comfortable… That’s the problem…”

The other reason was the issue with Ming. This was because Ming had designated the clothing for the king’s Dragon’s Robe and the ministers’ court official’s daily uniform.

Because of this history, Hyang couldn’t speed up clothing reform and only waited for the right time.

However, every time he saw the officials coming in and out of Gyeongbokgung Palace, Hyang kept grumbling.

“They’re not little Teletubbies or anything… Green, pink, blue, orange… Their individuality is overflowing.”

Because they wore colorful court official’s daily uniform following Ming’s example, the colors of the officials’ uniforms varied. At least yellow was omitted as it was the emperor’s color, and only the red of the dragon robes worn by the king and crown prince was missing.

In this situation, the only way to confirm the officials’ ranks was the belt worn at the waist.

Although they distinguished officials’ ranks by wearing belts made of different materials according to their grade, it wasn’t an easy task.

Because of this, there was talk of slowly looking for other methods.

As such talk began to emerge, Hyang started to burn with fighting spirit.


Although he had made up his mind, there were many obstacles to putting it into action.

“Every time I think about it, there are too many types of clothes that need to be properly prepared…”

Hyang licked his lips as he went through the types of clothes that not only King Sejong but also he himself had to change into at certain times.

First, there was the gold crown ceremonial attire (geumgwan jobok) worn on festive days or major events,

And the sacrificial attire (jebok) worn by officiating priests and attendants during ancestral rites at Jongmyo and Sajik shrines.

Starting with these, there was the official uniform worn for general duties, the official uniform worn for events that weren’t significant enough for the gold crown ceremonial attire but still required attendance, clothes worn when escorting the king on official outings, and so on.

If one were to dress properly, at least 4-5 types of official uniforms had to be prepared.

“Is this why even kings wore hand-me-downs?”

In any case, it was certain that changing all these official outfits at once would face enormous resistance.

In the end, Hyang had no choice but to choose the next best option.

“Let’s start with the place where I can’t be criticized even if I make changes!”

The place Hyang decided to start with was the military.


As the reforms progressed, and after experiencing the Gyu Rebellion and Yi Manchu’s Rebellion, as well as dealing with pirates at sea, the military came to trust Hyang absolutely.

To put it exaggeratedly, they came to worship him almost to the level of a religion.

Based on this trust from the military, Hyang began to work on military uniforms and boots first.

“Did you say military uniform, Your Highness? Do you mean the battle robe (jeonpo)?”

“Similar, but a bit different.”

At a meeting attended by all the top commanders of the Ministry of National Defense and the Joint Chiefs of Staff, including Jo Mal-saeng, Hyang began to explain the new concept of military uniforms.

“Until now, if we look at the attire of our Joseon soldiers, it’s exactly the same as the commoners outside the military camp. They wear the same baji and jeogori. What distinguishes soldiers from commoners is that military officers wear battle robes, and enlisted men wear kwaejas (another type of garment). Of course, they put on armor over this when battle breaks out.”

At Hyang’s explanation, everyone in the military nodded. Seeing that the response wasn’t bad, Hyang gradually put more strength into his voice.

“Military spirit is the lifeblood of the army. The way to boost this military spirit is through thorough training, adequate compensation, and pride. Pride in protecting this Joseon!”

At Hyang’s words, Jo Mal-saeng immediately asked a question.

“Your Highness’s words are correct, but what does this have to do with military uniforms?”

“It does. If their attire is indistinguishable from commoners outside the military camp, will anyone look at soldiers as special?”


At Hyang’s point, all those attending the meeting fell into deep thought.

‘It does make sense…’

“Do you perhaps have a physical sample, Your Highness?”

“I have prepared one.”

Hyang, who answered immediately, gestured to a court eunuch.

A moment later, a group of military officers and soldiers in unfamiliar attire entered.


Jo Mal-saeng and the high-ranking commanders let out small exclamations as they saw the outfits worn by the officers and soldiers.

It was vastly different from the clothing they had worn until now, but it exuded a different kind of charm.

The military uniform designed by Hyang was based on the infantry and cavalry uniforms of the Korean Empire army.

However, not everything was the same. While the Korean Empire army infantry uniform was black, Hyang’s was dark green.

“The green is for infantry, and the reddish-brown is for cavalry.”


Jo Mal-saeng, who had approached to examine the uniforms closely, turned to Hyang.

“Did you completely cover the chest, Your Highness?”

Hyang nodded at Jo Mal-saeng’s words.

“Yes. We need to block the cold wind that enters through the front opening.”

“That’s right!”

Jo Mal-saeng nodded vigorously at Hyang’s words. The winter wind, not only in this land of Joseon but also in that cursed Manchuria, was terrifying. No matter how well one closed the front of their baji and jeogori or battle robe, the cold wind that slowly crept in was a monster that killed people.

“This is for spring and autumn, and this is the summer uniform.”

The summer uniform was based on a safari jacket.

After the introduction of the winter uniform – including coat and padded jacket – was finished, Jo Mal-saeng and the high-ranking officers fell into deep thought.

“It does look quite good…”

“But it’s too different.” ƒree𝑤ebnσ

“That’s the problem.”

Falling into choice paralysis, the military eventually made the most orthodox choice.

-First, select a small number of units to test it out.

Hearing the military’s conclusion, Hyang licked his lips slightly and muttered.

“Tsk… Even if you can’t fill your stomach with the first spoonful…”

“Um, Your Highness…”


Hyang, who had been licking his lips, turned his body at the sound of someone calling him. There, the naval commanders were gathered, looking at him.

“Is there no uniform for the navy?”

“Ah! There is! I’ve prepared it!”

What Hyang showed them was the sailor uniform with a proud history and tradition, along with blue jeans and a blue shirt.


Following the military’s decision, several units were selected to enter the trial.

The first reaction of the soldiers and officers who received the newly made uniforms and boots designed by Hyang was fierce criticism.

“Damn it! The baji and jeogori that you just need to tie with a string are more comfortable!”

“That’s right! That’s right! Why are there so many buttons!”

Complaints targeting the buttons that replaced the tie strings largely disappeared as time passed and people got used to them.

What followed was a sense of superiority: “I am different from others.”

What gave them this sense of superiority were the villagers around the unit’s stationed area.


“Oh my! That must be the new military uniform!”

“Indeed! It’s really unique!”

At first, they only felt it was unique, but before long, the residents felt something else.

“Somehow… It feels a bit different, doesn’t it?”

“You’re right. It feels a bit overwhelming…”

“Is he a great general?”

The residents were gradually becoming intimidated by the inexplicable pressure emanating from the soldiers wearing the uniforms.

In contrast, the young maidens nearby glanced at the soldiers and whispered.

“Doesn’t it look manly?”

“Yes, yes!”

“And they look so tall!”

The girls whispered as they looked at the soldiers who exuded a strange charm, unlike the boys of the same age watching nearby.


Unlike the loose designs that the people of Joseon had been accustomed to seeing until then, the military uniform designed by Hyang emphasized the shoulder and waist lines.

As a result, the soldiers wearing these uniforms emphasized a stronger masculine charm.

And the “tall stature” mentioned by the girls was also partly due to the military boots worn by the soldiers.