Black Corporation: Joseon-Chapter 324

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Episode 324: Those who wait, those who move. (One)

Two months before the biggest event that occurred in Joseon in the 13th year of King Sejong’s reign (1431, the year of the New Year), Hyang’s death.

In the Forbidden City in Beijing, the capital of the Ming Dynasty, an envoy from Joseon was reporting to Emperor Xiande.

“… That is all.”

After reporting on coordination of diplomatic issues arising between Ming and Joseon and other administrative duties, Emperor Seondeok praised the envoy.

“Good work. The king and his subjects of Joseon are very picky and never take a loss, so they have achieved good results. “Once again, you did a great job.”

“I don’t know what to do with the undeserved praise. Everything comes from the blessings of His Majesty the Emperor. Long live, long live, long live!”

In response to Emperor Seondeok’s death, the envoys praised Emperor Seondeok by shouting three cheers.

Emperor Seondeok, who smiled slightly as if he didn’t like seeing the envoy like that, asked the envoy a question.

“I heard that many things are changing in Joseon. “Have you seen anything?”

“I have it.”

Emperor Seondeok’s eyes lit up at the envoy’s answer.

“Hoo? “Okay, what was it?”

“There was an object called an iron horse wandering around Hanseong.”

“Iron horse?”

“yes. According to the interpreter… .”

The envoy who had been to Joseon began talking endlessly about trains.

“Hmm… .”

While listening to the envoy’s explanation with a face full of curiosity, Emperor Seondeok immediately asked questions if he had any questions.

“Yes, it is truly amazing. When you say it’s an iron horse, is it really as fast as a horse?”

“It’s not that fast, but it’s a little faster than a person running at full speed.”

“Is that so? You say you are transporting people, but how many people are you transporting?”

“It moves on two large carts with about 100 people on them.”

“Is that so? Hmm… .”

After hearing the envoy’s explanation, Emperor Seondeok made a light snort and was lost in thought, and the assistant cabinet secretary joined in the conversation.

“your majesty. According to the reaper’s words, it appears to be a very useful piece. Wouldn’t it be better to command the King of Joseon to give it to him?”

Emperor Seondeok lightly nodded at Subo’s words, but did not make a decision right away.

After contemplating alone for a while, Emperor Seondeok came to a conclusion.

“It is not time yet. It is considered more appropriate to use such iron horses to connect castles to castles rather than moving them around the city. However, according to what the messenger said, it was a little faster than a person running, and the number of people it could carry at one time was around 100. Even if we introduce this, it will not be of much benefit to our empire.”

Emperor Seondeok, who came to a negative conclusion, asked the envoy again.

“Hmm… . “Among those who developed this, there must have been a Crown Prince of Joseon, right?”

“I heard so. Words of praise for the Crown Prince were coming from all directions.”

“I guess so. Because people like Nangjungjichu (囊中之錐) and Gungye Ilhak (群鷄一鶴) were crown princes of Joseon.”

Emperor Seondeok nodded, recalling the image of incense in his memory, and came to a clear conclusion.

“The crown prince of Joseon would not be satisfied with that iron horse. Of course, we will make a better iron horse and actually use it. “I’m waiting for that time.”

The Cabinet Secretary objected to Emperor Seondeok’s words.

“From the report, the iron horse appears to be a piece of equipment with a fairly high level of technology. When an iron horse that is more advanced than what it is now is released, will Joseon respond?”

In response to the Cabinet Secretary’s point, Emperor Seondeok explained the reason.

“Joseon has no choice but to respond. “Our Ming can cut off Joseon, but Joseon cannot cut off Ming.”

“This is Joseon, which is constantly looking for opportunities.”

“It is natural for countries that have become vassals to try to escape that position. However, the current situation in Joseon makes that impossible. Assistant Cabinet Secretary, I have a question.”

“Please ask your questions, Your Majesty.”

“Isn’t commerce active between our Ming and Joseon Dynasty now?”

“That’s right. ah!”

The cabinet secretary, who was answering Emperor Seondeok’s question, looked at Emperor Seondeok with an exclamation. Emperor Seondeok smiled at the sight of the assistant cabinet secretary.

“I think you noticed. The growing commerce between our Ming and Joseon means that wealth is accumulating among the people of Joseon. As people learn about the joy that wealth brings, they want more and more wealth. This means that Joseon’s situation is like riding a tiger. You can’t stop what you’re doing. If there were no way to obtain wealth, Joseon would immediately collapse. And, the hilt of that sword is held by my name.”

Seondeokje, who lifted the teacup next to him and slightly quenched his throat, continued speaking.

“As the simplest example, the Cabinet Secretary probably received a report on rice being sold from Gangnam to Joseon, right?”

“Yes, Your Majesty.”

In response to Emperor Seondeok’s question, the cabinet secretary immediately nodded.

* * *

Although production continued to increase as King Sejong’s reforms progressed, Joseon was unable to achieve self-sufficiency.

To be precise, as the people gained more money and their food consumption increased significantly – it was almost hereditary for the Joseon people to eat gluttonously – they were in a situation where they had to continue to import rice in large quantities.

Thanks to this, many of the landowners in the Gangnam area were making a profit by growing rice that suited the tastes of Koreans.

* * *

“The people of Joseon, who have gained wealth, are looking for white rice, and Joseon has to keep importing rice to give to the wealthy Jurchen people. If we block this transaction right now, Joseon will face a real crisis of ruin. “Isn’t that right?”

To Emperor Seondeok’s question, the Cabinet Secretary bowed his head and answered.

“That’s right. “The people are dissatisfied, but the Yeojin bastards will not remain silent.”


Emperor Seondeok quenched his thirst with his teacup again and continued speaking with a relaxed expression.

“These days, Joseon seems to be trading with the western region through the sea, but our biggest trading partner is still our people. As long as our name holds Joseon’s leash, Joseon has no choice but to follow our lead.”

“So it is.”

The Cabinet Secretary also agreed with Emperor Seondeok’s conclusion.

It was then. One of the officials who had been listening to the conversation between Emperor Seondeok and the Cabinet Secretary came forward, bowed his head, and opened his mouth.

“your majesty. “I may be presumptuous, but I am reporting this to Your Majesty.”


“Your Majesty’s shrine (the king’s will) is truly right. However, what Sosin is concerned about is that Joseon uses such equipment. For a device that is that magical, the technology involved must also be of a high level. Of course, it would be okay to call not only the objects but also the craftsmen, but there is a high possibility that there would be no way to know even if the craftsmen harbor unscrupulous intentions. Therefore, I think we need to bring in a moving iron horse even if we don’t have one right now. “I think it is right to bring it in and have our craftsmen look at it and study it to create a more advanced iron horse.”

Emperor Seondeok immediately responded to the official’s words.

“What you say makes sense. However, now most of the outstanding craftsmen are in the hands of merchants. Although Jim, the owner of this name, is truly embarrassed to say it. I can trust the merchants of Joseon, but I cannot trust the merchants in our name. How much money will he make for making a high-level iron horse, and how much will he have to pay for it after it is completed? “Rather, it would be considered more reasonable to receive it as tribute from Joseon or purchase it through negotiation.”

“ah… .”

The cabinet assistants, officials, and eunuchs who had been groaning in sorrow at Emperor Seondeok’s words immediately shouted with all their might.

“your majesty! “Please forgive the gods for their disloyalty!”

“Please forgive the gods for their mortal sins!”

In response to the cries of officials and eunuchs, Emperor Seondeok lightly waved his hand.

“Stand up. “I have no intention of holding you guilty yet.”

“Hwang Eun is devastated!”

“Long live, long live, long live, Your Majesty the Emperor!”

Those who stood up all expressed their gratitude and chanted three cheers.

When the shouts for national independence subsided, Emperor Seondeok settled the situation.

“Let’s conclude the Iron Horse matter by waiting.”

“I follow your orders.”

“Then let’s move on. The problem of counterfeit banknotes still hasn’t been solved?”

“We have now discovered the gang who planned this and are tracking them down.”

Emperor Seondeok’s expression became fierce at the assistant cabinet secretary’s answer.

This chapt𝒆r is updated by frёewebηovel.cѳm.

“Thoroughly get back to your roots. “So that I can never dream of doing something like this again.”

“I follow your orders!”

“Especially those who leaked the design, regardless of their status, destroy the 10 clans. “They are high treason criminals who were blinded by personal gain and tried to undermine the foundation of the country.”

The head of the cabinet responded in cold sweat to Emperor Seondeok’s cruel punishment.

“I honor your orders.”

“Hmm… . By the way, is there still no solution to the printing problem?”

“I’m sorry, but I still… .”

“What a disappointment.”

Hearing Emperor Seondeok’s words, the head of the cabinet immediately shouted with all his might.

“Forgive me! “I will do my best to get back to you with an answer as quickly as possible.”

In response to the assistant cabinet secretary’s desperate response, Emperor Seondeok ordered in an indifferent voice.

“I will give you fifteen days. Can’t you get an answer by then? “At that time, I will hold everyone involved, including the police officer, accountable.”

“I will do my best!”

Emperor Seondeok, upon hearing the desperate reply from the assistant cabinet secretary, stood up from his throne.

“Let’s leave it here for today.”

* * *

When the meeting attended by the emperor ended, the officials and eunuchs left the Munhwajeon (文華殿).

Those who returned to their offices discussed the orders of Emperor Seondeok.

“The most urgent problem is the typography of banknotes. Has a solution been found?”

The bachelors answered the Cabinet Secretary’s question with gloomy faces.

“We trained craftsmen belonging to the palace and government to make the typefaces with as much precision as possible, but the craftsmen brought by the merchants were able to copy them right away.”

“this… .”

The Cabinet Secretary looked embarrassed at the bachelors’ answers and muttered.

* * *

Ming, who was impressed by Joseon’s banknote operation, also began diligent preparations to operate new banknotes.

The practitioners of the Ming Dynasty made steady preparations by referring to the process carried out in Joseon, and the preparation process went smoothly.

However, the preparation process, which proceeded smoothly, soon encountered a large reef and was in danger of running aground.

What put them in crisis was the problem of currency printing.

When the design was first decided, the war of words over the number of dragons to be included in the currency was an issue that seemed laughable.

The people in charge frowned when they saw the printing type created by bringing together craftsmen working in the imperial court and government offices and the results.

“I feel like I’m lacking somehow?”

“yes? Would you say it looks a bit crude compared to the Joseon Dynasty?”

“Let’s look at your hands again.”

Those in charge who were dissatisfied with the results began working on improvements. After several rounds of trial and error, when a somewhat decent result was achieved, the people in charge breathed a sigh of relief.

“Whoa~. “This is worth it!”

“Prepare to report to Your Majesty!”

When they were relieved, a counterfeit incident occurred. Counterfeit currency that had not yet been distributed, and counterfeit currency of such a high standard that it appeared to be the genuine article, began to circulate in the market.

“This is impossible without an internal leak! Find out those involved! Also, arrest all those who printed counterfeit bills!”

Following the orders of the enraged Emperor Seondeok, a large number of Dongchang and Geumgun troops were mobilized and a large-scale investigation began.

As a result, a famous merchant in Beijing and the officials who had received bribes from him were caught one after another.

However, Emperor Seondeok’s anger did not subside easily.

“How bad are they at making authentic printing presses that they can’t tell the difference between counterfeit and pneumatic currency? Let’s find an alternative right away! If you don’t, I will hold you responsible!”

In response to Emperor Seondeok’s terrifying orders, the officials once again instructed craftsmen to make type. However, the results were not as good as I told the Assistant Cabinet Secretary.

No matter how hard the imperial and government artisans tried, the artisans owned by private merchants were able to copy them immediately.

* * *


The Cabinet Secretary sighed after receiving the reports from those in charge.

“We have to find the answer within 15 days, but this is the only way…” .”

In response to the assistant cabinet secretary’s complaint, another official opened his mouth.

“There is nothing we can do about it now. “I think we should rely on Joseon.”

“In Joseon? “Do we really have to do that?”

The speaker responded firmly to the Assistant Cabinet Secretary’s words.

“This is Joseon currency that has never been counterfeited, no, it has never been counterfeited. The only answer is Joseon. “Now is not the time to worry about pride.”

“Damn… .”

He was a cabinet leader who was swearing without realizing it.

* * *

Author’s words.


This is Gukppong, who uses Black Enterprise Chosun.

I am truly grateful for the encouragement from my readers.

I will work harder and write more interesting articles in the future. freёweɓ

Posted with soup.